Who Are the Starseeds? Starseeds are human beings who feel a connection with the stars and who are focused on raising human consciousness and-or assisting humanity. In addition, this group often has memories of lifetimes…
Who Are the Starseeds? Starseeds are human beings who feel a connection with the stars and who are focused on raising human consciousness and-or assisting humanity. In addition, this group often has memories of lifetimes…
It’s Not All Airy Fairy (Love and Light) Up There, or Down Here I’m joking, and I’m not. Over the years I have done energy working missions based on inner guidance that involved many adventures….
The Story of the Blue Girl: A Discussion of Quantum Physics, Spirituality and Starships My friend Alex Clark and I discuss the blue girl and her story. We talk about who the blue girl was,…
Dear Friends, Wow the energy of deconstruction and of the new are swirling aren’t they? In the midst of deconstruction, and of observing the new, I am finding little energy for writing. Photos? Yes, taking those,…
Visiting a Lightship – Applying Discernment Here are some techniques for applying discernment before visiting a lightship during meditation. This discussion applies to far more than visiting lightships in meditation. You can use these techniques…
Healing the Influence of Negative Extraterrestrials I have deeply desired to communicate about the healing of the influence of negative extraterrestrials on this planet, but I did not know how to do that. Bringing understanding…
About the Blog This month we had lots of content and lots of UFO videos. And then, last week, with the energies and solar weather high across the board, interdimensional experiences moved to the forefront. I missed…