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Research Links: Whidbey Island Missile Incident Series, Part 1

By September 8, 2018September 18th, 2020Analysis, Commentary, News, Research Notes and Links, Sky Research

Research links related to potential bell-shaped craft or drone that is advanced human technology that launched the missile from the sky after being hacked.

Research Notes for Whidbey Island Missile Incident, Part 1

Links to the Article, Part 1:

The article contains extensive photographs and lighting and coloring adjusted photographs, and links to related video.

Whidbey Island Missile Incident, Part 1 –

Missile launched from the sky by a cloaked bell-shaped UFO or bell-shaped drone (human technology).

Some Areas We Cannot Expand On: The Whidbey Island Missile Incident:

Additional Articles

Additional articles I have posted about the Whidbey Island Missile Incident:


Links to the Video of Part 1

The video is additive to the article.

Video, Whidbey Island Missile Incident, Part 1 –

The Whidbey Island Missile Incident:

Additional videos on the Solaris Modalis YouTube Channel about the Whidbey Island Missile Incident:

Whidbey Island Missile Incident Playlist


The Unauthorized Missile Launch – Twitter Timeline of President Trump’s Schedule During the Event

1) President Donald Trump departs Quebec Canada mid-afternoon (local time) of June 9, 2018.

In the afternoon of June 9, 2018, President Donald Trump left the G7 meeting in Quebec, Canada to attend a one on one meeting and peace negotiations with Kim Jong-un, the leader of North Korea, in Singapore.

At 1:56pm eastern time, President Trump tweeted that he was leaving for Singapore after departing the G7 meeting.

2) SkunkBay Weather camera picks up image of a missile launch at 3:56am Pacific time.

At 3:56am Pacific time on June 10, 2018 in the state of Washington, USA, an unauthorized missile launch (according to Q) that occurred in the vicinity of Whidbey Island (this is the direction in which the SkunkBay cameras are pointed).

This missile launch was captured in a photograph with a 20 second exposure by the award winning SkunkBay Weather website and posted by Greg Johnson in an article on his SkunkBay Weather blog on July 11, 2018 in this article, Missile Launch On Whidbey Island?

While it has been officially denied that any missile launch occurred, it is widely believed that this launch may have been an attempt on the Air Force 1 airplane, which was flying the President to Singapore.

3) President Trump Arrives in Singapore – Tweets at 6:45pm Eastern time.


Missile Image Source Links

The original source of the missile launch photograph and the green aurora photograph in the video is the award winning SkunkBay Weather blog and the post: Missile Launch On Whidbey Island?


Some areas we cannot expand on.

Specialized weapons package.

Whidbey Island, Skunk Bay Weather blog, missile launch, Q, Q Anon, QAnon, Q postings, Q posts on missile launch

Unauthorized missile fired.

Whidbey Island, Skunk Bay Weather blog, missile launch, Q, Q Anon, QAnon, Q postings, Q posts on missile launch

Think hack.

Whidbey Island, Skunk Bay Weather blog, missile launch, Q, Q Anon, QAnon, Q postings, Q posts on missile launch

Certain events were not supposed to take place.

This is not a game.

Whidbey Island, Skunk Bay Weather blog, missile launch, Q, Q Anon, QAnon, Q postings, Q posts on missile launch

Relevant Articles on Solaris Modalis Re: Missile Incidents and UFOs

My Article on the Hawaii Missile Incident:

US Military Jets and UFO:

(fix link)

A Salute to the Unacknowledged Heroes: A Primer on the Hawaii Missile Incident:

(fix link)

Research Notes

Wunder Waffe

This was the military weapons research and development arm of the Third Reich. Their projects were sophisticated and highly developed weaponry using advanced technologies, even for the current day. It is believed that the Die Glocke ‘Bell UFO’ project was a part of this R&D effort.

Operation Paperclip – from the Wikipedia article, July 31, 2018:

“Operation Paperclip was a secret program of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) largely carried out by Special Agents of Army CIC (the United States Army Counter Intelligence Corps), in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians, such as Wernher von Braun and his V-2 rocket team, were recruited in post-Nazi Germany and taken to the U.S. for government employment, primarily between 1945 and 1959. Many were former members, and some were former leaders, of the Nazi Party.”  

Die Glocke – World War II technology assumed to be part of the Wunder Waffe.

In my view, the Die Glocke looks like it may have been designed with the intent that it would carry a ballistic missile. The launch would be through the bubble-shaped opening (door) at the top middle of the top portion of the chamber.

