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The Mark of Orion: Past Lifetimes and Alternate Realities

By January 17, 2020September 17th, 2020Human Energy Field, Solaris Essay, Solaris Galactic, Starseed Journey

Tear, the mark of OrionAt the moment, I have three ‘stars’ on my cheek, and when I looked at them recently, I remembered Orion.

What is Secret That Has Been Kept Hidden

These originate from a surgery, but  they stirred a memory of other times and other experiences of having marks on my cheek.

In my mind, the three marks formed into the three stars in the archer’s belt.

And I remembered, long ago.

Long ago and eons away, in a place we call Orion.

            Links: For more see Who are the Starseeds? and Starseed: Are You Ready to Officially Acknowledge Your Authentic Self?

The Whole of Who We Are

Long ago, I remember when the first mark appeared on my cheek. I was in a fight, with a sword-type weapon, against an opponent that I knew I would beat; I knew I could best this being. It was a different race or culture than I was from and fighting was a big part of the lifetime of who I was as a being.

Sword of light, sword girl, integrity, warrior

Also I remember being a woman and thus from my perspective remembering this as a human being I would have thought myself to be more physically weak than the opponent before me, but yet somehow, most likely because of the physiology of the being that I was, I was still strong and able to move quickly.

That’s the past lifetime where my opponent drew his sword upwards towards me, slicing my cheek and making a mark that stuck with me. The scar damaged my beauty, and yet it was a mark of what I had been through and of my warrior spirit and thus some pride came with it.

But before I received the mark, I saw my Higher Self thinking.

It was my human self in the present and my Higher Self, looking at the scene from the future. And I thought, from my human incarnation, ‘she should have a mark so that she remembers’. She being the person who I was. And in that moment, the sword came across my face in the past and slashed me.

Thus we create our own realities, past present and future.

Links: For more, see The Blue Girl & Being Willing to Love, Again: An Andromedan Past Lifetime

Sword of light, sword girl, integrity, warriorThe Past, Present and Future Are One

In my childhood, periodically a feeling would come over me. The ‘air’ would change, and something would ‘lift’ energetically. In these moments, sensing the air, sensing what the feelings meant to me, I knew that there were ‘windows’ in time like intersections.

In these intersections, all time was ‘one’. This is the moment of intersecting realities. It seemed to me that there were moments that ‘opened’ where accessing this possibility was available, it was present in the ‘energy’ of that time or day.

This is the moment when one can be in the center of all of the possibilities, look among them and sort through them, even change paths or direction.

Dimensional, dimensional states of being, Earth Ascension, 5D, fifth dimensional, human, humanity, peace, love, ascension, field, girl, woman, goddess, Schumann Resonance, energy working, energy waves, sun, sunlight, the energies, zero point, starseedKind of like ‘hopping timelines’, in these moments when the world opens; when a gate is temporarily opened so that limitations on creation are now free, these times give us the possibility of making great shifts or changing direction.

But usually, in these times, I would just breathe in and sense the ‘middle’, just sensing the kernel of truth in that middle, a truth that was not relative, a truth that was about knowing, and about being in the moment simply breathing.

Links: For more, see Healing Extraterrestrial Past Lives  and The Reptilians Departure From Earth, An Interesting Story

Past Lifetimes and Alternative Realities

The other lifetime where I had marks on the outside of my cheek was as a mechanical dog, a type of android, and scientists were experimenting, building me. I distinctly remembered in a vision one night the scientists adjusting the grommets in my cheek.

Android, cybernetic being, cyber dog, robot dog, cybernetic dog, wolf, wolf and robot dogI also remember, as a robot dog, that there seemed to be something wrong with me, I wasn’t working out properly, and they would have to remake me, in a different version, they would have to try again.

This might have been the moment when they had to de-activate me.

Apparently the robotic dog was too hyper, too aggressive, and as a human remembering, my human self felt shame at not being what they wanted of me. I felt sadness at the ending of the robotic dog’s life. I don’t know that the ‘dog’ had any of these feelings.

The scientists looked human, and I have wondered whether this lifetime was on Earth, or elsewhere, or in an alternative reality.

The Mark and the Scar, Occurring in Threes

Praying mantis, mantis beingThe third time I remember a slash across my face, was another past lifetime, and I was in front of a being with forearms that were insectoid or possibly like those of a mantis being.

For some reason I had pissed this being off, and it simply blithely raised up it’s forearm, slashing a gash across my face before moving away from me.

I had no response, besides feeling something within like, ‘are you kidding me’?

In this lifetime, my father taught me to respect mantis beings. He told me that praying mantis are very good for the garden, because they eat bad bugs, which assists other living things to grow more freely.

