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Solaris Modalis Video: Daytime UFO Dives Towards My Camera

By December 11, 2017February 7th, 2018Sky Phenomena, Solaris Galactic, Solaris Video

Solaris Video: Daytime UFO Dive Towards My Camera

This still shot gives you an idea of what to look for when viewing the video. It’s nice to have a map of the path of the UFO, because it is moving so fast in the video that at first, one see just a flash of light. That’s why in the video, we slow it down and look frame by frame for UFO evidence. And, we find it. ~ Solaris

Overview and Still Shot From the Video

I recently took a series of very interesting photos.  My friend Alex and I had another “jam session” talking through the intricacies of one of the photos in real time, and we recorded this session so that you could join us and listen in.

This is another shorter video, at 18 minutes, and I’m really excited about this shorter format and plan to do more of these!

I hope you enjoy this presentation.  A text review of the video content follows so you can have an idea of what we talked about.

Video Jam Session Overview

Following is description of the content that my friend Alex Clark and I discussed in this video.  Numbers indicate the minutes:seconds that is the location of this commentary in the video.

0:01  Still shots of UFO moving through the sky.

  • Still shots indicate starting point of UFO path, mid-point, where the UFO is clearly significantly closer (and dive bombs my camera!), and then ending point on the path as captured by my camera

0:17 Star of our “jam session” about the photo

  • Get out and take photos 🙂

0:56 Location is “in front of the sun”.

  • A lot of these daytime phenomena hide in front of the sun.

2:37  Presenting the photo and discussing what is going to happen in the video

  • Our last video was of daytime UFOs flashing pink red light in the sky.
  • This time, we are going to see a fast moving white (in the photograph) UFO fly in an arc in the sky in front of the sun.  The “white” color in the photograph may be the reflection of light off the UFO in the sunshine.

3:23  What is the blue dot in the photo – a discussion.

  • A daytime unobstructed reflection of the sun
  • Talking about this image as an orb – see my website comment Solaris on Solar Angel photo.
  • See my discussion on this photographic element at this blog post Starseed Eclipse.  I discuss this dot that appears in my photos and others’ photos and show through the photos posted how it changes as the moon passes in front of the sun during an eclipse.
  • Alex: Intuitively, this dot doesn’t have energy that would indicate it is more than a reflection (of the sun) in this photo.
  • Solaris: This dot does change with changes in solar weather and different types of light radiation from the sun.

8:00  Playing the video of the UFO moving.

  • Zooming in to look for the UFO; watching the UFO appear in various aspects of the photo.
  • Alex:  the white dot or flash moving is not pixelation, this can be seen viewing the video.  The distance that object moves in 3 seconds is incredible.
  • Solaris:  The object actually moves this incredible distance in a fraction of a second, given the length of the video.
  • Reviewing the video of the UFO – so exciting!
  • Note:  I haven’t quite learned all the technology and so lost the pointer in the final video that we were using to discuss the movement
  • The UFO makes a turn in the sky, and dips towards the camera.

12:18  Looking at the video in slow motion – focusing in on specific frames of the video to see close up detail.

  • Zooming in to look for the UFO; watching the UFO appear in various aspects of the photo.
  • The UFO is moving so fast that it appears twice in two of the frames.
  • Alex – If something is moving this fast (and given that an iPad has 240 frames per second – I looked this up afterward) to have the image show up twice in one frame it must be moving at incredible speed.
  • Solaris – Note:  While we were filming my intuition said this object is moving at thousands of miles per second.
  • The UFO dips closer and towards the camera and then flies away.
  • Solaris – I couldn’t get a still of the UFO dipping closer to the camera while filming due to the speed of the UFO – finding the frame where the UFO turns.  I did find the still afterwards using a different video application, and this is the second photo in the set of three stills that appear at the beginning and the ending of this video.
  • Alex – This is moving way faster than the technology we have on planet at this time (as far as we know).

16:42  Wrap up, thank you, and still shots from the video we just reviewed.

Thank you for joining us!

Love, Solaris

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© 2018 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated: color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented.

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.