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The Starseeds Remember: Some Confirmation That We Are Not Alone

By October 4, 2018September 17th, 2020Analysis, Commentary, News, Sky Research, Starseed Journey

starseed, starseed awakening, ascension, 5D, galactic, extraterrestrial past lives

Confirmation That We Are Not Alone

On September 19, 2018, during a Question and Answer session with the Research Anons, out of the many, many questions posted to the Research board, a few were answered. One of them was the following question: Are we alone?

The answer? A simple: ‘No.’

And then, ‘Consider the vastness of space.’

The Starseeds Remember

But, many of us have already known that we are not alone, and in some cases, we have known this all of our lives.

In this group I would include ‘the starseeds’; those individuals who feel such an affinity for the stars that they feel deep within that they are not from here. 

That’s because the starseeds remember. Whether vaguely, or with specific images, the starseeds remember times, places, events in history that confirm to them that we are not alone; that Earth is not alone in the universe, that Humanity is not alone among the stars.

As a starseed, it’s likely that you not only know that we are not alone, but that you have deeply personal relationships and experiences in this lifetime that are spiritual, celestial, galactic, inner Earth and / or extraterrestrial in nature. These are usually at the non-physical level, but they also often occur in the physical. 

The Surprise of an Official Disclosure

I sat down to write, just now, and was pondering what to do with the  acknowledgement on the Research Board  that we are not alone.

The minute it came across the Internet, my friend Alex texted me, and then there were other contacts, and I pulled up my keyboard and started typing out an article.

But I stopped cold, right there, because I didn’t know how to say what does this mean, to me? What does it really mean, to my readers?

I was so excited, and so happy, all at the same time! Yet I was stuck not knowing what I would write about.

This post was the closest to official disclosure that we have ever gotten, from one of the most impactful sources of real information on the planet, right now.

Letting Go of the Pain of Loneliness

Recent weeks have been a time of deep healing. Most especially, the intense pain of loneliness has moved through me, wanting to be healed and freed.

All the while, I focused on the light within, as it flickered, expanding through the pain. Sometimes it seemed as if I was chasing my own inner light, it’s center point of emanation shining just beyond my vision, just beyond my reach.

I knew that this was not about my life, currently, as it was more broadly about ‘the past’. But I didn’t understand why it these feelings were coming on so strongly.

In retrospect, I realized that I had just gotten confirmation of what I’ve always thought was true, and then I was plunged into sadness about not having had that confirmation for so long. Like so many of you, I had to be strong, for so long, without the luxury of sharing my experiences or feelings. 

I often am amused when I see the UFO t-shirt that states: “I want to believe”.  The word that amuses me is ‘want’. 

Starseeds Know

Starseeds know, they’ve moved so far past ‘want’ that the knowing is in their bones; believing when no one else seems to, when we can’t talk about it. Questioning the feelings, and wondering and wishing for confirmation… we’ve been through all of that.

As the emotions flowed, I realized that it felt finally safe to let down my guard and let the tears flow. I had official confirmation, and I could now let go of all the years of knowing and waiting, alone.

I felt through memories of loneliness feeling that I couldn’t share my stories, of the intense fear of sharing unusual experiences, of having to delete my blog and start over after being told ‘this has to be gone, like yesterday’, the fear of showing the world who I am.

And then, I hit pay dirt.

I found the gold.

Official Disclosure? Check. That was good enough for me. I’m ready to move on. I’m ready to pick up a pen, to roll up my sleeves, and get on with next stage of this human project, this starseed experience.  

Love, Solaris

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© 2018-2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated:  color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. This article was originally published at

Image free license from by Quinten De Graaf.

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.