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Solaris Modalis Commentary: Some Thoughts on UFO Designs

Shapes That Do Not Look Like Natural Formations

Recently, I published a photograph in my article Cloaked Ship Plus Perfect Triangle containing two potential UFOs. There were two clear shapes in the sky that clearly did not look like natural formations.

One of the shapes was a perfect triangle. The other shape was much more unusual. I’ve enlarged this second object and color edited the photo to pop the shape against the background of the sky for your ease of  viewing.

The topic of this article will focus on this previously unknown UFO shape and design, and on the broader concept of UFO design in general.

This large rectangle-ish base with spindly arms in front at first seems a strange shape for a UFO. With only the outlined shape, presumably of a cloaked vessel, what could the actual UFO look like?

Interpreting the Photograph and Creating Potential UFO Designs

I took a stab at drawing a design of what this interesting shaped UFO might look like, by hand drawing this image:

Solaris Modalis, SolarisModalis, cloaked ship, cloaking technology, UFO, handrawn image, hand drawingBut, even as I was drawing this beautiful ship design, I realized that it did not fit the exact shape of the object in the photo, above.

When I imagined and manipulated the form of what I drew in my mind, I found I couldn’t get this design to look like the outline in the photograph.

It’s just that I liked my design better, lol.

I couldn’t see how the ship design would work because the shape in the photograph  didn’t make sense to me, and because the energies of the cloaked ship in the photograph weren’t resonant with me. I didn’t feel aligned with the energies.

So I drew a gorgeous ship shape that I feel very aligned with, and is what I feel would be a great shape for a fifth dimensional technology ‘light’ vessel. That is, a ship created of advanced materials, and potentially created from a kind of thick ‘light’.

As often happens, I was bothered that my ship design did not exactly fit the outlined image in the photograph, above. So I sat staring at the image, manipulating 3D space in my higher mind until an image of a ship practically popped out of the photograph at me, lol.

This shape appears to me that exactly fit the outlines of the shape in the photograph.

Sun, Today's Sun, TodaysSun, Solar Activity, Solaris Modalis, SolarisModalis, cloaked ship, cloaking technology, triangle ship, UFO

I’ve stacked the hand drawing on top of this second color edited version of the photograph, which pops the cloaked ship even more.

I was stunned at what I was seeing, and yet, the new drawing fits the shape of the outline in the photograph perfectly.

How can a ship have this design and fly? How can it be heavier in the back and long and narrow in the front? Without understanding the technology that powers this craft, and even the physics it operates under, we are at a loss to fully answer these questions.

I say physics, because if the UFO truly has a shape like what I’ve drawn, then the physics it interacts with in our atmosphere would seem to be different than what we are currently aware of.

UFO Design: More Than Saucers and Triangles

We are used to seeing UFOs as having your basic saucer and triangle design. But are we to believe that if there are UFOs, that those who create them stick with these two geometries?

After all, the premise that there are UFOs assumes that these UFOs are not one off creations by whoever, but parts of larger cultures, ones that presumably create large numbers of craft, especially if they are going to send an ‘extra’ to this planet.

Or, if there is a Secret Space Program that has had access to trillions of dollars, as described as a potential by Catherine Austin Fitts of the Solari Report, are we to assume that the Secret Space Program has limited itself to one of two designs? Surely with trillions of dollars, they have by now gotten more creative.

Observing the Original Photograph

Let’s take a look at the original photograph, below, free of color edits. Even without color edits to pop the forms, these two shapes are clearly visible.

The triangle UFO is certainly a shape that has been seen before and much talked about in UFO circles.

The unknown and odd shaped UFO appears to be a cloaked ship of some sort. While it is not a construction we might recognize as being a UFO, it is an unusual shape in the sky, and does not appear natural.

Sun, Today's Sun, TodaysSun, Solar Activity, Solaris Modalis, SolarisModalis, cloaked ship, cloaking technology, triangle ship, UFO

Unknown UFO Design and Technology Revealed By the Effects Seen in the Sky

The interesting shaped UFO has a ‘draft’ effect on the sky, with two trails emanating off of the back of it. These two trails emanate from the craft to the left.

Thus the trail indicates that the forward movement of this craft is to the right in the photo. The two arms are in the front of the craft, and the flat straight end of the form is the rear.

In addition, there is large bubble that appears as a large circle around the craft. Interestingly, as I was adjusting the color edits, this circle came out with a hint of light rainbow colors, unlike any other part of the sky. This feels very much like a cloak or shield to me.

Sun, Today's Sun, TodaysSun, Solar Activity, Solaris Modalis, SolarisModalis, cloaked ship, cloaking technology, triangle ship, UFOWhat Are They Doing Up There?

What an interesting story, that there could be two crafts up there in the sky in the middle of the day, unbeknownst to the surface population.

While the concept of the ships being there is fascinating, if we think that this could be a reality, this obviously raises some pretty interesting questions. Questions that I don’t have the answers to.

What I felt, was that the triangle UFO was observing the other craft. The triangle craft is clearly Secret Space Program.

Since we are already way out here in the hypothetical realm, let’s construct an interesting story about the craft in this photograph.

The weather and everything about the day(s) before and after this photograph were taken were unusual. The winds were blowing in the ‘wrong’ direction, the temperature is much colder than normal. And the energy felt heavy and, simply, ‘off’ or strange.

Here’s something interesting – what if certain kinds of UFO craft can only enter our atmosphere under specific conditions? Such as, a specific condition of a particular frequency range being present in the atmosphere. We’ve got an odd shaped craft, during odd surface conditions of weather and of energetic feel. The sky felt particularly heavy for the daytime.

A Fourth Dimensional Craft Cannot Operate in Fifth Dimensional Frequencies

In our interesting story, let’s say that this is a craft of a different dimensional nature than the lightships that I photograph, which are fifth dimensional and higher frequencies.

If this design is, say, a fourth dimensional ship with a cloak, then perhaps it operates under different conditions than lightships. Perhaps it needs specific conditions to operate in our atmosphere, and perhaps those conditions were met the day I took this photograph.

What this implies is that under fifth dimensional and higher frequencies and conditions, that this ship would be unable to enter or to be present in our atmosphere.

Like, for example, if the consciousness of humanity raised to a state of peace, brotherly love, compassion, understanding for each other, acceptance of our uniqueness and diversity, and so on. These are high frequency conditions that emulate fifth dimensional and higher frequencies in my view. And these would likely effect the Schumann Resonance in a way that expanded it’s range greatly. The Schumann Resonance are frequency bands present and measured between the surface of the Earth up through the atmosphere.

Yes I am saying that I feel that human consciousness effects the Schumann Resonance. I have only anecdotal proof for this, as I have been tracking the resonances for the past 18 months and observing their effects on me and correlating broader happenings with spiking in their ranges.

In our interesting story, those who favor such a fourth dimensional craft would need to foster and create lower frequency conditions for their craft to operate, conditions that depressed consciousness such as war and the range of human trauma. This would lower the general consciousness of the human population, and the energies of consciousness that I believe we emit as a population.

To round off our interesting story, what if the consciousness of humanity and the Earth are increasing to such a state that such a fourth dimensional ET (extraterrestrial) craft cannot operate? Or perhaps these craft are otherwise prohibited from entering our atmosphere?

Then, maybe they would need a window when the conditions were just right to come in, pick up those they left behind, and move on to greener pastures. Or darker pastures, lol, if you want to look at it that way.

An intersting story, or a history in the making?  You decide.

Love, Solaris

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.