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Starseeds, Incarnated Extraterrestrials and the Exigent Circumstances on Earth

Exigent Circumstances are Present in an Emergency

Tonight as I was writing articles for the blog, the word ‘exigent’ popped into my awareness. As usually happens, I start with one article, it turns into pieces of 4 or 5 articles, and finally one of the ideas feels prominent and ripens, and the inspiration flows.

I had started writing with a focus on advanced human technology visible in the skies on Earth, and how these folks seem to be aware of the higher dimensional phenomena in our skies.

In fact, I was once discussing the possibility of cloaking capabilities with someone from the industry side of the military-industrial complex. They commented, “We have sensors you would not believe.”

This made me think that they can pick up all sorts of things with their highly advanced sensor technology.

As I was writing ideas for articles, I was also thinking about how the higher dimensional presence, so often visible in our skies, might be interacting with Earth and humanity.

This is when the word exigent came into my awareness.

What are Exigent Circumstances?

Turns out exigent circumstances are a legally acceptable reason for law enforcement to take immediate action to prevent harm to people. Exigent circumstances also call for immediate action to prevent circumstances that would lead to injustice.

In an exigent circumstance, human beings are at serious risk, whether that is the risk of actual immediate harm, or whether the risks of serious injustice occurring are immediate.

Exigent Circumstances Are Why Starseeds and Incarnated Extraterrestrials Came to Earth

It’s pretty easy to agree that circumstances on Earth seem dire for the safety and health of human beings in general on this planet. But, circumstances on Earth also bring into question whether large swaths of humanity will have basic freedoms, free of tyranny.

In an interesting juxtaposition, humanity is also at a breakthrough point in consciousness. Worldwide war and violence has decreased dramatically, although you wouldn’t know from the reports of mainstream news organizations.

I discuss this extensively in the article, An Interesting Story: Earth is Moving From a 3rd/4th Dimensional State to a 5th Dimensional State, and This is Changing the Sorts of UFOs (and ETs) That Can Interact With Humanity.

Exigent circumstances are part of why so many higher dimensional and interdimensional beings have come to Earth at this time in our history.

Beings who originate from more expanded states of consciousness are part of the higher ‘law enforcement’ that is responding to the situation, here on Earth. The military or law enforcement of higher dimensional beings is a form of service that aligns with divine law. They take action in alignment with divine laws and principles.

As humans, many of these beings experience themselves as starseeds, or incarnated extraterrestrials.

These are the interdimensional beings who have embodied more expanded states of consciousness in their realities, and who are from higher frequency dimensions.

Who Are Starseeds and Incarnated Extraterrestrials?

Starseeds and incarnated extraterrestrials incarnate in several ways:

  1. They can incarnate as a human being, from birth as a baby,
  2. They can walk in to embodiment as a human being (through Soul agreements), or
  3.  A human being can descend and integrate their Higher Self into their human energy field.

These are all versions of how starseeds and incarnated extraterrestrials come to be present in the Earth zone.

Incarnating and remembering their higher dimensional capabilities expands the human energy field, raising the consciousness of both the physical body and human energy field of the incarnation.

Starseeds, incarnated extraterrestrials and other higher dimensionals tend to be able to embody a higher frequency of energy in their human energy fields, which naturally effects their environment, which is akin to bringing a lightening and awakening spirit to the Earth environs.

This doesn’t have to be intentional transmission as forcing transmission effects the energy. It is a natural flow. Think of physics: Energy in motion is always in motion. We are always, like light bulbs, shining light at our resonant wattages, or frequency.

Embodying a Soul into a human body naturally produces light. Think of seeing a human being with heat sensing technologies or those green goggles worn by the  military. Ultimately these tech are sensing a type of light emitted by the human body.

Starseeds and incarnated extraterrestrials are not ‘all good’. A better way to say this, is that many are from environments where a state of wholeness exists, and awareness of the direct experience of being a divinely incarnate being, one who accepts and loves both their shadow and their light.

The difference is that as you move into higher frequencies, the person consciously chooses to align with divine will as expressed through their being. This is a spiritual understanding, because it doesn’t mean only good things are going to happen.

For example, because higher frequencies are disruptive to lower density environments, the situation may first appear to be in great chaos.

Human Beings Have Been at a Disadvantage From Not Knowing Spiritual Laws

There are spiritual rules in operation on this planet, and human beings and any other interdimensional beings here, from higher or lower density realms, are subject to these laws. That is because they are divine laws reflecting the state of the universe. Interdimensional beings of all types understand and know these rules, intuitively.

But on Earth, many human beings have forgotten them. This has put us at a great disadvantage when dealing with those less conscious interdimensional beings who invade the human energy field and through parasitism create harm within people. See my article Dark to Light: On Being Human and Transmuting Dark Influences on Humanity.

By knowing the rules of spiritual law, we can protect ourselves physically and non-physically. We can protect ourselves, spiritually. We can protect our own energy field and in doing this we can take active responsibility for ourselves through our own actions.

Knowing the spiritual rules allows us to take control of our own human energy field and to make choices and direct our lives in alignment with what we want for ourselves.

Many human beings are now remembering. As we pursue a spiritual path or a path of raising our consciousness and awakening, we gain access to our inner connection with our own divinity, through our relationship with the most high God and our own Soul.

This is a part of the awakening of human consciousness. It brings an innate knowing and awareness, an inner guidance, regarding divine principles.

Many starseeds and incarnated extraterrestrials are from more advanced societies, from higher states of consciousness, or from higher dimensional planes than Earth (and by that I mean non-polarized higher dimensional planes), and have an intuitive knowing of these spiritual laws.

How Starseeds and Incarnated Extraterrestrials Use Incarnation to Conform with Divine Law and  Spiritual Rules

A key rule of spiritual laws is non-interference by higher consciousness beings upon the free will choices of humanity. The gift of free will was a direct gift to humanity by the Creator.

However, if a starseed or extraterrestrial incarnates as a human being, then they are human.

As a human being, the starseed and incarnated extraterrestrial can make requests of angels, higher dimensional beings and others for help for specific circumstances, especially on the energy planes.

Making certain changes on the energy planes is particularly useful expanding consciousness and all that means for the group and for the individual.

Starseeds and incarnated extraterrestrials can bring in this help related to their specific skill sets. And, they will be given help and assistance in alignment with their request and in their highest good.

Their skill sets are hard to describe because some have not been present before on Earth. In addition, human beings have been taught not to pursue some of these innate skill sets, such as intuitive skills or clairvoyance.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”      ~ Matthew 7:7

Higher dimensional beings cannot interfere unless their service has been requested….

…unless they are also the human being who makes the request themselves.

In addition, if a human being who is a starseed or incarnated extraterrestrial can come to awareness of their own higher consciousness, they as a human being can also take actions in the energy planes, assisting the Earth and other human beings, that a higher dimensional being could not or would not take on their own because they have not been asked to do so.

This is a special domain and special role of starseeds and incarnated extraterrestrials.

Love, Solaris


Photograph free license from by Cosmin Gurau.

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© 2019-2020 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated; color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. Original publish date June 14, 2019. This article was originally published at

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.