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The Fourth Dimension is Not a Tesseract Geometry: Commentary by Solaris Modalis

It is my view that the fourth dimension is not a tesseracting space, or a geometric space represented by a tesseract, but the fourth dimension is a space that is integral to the expression of organic life in the physical third dimension.

The fourth dimension does exist in a form that can be challenging for our minds to imagine. However I assert that human beings experience the fourth dimension in every aspect of their daily life. Thus the fourth dimension is an integral aspect of being human.

I assert that human beings are both third dimensional and fourth dimensional beings. I am making the fourth dimensional personal because I feel that understanding the fourth dimension is integral to taking greater control over our own lives.

A New Definition of the Fourth Dimension

  • I define the fourth dimension as the non-physical compliment to the physical third dimension. It is integral to the operation of third dimensional organic life.
  • In my view, the fourth dimensional space contains all that is non-physical about the operation of organic life: thoughts, dreams, autonomic function, emotions.
  • A key characteristic of the fourth dimension is that it is where the involuntary or unconscious aspects of all the aspects of life exist. Besides autonomic body functions, this would include aspects of the subconscious mind, the shadow feature of the emotional body, unconscious attitudes and beliefs, suppressed aspects of the personality.
  • The fourth dimension is also an energy space that exists layered upon and, I assert, within third dimensional life and around and within third dimensional organic life and inorganic objects.
  • The fourth dimension is an expanded space that exists in the same space time as it’s correlated third dimensional reference points, from within the third dimension. And the fourth dimension is in a more flexible and even different space time as it’s correlated third dimensional reference points, from within the fourth dimension. 
  • In my view, the fourth dimension correlates with the electromagnetic field emanated by the human heart.  
  • In my view, the fourth dimension correlates with the astral energy planes that can be experienced by human beings in a altered states such as meditation, shamanic journeying, and other modalities. The astral (or fourth dimensional) planes can also be perceived in everyday life by human beings that are innately psychic, empathic, sensitive and/or intuitive.

The insistence that 4D space works as a tesseract in my view significantly limits our scientific understanding of how the universe is constructed and how we may move through the universe, both in starships and with our own consciousness.

The Inside-Out, The Upside Down

It’s my view that perceptions of the fourth dimension as a tesseracting space, where essentially an object moves inside-out (see the Wikipedia gif that shows this theoretical movement), was originally borne of older occult concepts, or ways of looking at the world, that filtered into scientific thought and analysis.

Why Am I Writing This Article?

One of my key areas of interest is in interdimensional physics.  This is the physics we will need to understand higher dimensional concepts that are currently not well understood. It is in my view also the physics that will allow us to achieve universal abundant supplies of energy and to create from our hearts’ desires.

My second area of interest is in spirituality. In my view, physics and spirituality are inseparable. Spirituality is at the heart of understanding the universe because the universe is alive, creation is alive, and in my view is powered by ‘divine energies’ and divine intelligences.

Physics, and the other sciences, are in my view one way of describing how these divine energies and intelligences express within this universe that we experience.

Understanding how to align with this divinity, and with divine energies, is key to making advancements for the human race in all areas of living.

Thus a personal understanding of how the physics of energy works for us as humans, will allow us to take greater control of our lives, more effectively direct our energies, and remember how to create in alignment with divine will, or in alignment with the perfect expression of the physics of how our bodies and energy works as we are each personally spiritually guided.

Love, Solaris


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Love, Solaris

© 2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated; color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. This article was originally published at

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.