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The Difference in Physics: Galactic Lightship (5D+) and Human/Extraterrestrial (3D/4D)

“The physics is point to point. There is no time and space.”

~ Solaris Modalis

My Discussion of Galactic Physics with Alex Clark

In this video, I have a discussion with my friend Alex Clark about physics. We talk about how physics differs between the third, fourth dimensions and fifth (and higher) dimensions.

I explain how a lightship (cloud ship or galactic UFO) manifests into our atmosphere.  And, I discuss the point to point physics of movement, how this works and how this comes into play for galactic vessels coming into Earth – Gaia’s atmosphere.

We discuss the physics of the third dimension, the physics of the fourth dimension, the physics of the fifth dimension (and higher dimensions).

We also discuss force, resonance and point to point communication and movements. I explain how point to point movement works through example.

Force: The Physics of Third and Fourth Dimensional Movement

I recently had a discussion with my friend Alex Clark, and she asked me how higher dimensional galactic UFOs, particularly lightships or cloud ships, come in to our atmosphere.

What she asked was do they need to be capable of generating an incredible amount of force so that they can shift from the higher dimension that they are at into the lower dimension of our Earth atmosphere?

I explained to Alex that force is not needed because this is not the physics that they use. Force is not used in their motion, and force is not used to change dimensional state.

To illustrate this, I throw my crystal bracelet shaped like an infinity symbol across my desk.

Simply put, this is an expression of force. The force is what moves the bracelet and it’s crystals forward. Force is what causes it to fly through the air and across my desk.

The application of force to initiate and create changes in movement applies to the third and fourth dimensions. This is where this physics operates.

The Fourth Dimension, Redefined

In my view, the fourth dimension is the non-physical component to the third dimension. I discussed the fourth dimension in this article, Light Spectrums Just Beyond Our Ability to See With the Human Eye.  In this article, we discuss a video where 4th dimensional energies and entities are revealed that can be seen by the human eye with the assistance of technology:

I term this energy that is being revealed, in the video 4D People, Energy and Entities Revealed in Photos Through New Technology, as fourth dimensional, or ‘4D’.  It is the next layer up in dimension from the third dimension.

I have defined the fourth dimension in other articles, including Building Our Discernment Ability. Here is a quote from that article:

Both psychic phenomena and advanced wireless technology are fourth dimensionalI define fourth dimensional as “the non-physical” and qualified by an environment of duality (good-bad, right-wrong, dark-light, etc.). ~ Solaris Modalis

Depending on the qualities of the phenomena or technology, we may feel a range of emotions from feeling elated and excited to feeling the hairs raise up on our skin.

By the way, human beings are fourth dimensional as well – our bodies are physical, or third dimensional, but all our other important aspects, such as our emotions and our thoughts and our existence (in time) and so on, are non-physical, i.e., fourth dimensional.

Of course there are higher dimensions than the fourth.  for the time being, I define these higher dimensions, the fifth dimension and higher, as being non-physical dimensions of non-duality.

This basic definition conveys the difference between the non-physical environments of the fourth and the fifth dimension.  Most of the non-physical in our world today, has been fourth dimensional.

However, with the expansion of human consciousness, and our solar system moving to a new area of the galaxy, the non-physical fifth dimension is appearing more frequently, both in the world around us, and in our human energy fields.

I provide these definitions of dimensions and our experience with their frequencies as a basis to couch our discernment of the non-physical in particular.

~ Solaris Modalis

Our Fourth Dimensional Experience

In my view, in much of the fourth dimension, especially the layers closest to the third dimension, the physics is the same. Thus in the fourth dimension, force works as an instrument of physics.

Yes the fourth dimension is the realm of time. But it is so much more than this.

In my view, emotions, thoughts, dreams, ghosts, many psychic experiences, and many entities are fourth dimensional. Many of these non-physical areas are integral to human function, such as emotions, thoughts and dreams. This is to a large extent why I feel that the physics works the same in this dimension. I feel that the fourth dimension is integral to the operation of the third dimensional life.

With the increase in light on the planet, with the increase in human consciousness, more people are experiencing the fourth dimension, both in their private spiritual / mental / emotional worlds.

But more people I feel are experiencing the fourth dimensional realm as a part of their daily living, in their ability to have visual sightings of some phenomena. I feel that human perception is expanding, with the expansion in human consciousness, and this includes the visual perception capabilities of our eyes.

The Physics of Technology That is Fifth Dimensional in Nature

Galactic lightships do not ‘motor’ across the galaxy and then shift dimensions using force. A key reason for this is that force does not exist in the dimensions they exist in.

There are two core concepts of fifth dimensional technology that we cover in this video:

Fifth dimensional technology is conscious.

  • This technology operates in concert with the being(s) operating it through both resonance and inner connection.

The movement of fifth dimensional technology is point to point.

  • Working consciously with the technology, in point to point communication, the fifth dimensional starship manifests from light into a thicker light spectrum to appear into our reality.

I go into more detail on how this works in the video. We are discussing a new type of technology used on Earth by the galactics of higher dimensions.

A Comparison With Secret Space Program and Advanced Extraterrestrial Technologies

I believe that this type of technology is beyond what the Secret Space Program functions with.

Their technology in my view was gained from interactions with technologically advanced fourth dimensional extraterrestrials. Although in some of its operations, this technology may appear to defy the laws of physics, in my view it does not.

In my view it is highly likely that SSP technology operates under the laws of physics of the third and fourth dimensions. It’s just that most of our science hasn’t thought of these aspects of physics before now.

The New Technologies: What Will the Future Hold?

What this means is that there are technological advancements that our world can make, beyond what elite science on this planet has so far discovered, and beyond third and fourth dimensional capabilities.

What this means is that we have an opportunity to develop these new fifth dimensional technologies out in the open, transparently, particularly if the proper laws and support are granted by the government to make it so.

Love, Solaris

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Video © 2018 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this video as an embed on other blogs and websites as long as a live link to this video on the Solaris Modalis YouTube channel is included as well as the author’s credit, copyright and live website link of are included in the article or posting.

Article and photographs © 2018 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated:  color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented.

This article was originally published at

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.