Our Tribe – I Know You are Out There
When I began the blog, I wrote about taking my first photograph of a galactic lightship (an unusual-shaped, starship-like cloud in the sky). I wrote about how this experience changed or enhanced my focus when looking at the sky. It changed the way I was looking at things, in general, also.
I started to look up more, and wonder. And it was an experience that was part of a process that changed my life.
I began to meet others like me. People who were aware of ‘something more’ going on. People who were researching topics beyond the mainstream nightly news. People who had had unusual experiences with sky phenomena, or felt that they were originally from the stars. People who were also spiritual and interested in raising their consciousness.
As a photographer, I knew that I could catch interesting images of shapes in the sky; because, I had just done so. And, I felt inspired, full of awe, and wonder, all at the same time. I felt that I could begin to share this information as a way of helping to inform people of ‘what was going on’.
I didn’t want to argue. I didn’t want to ‘red pill’ people who were not already interested in expanding their ways of looking at things. Oh yes, I had tried that. And as you may know, if it’s not the right situation, most people don’t appreciate you informing them of what you think they don’t know.
Solaris Modalis – Finding My Tribe
So I thought, I’ll just show my photos, and let people make up their own minds. Because my photos were ‘wowing’ me. And I thought, maybe they might wow others, or inspire others to open to new ways of thinking.
At first, it was people coming up to me or passing me as I was avidly photographing the sky, and asking ‘what are you doing’ or ‘what’s going on’? Sometimes people started asking me if I was taking photos of a UFO. And sometimes they wanted to see what image I had taken – because I would always ask them if they wanted to take a look.
Eventually I got the idea to just put them up on one page on the Internet so that people could look at them, and could see things I saw; like, how I noticed the sun would change day to day, or how some clouds actually looked like ships – as if they were visiting Earth, like in a Star Trek movie.
I have found that my photos have done that. They have gotten people to notice, too. They have supported people who thought they were alone. They have informed people looking for answers. They have given some people solutions to problems they were pondering. They have helped inform and suggest some of what is going on, ‘up there’, and in our world.
Our tribe is expanding.
Meet Me at the Intersection of UFO and Spirit
In my opinion, my website and my work represents the blending of the spiritual and UFO communities. To me, Solaris Modalis is at the intersection of common beliefs and experiences of these two communities.
On the spiritual side, I cover topics that relate to ascension, starseeds, consciousness, and my memories of the Earth story and even galactic history.
On the UFO side, I take photographs of all sorts of phenomena from lightships with high frequency galactic signatures, to Earth phenomena like chemtrails, to typical UFOs presenting as fast moving orbs, to cloaked craft that appear to be from secret space programs.
So many of the people I have met at the UFO conferences I have been to have had an experience; it is usually either UFO-related or it is spiritual. Often, it is a combination of both. I also tend to meet people who know their galactic heritage, meaning, they know what star systems they relate to and even know their extraterrestrial history.
Some of the people I have met have seen something interesting, or had an experience years ago, or recently, and they have been wondering, wanting to know what it is, what happened. This sends them on a quest for knowledge and a quest to see what these experiences mean for themselves, personally.
From a UFO Perspective:
1) We have been visited by off world beings.
2) There is evidence of these visits to Earth going back through time.
3) Off world beings have been involved in the development of Earth.
4) These off world beings are in ships that we can see and experience.
From a Spiritual Perspective:
1) There are beings of a higher frequency (dimension) – these include angels, other celestial beings, galactics and ascended masters.
2) Higher frequency beings have forms that may be of pure energy (such as angels, God or source energy, balls of light, etc.).
3) Higher frequency (dimensional) beings have bodies made of “light” that are much less dense than our physical forms.
4) Higher frequency (dimensional) beings have ships that are made of “light”, that are much less dense than our physical craft.
The Venn diagram of the Spiritual and UFO Communities
In the Venn diagram of the spiritual and UFO communities, these beliefs are held by many who are at the intersection point of these two communities, and they are at the basis of what I agree with as well:
1) There is a shift in consciousness occurring on planet Earth.
2) This shift is related to a shift of frequency, where the frequency of the planet is increasing.
3) Another term for this shift used by many is Ascension.
4) Many human beings on Earth have relationships with, experiences with, or memories of life on other planets. These human beings are referred to as starseeds (spiritual community) or contactees (UFO community).
Love, Solaris
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© 2018 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated: color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented.
Check out the blog and more photographs at SolarisModalis.com.
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link text:https://solarismodalis.com/meet-us-at-the-intersection-of-ufo-and-spirit
Sept 1 2016