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How I Began to Write about Secret Space Program Evidence When I Photographed Two Triangles in the Sky

Solaris Modalis Lightning San Francisco September 11 2017

Original Image: Unretouched, no color or lighting edits. Sept 11, 2017.

My First Photograph of Secret Space Program Evidence

The night I first captured photographs of secret space program evidence was September 11, 2017. I was taking video and photographs because of the incredible lightning storm that night.

This lightning photograph is part of a sequence of photographs that began my foray into writing about secret space program evidence. That’s because this is the night that I first caught a couple of triangle shapes in the sky in one of my photographs.

I looked at many of the photographs of this night, and there were so many elements that seemed strange or unusual. One was this split sky effect, which happened in more than one photograph. In fact, in one image the sky was in three layers of light.

I got to wondering if an experiment of some sort was being conducted, up there.

It was a fantastic and exciting evening. I sat outside filming this very intense storm, and then it was all over. It was thrilling to be outside with all of this activity happening.

It was clearly happening directly off of the coast and not moving inland. I felt a bit scared but I knew it was okay outside in the elements at that moment! That’s because I was meant to be there, and I was meant to photograph the sky that night, and I was protected by angelic elements.

On the Night of September 11, 2017 I Photographed Two Triangles in the Sky

Original Image: Unretouched, no color or lighting edits. Sept 11, 2017.

The reason I was able to see the triangles that night was simple: The amount of energy discharged by the lightning storm was incredible, and the triangles were highlighted darkly against a well lit sky.

That night there were well over 7,000 lightning strikes in the San Francisco Bay Area, a highly unusual event. At some points the sky was entirely whited out by lightning. On this playlist you can see my videos of the storm and hand built models of the triangle craft. My two written postings with still shots from the video are here, Sequence 1 and here, Sequence 2.

Secret Space Program Evidence – That Just Wasn’t My Thing

Before I captured these triangle craft shots, writing about the secret space program evidence just wasn’t my thing.

I’m a write-from-experience kind of person in my stories and I simply didn’t have the ‘metal UFO’ viewing experience that others talk about. I didn’t get taken up in a metallic craft, I didn’t see a metal UFO as a kid.

Original Image: Unretouched, no color or lighting edits. Sept 11, 2017.

When I write from my own research, I want to be able to validate this information in a way that I’m satisfied with, and I simply didn’t know any ‘insiders’ to interview or have a desire to review government materials, nor was I interested in pursuing any of that line of questioning.

I always have been more of a star girl, with memories and dreams and visions of life out in the space of the galaxy. I remember as a child dreaming that living on planets was boring, as I dreamt of lifetimes in the stars.

And then I took photographs of two triangles in the sky.

From Secret Space Program Evidence to the Space Force: The Direction of my Blog Expanded in a Pretty Big Way

Covering this storm, and analyzing the photographic evidence of triangle phenomena in the sky, deepened the breadth of my content. I started photographing more evidence of triangle craft in the sky, and then I photographed other evidence; the outlines of other potential and interesting craft, also.

From Cloak, Cloaking Field: A Review of Potential Secret Space Program Technology to Seeing a Rectangle UFO Cloaking Through the Dimensions, secret space program evidence was flying before the lens of my camera, and it has been pretty exciting.

Eventually I expanded my writing to covering the Space Force.

Covering the Space Force reminds me of when I was writing long reports analyzing industries when I worked in a corporate environment. I loved many aspects of that work and I’m happy to get back to it in some way through Space Force news analysis.

I’m grateful for the adventures of photography and exploration of what is up there that I have been on. I’m grateful that you are here sharing these photographs, stories and experiences with me.

And, I’m still wondering about what is up there, in the sky.

Love, Solaris

Original Image: Unretouched, no color or lighting edits. Sept 11, 2017.

Article Notes:

The photographs in this article are still shots from video of a lightning storm. All are unretouched and unedited. They are presented exactly as they appeared when the video was taken except for adding graphic arrows and text to highlight the triangle shapes in the sky.

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© 2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated; color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. This article was originally published at

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.