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4D People, Energy and Entities Revealed in Images Through New Technology

Veil, veils, fourth dimensional, fourth dimension, 4D, energy, astral, human energy field

New 4D Light Spectrums Revealed As Technology Advances

Isn’t it interesting, that as technology changes, we begin to see into spectrums of light, such as into 4D or the fourth dimension (the astral plane), that were not visible to our human eyes, before.

This article includes photographs of this phenomenon from my recent video on fourth dimensional energies that are revealed in images through new technology.

This video is a commentary on new technology, in this example in televisions, and how it is able to reveal these light spectrums. It is a fascinating phenomenon.

We have often heard scientists describe that human beings can only see a fraction of the total light spectrum. As technology improves, even more, what new phenomena might be revealed by our ability to access and view new spectrums of light?

Light Spectrums at 4D – Just Beyond Our Ability to See with the Human Eye

What do these spectrums look like?

And what do they look like, around human beings?

Is there something about the human energy field that will influence or be influenced by these ‘new’ light spectrums?

This video raises these questions, and presents many different images of 4D energies.

Links: For a new definition of the fourth dimension, see The Fourth Dimension is Not a Tesseract Geometry: Commentary by Solaris Modalis.

Play by Play: ‘4D People’ Video Content

Here is the story of the 4D People video and an overview of the content we discussed.  Numbers indicate the minutes:seconds that is the location of this commentary in the video.

0:01  Images of video still shots showing 4D energies.

0:25  The phenomenon of 4D energy revealed.

  • The human operating system is upgrading, and technology is upgrading as well.
  • Recently while watching a television I realized that fourth dimensional energy was presenting in the images.
  • An interesting effect happened around the people on the television.
  • The energy was like an aura, but the energy was showing interesting information about the person, event, situation presenting.

1:50 The way that Alex looks at energy.

  • Alex sees auras around people.
  • It is easy to teach people to see auras.
  • Alex has people look at old video tapes when she teaches people to see auras.  That is because the energy of the person would present on these old tapes.
  • These images are something different than Alex has seen before.

2:50  Solaris had a huge intuitive hit to grab the camera and start taking photos.

  • I had the intuition that something unusual was happening, and I acted on that intuition.

3:10  The Blue Kachina post on the blog – an example of this kind of energy revealed in images.

Blue Kachina, Solaris Modalis, SolarisModalis, blue sphere, blue orb

  • Looking at the blue kachina photograph by Solaris Modalis.
  • My feeling with the blue kachina is that we are able to perceive energy, and then that energy manifests into physical form.
  • Because of humanity raising consciousness and all of that implies.

4:10  Alex talks about the importance of listening to your intuition.

4:33  These images were captured from a local news program, taking photographs of the television screen.

5:10  Looking through the images from the video.

  • The ‘glowy’ effect – energy is glowing in the images.
  • Alex talks about the way that television technology has upgraded.
  • Looking at how the people and animals are ‘lit up’ in the images.
  • The energy tends to show and glow the most at the body openings – at the eyes, mouth, nose and so on.
  • Some people are glowing in different ways in some of the images.
  • Looking at the differences that start to show in

8:14  People have attachments with different energy histories.

  • For someone who can read energies or who is intuitive, this energy will show in the energy field.
  • The technology is now giving us the opportunity to reveal some of these things.

9:12  Alex talks about Kirlian photography, and how specific cameras can take photographs of their aura.

  • In these photos, you may get different bursts of colors in the auras.
  • Also, in these photos you may get an after image.
  • Alex says “I see a glowing energy”.
  • Alex describes seeing halos around a person.
  • She talks about old paintings of people with halos, and that this indicated a large energy field or aura.
  • Solaris wonders if 2,000 years ago, whether it was more natural for people to see auras.

13:00 Solaris talks about seeing people’s past lives, and that what energies people are aligned with can be reflected in the energy field.

  • Alex talks about how there are a lot of different options and experiences, and how we all are different!
  • Solaris talks about the variety of the universe.

Links: See Healing Our Extraterrestrial Past Lives and The Reptilians Departure From Earth: An Interesting Story

13:38  Images of President Trump

  • In the other photographs we reviewed, there was not so much of an aura around the person.
  • In the images, Trump has a very distinctive blue aura.  The color blue is reflective of truth.
  • There are essences of gold around his high heart.  Gold is about administration.
  • We talk about we are not political here and are just looking at what we see in the photograph.
  • The blue color is very distinctive in the photos.

