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Solaris Commentary: On Weather, Staying Centered, Choosing the Conscious Path and Miracles

By September 15, 2017February 7th, 2018About the Blog, Analysis, Commentary, News, Solaris Essay

Solaris Commentary: On Weather, Staying Centered, Choosing the Conscious Path and Miracles

This month of mid-August to mid-September 2017 has been deeply introspective for me, and the postings this month reveal this – and emphasize inner healing and integration, acknowledgement of inner wisdom, and connection with higher consciousness.

Extreme Weather Outside and an Invitation to Take Care of the Self Within

The great solar eclipse occurred August 21, 2017, and post-eclipse we went from Hurricane Harvey in Houston, to fires raging in the Western United States, to Hurricane Irma in Florida, to the September 11 anniversary.

There were plenty of opportunities for stepping into and out of higher consciousness. In times like these, really taking care of the inner self is the opportunity, at least it was for me. There were many opportunities and invitations to step off the path of inner centeredness this month. Sometimes, they got me, but you know what? I was able to step back into resonance with my inner guidance quicker than ever.

An Inpouring of Galactic and Solar Frequencies Supported Us; The Human Spirit Prevailed

I feel that this is the blessing of the galactic and solar frequencies that poured through to the Earth with the 8-8 Gateway and the Solar Eclipse of August 21, the significant recent X class flares, the geomagnetic storms, and the spiking Schumann Resonance. They all contributed to be a powerful energetic push to align with the inner path.

They supported us with deep inner sustenance in the storms we faced.

You know what? I was proud of us – I was so very in awe of the human spirit shown in these recent weeks. The sheer strength of heart and caring was evident in every tragedy. And, especially, the special gifts of assisting each other, helping each other, in so very many ways.

Some of the weather patterns have been quite dramatic, even for those of us not in the path of the hurricanes, but in the smokiness of the fires here out west, in the strangeness of weather not quite acting right – for example, hours of lightening in San Francisco one night this week – and all in the same two locations over the ocean off the bay, from my vantage point. The density of energies was intense.

I have felt so intensely lonely in the last three weeks, and in the depths of the energies, the galactics appeared for me, ship by recognizable ship, every day for 5 days. They even got me to laugh.

Still, step by step, moving through the inner storm, I have made progress.  I’ve wanted to add a video channel for some time, and while I was at a loss to write the last three weeks, with deep integration occurring, in the background we have been researching technology, practicing using it, making test videos, checking out the results, making changes, baby step by baby step, learning to edit videos.

And then, this week, I posted my first YouTube video of a discussion I had with my friend Alex Clark about a turning ship and fireball. I hope you will LOVE this video as much as I loved creating it. If you do like it, would you please press the like button and even subscribe? We will have more videos upcoming. Deep gratitude to Alex for her insightful comments and for bringing this event to my attention.

Another Unusual Storm – An Electric Storm Over San Francisco on September 11

The featured photo of a lightening strike with fourteen tendrils was taken during the recent lightening storm in San Francisco – the first one here I have ever heard of.

An article on the website for the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper stated that there were 1,200 cloud-to-ground lightening strikes during the event, and 5,800 in cloud lightening strikes during the hours of the lightening event on the night of September 11, 2017, according to the National Weather Service; that’s a total of 7,000 lightning strikes in a few hours.

This was a rare lightning storm.  Usually, the west coast of the United States typically has the fewest lightening strikes, both in the country (and here), and it’s rate of lightening strike rate is among the lowest in the world, according to NOAA (the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration).

As I sat watching the lightening strike the same two locations, from my vantage point, over and over, every few seconds, off the coast of San Francisco, I knew inside that we were protected, and safe from the storm.  I connected in meditation with Gaia, with the consciousness of this planet, and felt her anguish release.  As I felt her, the huge strike with fourteen tendrils flashed over the sky in front of me.  It was a powerful moment.

Miracles Occur and We Move Forward

Two days later, the air at the coast of San Francisco is the freshest and most pure smelling air I have ever breathed!!  Miracles occur in unseen ways…

Mother Nature ended a years long drought in California in two months this winter, and this week, it seems to me, Mother Nature has completely cleared the sky of any particles and spraying and pollution and whatnot mischief…. and I can smell fresh air and I can breathe easy, again.

Blessings to you – may your path rise up to meet you, with ease and grace, with joy and laughter.

Love, Solaris

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.