The Sky Over Astoria I’m so pleased that we have a new guest photographer today, Anna Surwillo of The Heart Centric Path. She took this stunning photo of the skies over Astoria, Queens recently. Anna and…
The Sky Over Astoria I’m so pleased that we have a new guest photographer today, Anna Surwillo of The Heart Centric Path. She took this stunning photo of the skies over Astoria, Queens recently. Anna and…
I have been writing about alternate timelines and realities, and much about dimensions, in Solaris postings. Alex Clark has graciously agreed to share this article she wrote on these topics. I love this article…
Signs in the Sky: An Interview with Andrea Scully Do signs in the sky represent consciousness? This is a fascinating question. I have wanted to interview people regarding their personal experiences of the sky and…
A Day of White Haze and Chemtrails Had Me Looking Skyward There were chemtrails being sprayed all day, and very low in the atmosphere also. That is partly why I was watching the sky all…
Breathlessly, we wait. No, that starts wth a B, and it’s the Big D we want, not the Big B! Disclosure, hmm, that looks better. So, Disclosure of what and by whom? In 2017, there…
Today we have the pleasure of posting this article by Clive Lawler. It is a chapter from his book, All’s Fair in Life on Earth. It is about the topic of chemtrails and how chemtrails…
Today we are blessed with some unsusual photos from a guest photographer. I am so grateful that Becky agreed to share her surprising images with us! These amazing photographs were taken by Becky P. They…
Slyphs Transfer Energy with Sky Tube Today we have guest photographer Alex Clark, who shares her photographs and comments on this ‘sky tube’ today. Alex is very close with the energies of Gaia and the…
A green sky in San Diego? Yes, this is what our guest photographer saw one day this past fall of 2016. Our guest photographer today, Linda C, and her unedited photo (except the addition of…
Open Contact with E.T.s ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council through Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. There was a time in your history where…