That’s one view of the mantis beings.

           Links: For more see Starseeds, Incarnated Extraterrestrials and the Exigent Circumstances on Earth

Reptilian, warrior, soldier, man, sunset, pensive, centered, zero point, thinking, own your own space, human energy fieldThe Invisible Scar, in this Lifetime

In this lifetime, a person close to me who had a bond with a negative non-physical being from Orion, would constantly over years taunt me.

They would exclaim: “Your face, oh my god what have they done to you!”.

Usually there was nothing that could be seen with the eyes on my face, or there was a gross exaggeration of something.

Usually the taunting was in front of groups of people we knew.

Some beings have the ability to read the energy field and locate where the trauma is or has been.

While some look upon these situations compassionately, others can attempt to use a person’s past, present or future wounding to draw away your own energy for their own purposes.

There can be an attempt at re-wounding for the intended purpose of generating negative energy from the person who has been wounded.

Negative emotional energy can be drawn away by adept non-physical beings, or as we would perceive it negative interdimensional beings.

At some point, when the taunting began, I knew that it wasn’t personal although it took me a few years to learn how to handle it adequately.

With training, from both within and without, over time I started laughing.

It took time and consistency for the reptile non-physical entity to step forward in this person’s energy field.

When it couldn’t get me to generate even a drop of fear or anger, that is when it stepped forward to scare me. And to do this, I suppose, it had to show itself to me.

Unconscious Permissions Effect Our Human Energy Field…

Unconscious Choices Can Effect How Our Lives Will Be

Reptile, reptilian being, interdimensional being, extraterrestrial, ET

The reptilian signature at this point was unmistakable, yet I had learned something important: It could not effect me without my permission.

My permission would have been, for example, to see it and then choose to be fearful – this is why it finally had to step forward and reveal itself to me.

Or, to see it and choose to indulge in feeling angry that I couldn’t do anything but accept that this was in the human individual, to their knowledge or not.

They had their own agreements or experience that I couldn’t understand.

Acceptance of this situation as it was, and taking away permission to interact, was the best alternative

I had begun to realize the tactics of these individuals. I had begun to realize that it wasn’t personal.

Their technique: Just find the weakness, and start poking. To get upset about this obvious routine became pretty funny, actually.

Learning how to manage my own energy field in these situations was incredibly empowering.

And that is when I started healing.

    Links: For more see Building Our Discernment About Extraterrestrial and Galactic Beings

From Scar to Stars: Healing All Lifetimes in One Being

Building our discernment about extraterrestrial, galactic and interdimensional beings, galactic, galaxy, starseed, starseed journey, stars, stars on faceIn this lifetime, a kind surgeon moved the scalpel carefully, drawing it at an angle across my face, and removing what was bad for me.

He was a spiritual man, and did an excellent job at the surgery.

There was a cyst to remove, and they explained what the cause must be.

But I knew that the surgery was physically and energetically helping by removing the memories, the energy, and the human emotions that I felt about it all; about all these past activities.

Sometimes a physical healing is beneficial to a being with a physical body.

When I looked at my cheek recently, 8 months after the surgery, and saw that the mark on my cheek was in three small red spots, in my inner vision these spots turned into stars.

And I remembered.

I remember the All of me.

        Links: For more see: Solaris Modalis Video: Your ET Past Lifetimes (Extraterrestrial Past Lives)

How Far We’ve Come

Three stars in a row, like the belt of Orion.

Sword, sword of light, Archangel Michael, truth, inspire, love, divine willWhen I remembered, I felt victory.

My face will heal, almost nine months after the surgery, and I feel like I’m beginning my life again.

I feel reborn.

The scars have transmuted to stars.

There are no more painful memories.

There is gratitude for the miracle of being alive, and having the ability to experience, to share, and to understand these things.

Love, Solaris


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© 2020 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. This article was originally published on January 17, 2020. This article was originally published at

Featured image free license from by Aliyah Jamous. Crop by Solaris Modalis.

Dog robot and wolf image licensed from Shutterstock by Sarah Holmlund.

Praying mantis image free license from by Mister StarmanMister Starman.

Girl with stars image free license from by H. HeyerleinH. Heyerlein.

Woman with sword and tear free license from Pixabay by BlackDog1966.

Woman swordsman free license from Pixabay by SilviaP_Design.

Archangel Michael’s Sword of Light free license from Pixabay by AZBoomer.

Girl moving energy free license from by Jesse Uli. Color edits by Solaris Modalis.

Man/soldier with backpack image free license from by Aneta Ivanova.

Reptile image free license from by Pierre Bamin.

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.