Unknown Ship (UFO) Saves the Day – A Story of the Fireball in British Columbia This is a discussion of news and commentary about a fireball near Nelson, British Columbia the night of September 4,…
Unknown Ship (UFO) Saves the Day – A Story of the Fireball in British Columbia This is a discussion of news and commentary about a fireball near Nelson, British Columbia the night of September 4,…
Whidbey Island Missile Incident, Part 2 I have discovered stunning evidence of cloaked ships in the sky at the Whidbey Island Missile Incident. Were these cloaked ships part of ‘the specialized weapons package’ that shot…
Two UFO Lights Over San Francisco Bay Valerie Donner, of The Ground Crew blog, was so gracious to share these UFO photographs with me!! She was in San Francisco one evening, taking photographs of the…
An Inappropriate Rainbow Spectrum One day in August of this year, I took a drive out towards the country here, and as I went up the hill that delineates the rural part of the county,…
Our Guest Photographer of Gorgeous Orbs and Ships I was contacted by a ‘blog sister’, Joanna Fay of the HeartStar Aligning with Love & Planetary Ascension blog, a couple of months ago, who sent me an…
Doing Sleuth Work, Because I Want to Know What’s Up There Recently a lightship UFO flashed me, and I have been sleuthing through the still photographs from the video, carefully reviewing them and editing the…
A green sky in San Diego? Yes, this is what our guest photographer saw one day this past fall of 2016. Our guest photographer today, Linda C, and her unedited photo (except the addition of…
This photograph had so many interesting aspects being revealed! All are visible with the naked eye in just the right atmospheric conditions. Blue Cosmic Since 2013 I have been photographing an object with blueish…
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