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Interdimensional specifically refers to the movement between dimensions. Technically, what is moving is energy. It is moving from one dimensional state to another.

Everything in the universe is energy, even living beings. Human beings have the ability to perceive and embody different dimensional states of being, under certain conditions.

Technically all living beings are made of (more or less compressed) energy and based on certain factors, therefore potentially have the ability to exist in or move between other dimensions.

A human being, an experience, an energy, or an energetic state that is interdimensional has the ability to exist in more than one dimension, has the capability of moving between dimensions, has the ability to perceive between dimensions, and/or has the ability to be in one dimension but access another.

The Interdimensional Movement of Energy is Based on Sacred Geometries

In moving interdimensionally, energy is in some way shifting form, or shifting its internal structure to adjust to the new parameters of the dimension it’s moving to.

I say shifting its internal structure because all energy is structured to meet the specific parameters of its dimensional layer. These structures are what we call sacred geometries.

These geometric forms are called sacred because they operate and obey Divine Principles and are an integral aspect of the upholding of Divine Law.

Universal Law is the name of the expression of Divine Principles and Divine Law within our Universe.

Physics is simply the embodiment of aspects of Divine Law into form.

Human Beings and the Interdimensional Experience

As human beings our perception can also be interdimensional. Human bodies are built with the innate and God gifted technology of being able to experience interdimensional energy as part of our nature.

Many human beings perceive these geometric structures. Some of us can see them clairvoyantly, some bring them into being through mental analysis and mathematics, some can ‘feel’ or sense them. Human beings have the ability to not only perceive these geometries, but to manipulate them also.

And in doing so, human beings have the ability to influence, shift and change their own lives and ultimately the state of being of the world.

We Can Define Interdimensional as:

  • Moving through the dimensions:  it refers to the ability of both human beings and extraterrestrials and galactic beings to move from one dimensional state to another;
  • Moving from one dimensional state to another:  move from a lower frequency state to a higher frequency state (and dimension), or move from a higher frequency state to a lower frequency state (and dimension);
  • The ability to expand or lighten into a higher dimension: such as moving from the 3rd/4th dimensional state to a fifth dimensional state;
  • The ability to compress or densify into a lower dimension:  such as moving from a 7th dimensional state to a fifth dimensional one, or a third dimensional state to a second dimensional one.

All of the Following Describe the State of Being Interdimensional:

  • The ability to move from one dimensional state to another,
  • The ability to perceive movement from one dimensional state to another,
  • The ability to perceive activity in one dimension from another,
  • Existing in a dimension, or dimensional layer, while interacting with another,
  • The understanding of how to move from one dimensional state to the other.

How Interdimensional Movement is Undertaken by a Living Being:

  • Temporarily presenting as ‘physical’ but fully remembering another dimension, or dimensional layer, and it’s qualities, nature, properties and characteristics.
  • Having the ability to ‘bi-locate’ using bi-location techniques (bilocate using bilocation techniques) into another dimensional state from within your ‘home’ dimensional state of being.
  • Having the ability to bi-locate using bi-location techniques (to bilocate using bilocation techniques).
  •  Traveling astrally as if on a string attached to the human form (within the fourth dimension – within 4D).

Links: See also The Difference in Physics: Galactic Lightship (5D+) and Human/Extraterrestrial (3D/4D) and Lightships, Galactics, Harmlessness and Physics.

Humans Are Interdimensional 

Humans can be compressed dimensionally or they can be more expanded dimensionally.

Examples of human beings existing in a lower dimensional state would be those humans who commit inhuman acts and atrocities, or who are psychopathic or sociopathic.

Examples of human beings existing in a higher dimensional state would be monks achieving enlightenment, Tibetan monks achieving a ‘rainbow body’, or an average person while meditating.

Links: For more see Interdimensional and What Are the Dimensions?

Humans Can Perceive the Dimensions From Within Their Third Dimensional Physical Form

Humans can perceived compressed or lower dimensional states and they can perceive more expanded or higher dimensional states.

Examples of human beings perceiving a lower dimensional state would be perceiving a scary ghost or frightening disembodied sound or feeling a strong negative energy or feeling the emotion of terror.

Examples of human beings perceiving a higher dimensional state would be perceiving an angelic presence, feeling the glory of God in your heart, witnessing miracles, experiencing incredible awe and wonder.

Links: For more see 4D People Images and Entities Revealed in Photos Through New Technology.

Bi-Location Versus Astral Travel

Bi-location (bilocation) is the ability to hold a higher dimensional state of being in one’s consciousness, and then move that ‘lightbody’ or perception point of consciousness to a lower or higher dimensional state.

Astral travel is the movement within the fourth dimensional (astral realm or 4D) of a living human being extending their astral energy from their body and perceiving from that point of extension.

Love, Solaris

Links: For more see The Fourth Dimension is Not a Tesseract Geometry Commentary By Solaris Modalis and Dark to Light: On Being Human and Transmuting Dark Influences on Humanity the Sun at the Eclipse.

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© 2017-2020 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated; color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. Sections of this article appeared in my April 3, 2017 posting This article was originally published on September 19, 2019 at

Featured image licensed from by Trina Christian.

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.