8:37am Close up of Line in Sky
Is there evidence of cloaked ships in our skies? In this posting, I’d like to show you what I saw while photographing the Sunshine Lightship series of photographs.
A Line in the Sky
During this photo session, I took 60 photos of this lightship. It was stunning and it was beautiful and the sky and sun were simply amazing. But, after several minutes, I looked up stunned, because there was a huge line in the sky above me, that went straight behind or over the lightship (from my perspective on the ground). I did not include the photos with the line in the initial posting, because I knew that I would create a new post just for this topic, evidence of cloaking!
I’m going to put the text above the photos, and then you can look at the series yourself. As you can see in the photograph from 8:32am, there was just the pattern of rippled energies in the clouds for the initial photographing session. And, at 8:33am there was still just the rippled clouds. But, during the next 33 seconds, something went across the sky that caused a line to appear in the cloud bank.
Over the next four minutes, this line expanded so that it was well visible. A close up of this line of blue sky in the cloud bank appears as the featured image for this posting and is the initial blog post image, above. I repeated it in the chronological order of photos below, as well.
When I saw this blue line I took several photographs, because I knew that something extraordinary had happened. You can see that the line occurred during the 8:33am minute, and then it caused the expansion of air in it’s trail, slightly, like the wake of a boat, but not quite, so the line expanded, pushing the clouds apart. The expansion of this line in the sky wasn’t a ‘V’ shape like a wave, it is a tube shape like a conduit. I believe that is because the technology that created this line is different than that which is currently in broad usage.
What could cross the entire sky in less than 33 seconds? I’m not sure, but, well, actually I can guess, so I will. When I see this line, what I also see in my clairvoyant vision is a ship traveling at incredibly high velocity.
This is where the concept of dimensions comes into play for me – I have started discussing dimensions to be able to talk about this kind of phenomena in context. The craft that made this line in the sky is not galactic in my view. It is ‘Earth surface human’. It is not fifth dimensional or higher technology, because a fifth dimensional ship wouldn’t leave this track in the sky. It’s not generally how they work.
Galactic craft work with nature. They work with the sky elements. They view all entities as conscious, and work with the consciousness of the sky and the elementals (earth energies) in the skies. For a discussion of elementals in the skys see this posting: Slyphs Transfer Energy With Sky Tube.
The craft that made this trail in the sky is fourth dimensional, meaning, either it is a fourth dimensional non-physical ship, or it is a third dimensional ship that either has cloaking or flies so fast it doesn’t need cloaking; cloaking or speed shifts the craft to being fourth dimensional. I think it has cloaking because at the speed of the vessel that made the line, we would still be able to see a non-cloaked 3D ship with our eyes.
If the craft that made this trail was a fourth dimensional non-physical ship, that would be rare in my opinion, because these types of ships generally aren’t allowed into Earth atmosphere anymore and they have been being cleared from the planet.
For me, this means that the craft that made this line in the sky was and 3D/4D technology that is allowed to reside on the planet at this time. Therefore it is human. Since I am not familiar with anything that could go this fast in our skies, unless you dear reader have some suggestions, it would appear that this is secret space program type technology.
After my initial astonishment in seeing this line, I have to admit, that it was not too surprising to me that this had happened. First of all, amazing sights appear in the sky on a regular basis, from my view. But, the fact is, after noticing lightships for years now, I have also noticed time and again, that I am not the only one noticing.
It has happened time after time that I will see aircraft, especially chemtrail planes, checking out the area where I see lightships operating. Now, this line I will add occurred far too quickly to be an airplane. Could it have been a military jet? I feel that the size of the craft that made this trail is far larger than the variety of planes and jets in the sky.
Here are the photographs. Do you think that this line was made by a cloaked ship? Stay tuned while we look for more evidence in the skies.

No line behind lightship at 8:32am

8:33:14am No Line Behind Lightship.

8:33:47am Line Behind Lightship.

8:33:50am Line Behind Lightship.

8:34:29a Line Behind Lightship.

8:35:39am Line Behind Lightship.

Panoramic view with line at 8:36am.

Close up of line taken at 8:37am.

8:37am Close up of Line in Sky

8:37am Close up of Line in Sky

8:37am Close up of Line in Sky

Clear line at 8:38am.

No Lightship at 9:03am – and no Line either
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