Dear Friends,
I feel flat out of energy and just had the intuitive hit to write to you all. This week has been challenging energetically and physically. I had 5 new posts planned for the blog this week, and then things went to heck and here we are. So I’m sorry to have only offered one new posting – well, now two lol (whoot!). Although, it is what it is and getting down on myself won’t help, so here I am moving into acceptance.
I am in trust that everything is perfect and it is in highest good that those posts will be up another time, maybe next week even. Maybe there is a reason not to publish them this week and if so I don’t know about it but guidance does.
I am processing a past lifetime the last two days. It has to do with underground reptilian abuse of humans, sexual slavery, eating humans and horrid ceremonies. My neck is very painful to top it off. While I do try to write about the positive transitions our world is undergoing, and ET races also, the fact is that the terrible acts that occurred seem endless.
I’m not the only one processing this sort of energy at the moment. The pain is real, what occurred on this planet is real and still occurring. I don’t know what more to say about it at the moment. I have experienced the timeline where the old paradigm reptilians are gone and eliminated from the planet, over a year ago.
With all the timelines criss crossing though odd meetings can happen – old timeline crossing new timeline. I feel these activities are arranged by our guidance teams for whatever reasons. And yes in our highest good.
When I was at my vendor table at the recent conference I attended, a strange character came up to the table. While everyone else I met was pretty pleasant, this person proceeded to trash my photographs and generally be over the top arrogant. When I looked up to their higher self, this person sent a light bolt to my pineal also so that I could not see who and what they were, really.
I had the urge to stand and face the person straight on and so I got up, but they were so tall it was ridiculous and I sat down. And then I got up again. Something unusual was happening and it’s details eluded me. And my head hurt.
When the person left I immediately realized that they had responded to my thoughts when they approached the booth, as if we were in mid conversation. Clearly a telepathic being. I went over to a friend’s table, Tana Newberry, who produces a set of cards, her Oracle Deck, for experiencers and extraterrestrial and galactic enthusiasts.
My guidance had told me to go to that table and pull a card for the whole conference, but I always got ‘not now’ when I checked in. This time was my intuition said ‘the time is now’.
I pulled a card and turned it over: Alpha Draconis. On it, it said: you have just met a being from Alpha Draconis, the (reptilian) Draco homeworld.
That totally made sense.
I cleared my head and my energy and went on with my business. Afterwards, I felt that this being had just waltzed into my timeline, interacted with me, and waltzed out. Maybe stomped is a better word.
Here is the balance, and this shows you how I look at things: I feel that he had a point. I could do better and I can up my presentation of what I have to offer, and of my photography. So this is the blessing in this interaction for me. The attitude of desiring to degrade me – I didn’t take this personally. It would be the case with anyone this being faced who was like me.
The power of the win-lose, power over-power under paradigms was so potent around this person. The energy was intense. It was fascinating to remember what this was like, harkening back to my years in the uber-competitive financial world. And the density – it is a density that feels so uncomfortable now. I can only be thankful that I have come this far in my life and in raising my own consciousness, because that was the world I lived in and at the time enjoyed. Except, I did not feel love.
That’s all I’ve got for tonight. I’m going to go nurse my neck and bask in angel light and go with the flow. And the flow, now, says ‘resting’.
Love, Solaris
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