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What are the Dimensions?

By September 10, 2019Interdimensional Physics

DimensionsWhat are the Dimensions?

Dimensions are frequency bands that comprise the structure of the universe.

Dimensions go from compressed states to expanded states, and from expanded states to compressed states.

Within dimensions, there are also bands of greater compression through bands of greater expansion.

We human beings exist in a layer of frequencies in the universe that we term ‘the third dimension’ and ‘the fourth dimension’.

In the third and fourth dimensions in which we exist, physical beings and physical creations exist, and non-physical beings and non-physical creations exist.

There Are Higher and Lower Dimensions

In higher and lower dimensions, relative to us, beings may perceive themselves as ‘physical’, or having a body, for example, relative to their dimensional state – but we might not be able to perceive them from our dimension unless we have the training to understand what we are experiencing.

Notice I did not say unless we have the technology. Human beings don’t need any additional technology besides what already exists in this complex machinery that we call the human body. We just need to remember how to use this flexible and incredible machinery.

Our consciousness, the part of us that is aware, thinks, and knows that we are alive, is the part of us that we experience as primary. We can expand where put our awareness and focus our consciousness to expand our states of perception. Being human can then involve so much more richness than we have previously experienced.

We may or may not have this technology, I’m not aware if we do or do not. If we have advanced sensors and technology that can discern particular energy states, we may not fully understand what we are observing.

I say this because I have previously written in the past about the shifting dimensional dimensional states on Earth, the causes and effects. One of the outcomes of this shift in my view, is that our understanding of physics will expand.

Links: See An Interesting Story: Earth is Moving From a 3rd/4th Dimensional State to a 5th Dimensional State and The Fourth Dimension is Not a Tesseract Geometry: Commentary by Solaris Modalis.

Can We Perceive Different Dimensions?

I do know from personal experience that we have a native human ability to perceive different dimensional states.

Human beings have innate natural technology with which we can perceive these different dimensional states are through our body senses.

This innate natural technology comprises inherent characteristics and abilities of the natural-born organic human body system that we have not explored thoroughly.

There are names for this human sensory system such as:

The Human Sensory System

  1. Sixth sense,
  2. Psychic perception,
  3. The clairs: Clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, etc.,
  4. Intuition,
  5. Gut sense,
  6. Having a ‘feeling’ about something,
  7. Hearing ‘our inner voice’,
  8. Feeling prompted,
  9. The hairs raise on our skin,
  10. Having ‘a dream about it’, and so on.

These are individual to the specific human being and so the variations of this ‘technology’ of the human body system are infinite.

These are physical body responses, and non-physical body perceptions, that assist us in understanding our world; they are, in my opinion, our God-given qualities, talents and senses to help us understand the world around us.

Why is this Human Sensory System of the physical body so important? It is able to give us answers without interference from the mind, from the emotions, from multigenerational patterns, from past trauma, from societal rules and boundaries, and so much more.

The purest sensory information, in closest alignment with our individual spirit as the representatives of our unique Soul, comes from the Human Sensory System.

Can We Perceive Beings From Other Dimensions?

I wanted to provide you with some basic examples that are easily relatable so that we can see that human beings perceive different dimensional states, and even beings from different dimensional states, as in the regular course of being.

This anecdotal evidence shows human beings’ ability to perceive such things. We just didn’t have a name for what we were experiencing before coming to the understanding that there are different dimensions that exist in the same space as we do.

Examples of Human Perception of Different Dimensional Beings

  • Seeing angels: Angels are beings from a much higher dimensional frequency range than humans.
  • Seeing or feeling ghosts: Ghosts or discarnate beings (spirits who were once in a body) are from lower fourth dimensional states of being. They are non-physical but still a part of our experience of our world.

Examples of Human Perception of Different Dimensional States of Being

  • Vivid Dreams I: Vivid dreams in which we experience incredible awe, love and higher emotions can be experiences where we enter and experience a higher dimensional state of being from within our dreams.
  • Vivid Dreams II: Vivid dreams where we experience fear and terror can be experiences where we enter and experience lower dimensional states of being from within our dreams.

These are simple examples and that is the goal here, to show that the simplest and most common experiences we all share are a reflection of our common experience of other dimensional states of being from within the human body.

However, as humans, we tend to focus on the physical, because that is how our culture is oriented.

Love, Solaris

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© 2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated; color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. This article originally published at For more information see: published April 3, 2017. Information updated September 15, 2019.

Featured image free license from Unsplash by Matthew Fassnacht.

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.