15:15  Solaris took these photos using a particular technique.

  • I took these photos at an angle to the screen.
  • This resulted in a warping of the light that revealed the energies around the person.
  • When you look directly straight on at the image, you may not see these energies (on the screen).

16:23  The statue behind Trump has an aura, which is unusual.

  • Inanimate objects normally don’t have that kind of an aura around them.
  • They can carry a consciousness.
  • Solaris talks about buddhist singing statues.
  • Alex explains that objects made of natural elements may carry an energetic signature.
  • The other objects in this image do not have an aura.
  • Solaris talks about that a heart resonance can also explain that aura, that it is heart aligned in some way for him.

19:10  Looking at some unusual images of people and their energy.

  • Eyes and ears and even parts of the body can look very different in the energy  that shows.

20:20  An image of an entity was revealed in one of the photographs.

  • This entity is in a photograph of a gun store.
  • This entity is in the fourth dimension and appeared in the photograph.
  • It is not human, but it is humanoid.
  • Alex comments that you can see what looks like the shape of a skull, and you can see an energetic representation of a spinal cord.
  • Solaris notes that Alex said that at 2:22pm on 1-11!
  • Alex talks about there being a body representation to this energy.
  • Solaris talks about being in non-judgement about this entity.
  • It has an unusual or scary look – it does appear as a more negative entity.
  • Solaris talks about working with people who have had issues with dark energy and/or past life situations.
  • Some human beings do have an entity in their field that they consciously work with.
  • These can be of the light (overlighting) or they can be darker (based on soul agreements).  These are based on permissions and soul contracts.
  • Alex describes that there are so many different ways of ‘set ups’ – energetic set ups and agreements with other energies.
  • Solaris says this gets into the evolution of human consciousness.

Links: For information on how physics and the dimensions are shifting in our world see The Difference in Physics: Galactic Lightship (5D+) and Human/Extraterrestrial (3D/4D),

and An Interesting Story: Earth is Moving From a 3rd/4th Dimensional State to a 5th Dimensional State, and This is Changing the Sorts of UFOs (and ETs) That Can Interact With Humanity.

Lack of 4D Energy Reveals Where Information Has Been Added to Images

27:20  We look at another set of photos that have obvious graphics edits, where something has been added to the photo, and the energy looks completely different and flat, revealing the graphics edits.

  • Alex mentions that people understand that photos can be photoshopped, but are not aware that videos are photoshopped also.
  • Alex – just because you see something on the TV, does not mean that it ever happened.
  • Solaris – these photos reveal presences that have been inserted.  Most are faces that have been cut and pasted in.  There is no energy on these faces that have been added in.
  • Alex – an emotive feeling is desired and edits are made to create that.
  • Solaris points out faces that have been pasted in, in each image.  It appears that they want the audience to look a certain way.
  • Solaris – the main person in the image does not appear to be filmed at the same time as the rest of the audience in the image.
  • Alex – there are no auras on these people.

31:31  We discus how the truth is being reveal in all of its different facets.

Links: For more information on the Human Energy Field see: Human Energy Field.

Links: For more information on the dimensions and physics, see Interdimensional Physics.

I share this information with you out of a desire to assist you to expand your thinking, expand your knowledge, and expand your world. The non-physical effects us and is present around us. It’s time for us to gain an understanding of what the fourth dimension is, how it effects us, and how we can use this information to change and benefit our lives and our world in the highest good.

Thanks so much!!

Love, Solaris

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Notes and Sources:

CBS-KPIX News video from live television feed from CBS News – KPIX news programs, San Francisco, California, Channel 5.

CBS-KPIX News website link:

CBS-KPIX News news videos link:

Video footage used is public domain and falls under rules of Fair Use. We are making these materials available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting which constitute the ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

© 2018-2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated; color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. Original publish date January 15, 2018. This article was originally published at

4D People, Energy and Entities Revealed in Photos Through New Technology Video © 2018-2019 by Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this video as an embed on other blogs and websites as long as a live link to this video on the Solaris Modalis YouTube channel is included as well as the author’s credit, copyright and live website link of are included in the article or posting. 

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.