Die Glocke, the Bell, Bell UFO

Die Glocke Bell UFO by Zusurs from Wiki Commons.

Die Glocke image has a Creative Commons license, CC BY-SA 3.0. By the terms of the license credit goes to Zusurs at Wiki Commons. Edits are allowed as long as they are indicated: The following edits were made to the Zusurs image 1) symbol covered for ease of sharing on social media and 2) title under Bell design was changed to ‘Die Glocke’ for ease of use sharing on social media and for clarity.

Diving Bell – from the Wikipedia article, July 31, 2018:

“A diving bell is a rigid chamber used to transport divers from the surface to depth and back in open water, usually for the purpose of performing underwater work. The most common types are the open bottomed wet bell and the closed bell….

Unlike a submersible, the diving bell is not designed to move under the control of its occupants, nor to operate independently of its launch and recovery system.”

Diving Bell image source: Diving Bell by Henrik Sendelbach (Creative Commons license 1.0 through 3.0.)

Trident D5 Missile – from the Wikipedia article, August 1, 2018:

“The UGM-133A Trident II, or Trident D5 is a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM), built by Lockheed Martin Space Systems….

Propulsion stages were proposed to be used between the first stage and second stage motors, effectively making the Trident II a longer three-stage missile than the C-4…

The Trident II is a three-stage rocket, each stage containing a solid-fuel rocket motor.”

trident D5 missile, us navy

Trident D5 missile

S-300VM a Stealth Aircraft Killer – from

This link contains a video showing the missile(s) launching and its self-propulsion and stages activating and firing.

From the website:

“The S-300VM (“Antey-2500″) (SA-23 Gladiator\Giant) mobile multichannel ADMS is designed to destroy current and future tactical and strategic aircrafts (including those using Stealth Technology), medium-range ballistic missiles, theater, tactical, air ballistic and cruise missiles, as well as radar surveillance and guidance aircrafts, reconnaissance and attack systems and patrolling jamming stations.”

Physics of Recoil Illustrated:

Recoil upon discharging a powerful weapon. Great video showing how recoil works using a boar gun, an incredibly powerful gun: Big Boar Hunting Rifle with Surprising Recoil. Shows the movement recoil recreates.  I list this link here because I considered whether the craft recoiled after firing the missile. I choose to move away from this theory, but if there was no venting of the missile blast through the craft, recoil by the craft itself is a possibility.


Made in America Event – Lockheed Martin –

Our most advanced space technology on display at the White House: The Orion spacecraft. Screen shot from the @WhiteHouse Twitter account video from the Made in America Showcase at 0:07 seconds on July 23, 2018.

made in america showcase, Orion spacecraft, Orion, White House, twitter, July 23 2018

We Have the (Cloaking) Technology

She Makes a Plane You Can’t See – Article and Video

If a plane cannot be seen with human eyes, then it is employing cloaking technology. ‘Cloaked’ means the plane or craft is invisible to the eyes while flying (and if it also employs stealth technology it may then also be invisible to radar).

Stunning Evidence – Article and Video

How I Located the Presence of a Cloaked Craft

I was reviewing video and found what appeared to be a Secret Space Program  (SSP) craft hiding in the cloud bank. I decided to carefully review as many relevant screen shots of the video that I could, focusing in on a screen shot of the spot in the sky where I knew the SSP craft had been.

I choose a screen shot from the video where I could not see the craft’s impression at all. And then I looked deeper to see if there was anything there.

When I edited the lighting in this screen shot, I saw unusual geometric patterns imprinted in this exact spot in the sky. I knew that this was an incredibly unusual phenomenon, and that the geometric pattern likely represented the imprint of frequencies onto the clouds of a cloaking technology.

Cloaked Rectangle UFO – Article and Video

This photograph blew me away. I had seen the almost perfect 90 degree angle of the ‘clouds’ in the sky, and knew something interesting was happening. After editing the lighting and color in the photograph, I was able to ‘pop’ the shape of the rectangle UFO – likely a Secret Space Program technology.

Why the UFO Topic is Important

In my view, the topic of UFOs is key to what is going on behind the scenes; it is key to understanding some of the unseen drivers behind world events.

This is because funding of secret programs likely consumes significant public funding for which there has been a lack of transparency.

Highly respected researchers (Catherine Austin Fitts and Professor Mark Skidmore) have traced trillions of dollars of missing money from the US government department and agency budgets to spending on assets for the secret space programs.


Here are some researchers who do significant research in this area based on government documents:

Significant on-the-ground video evidence compiled by James Gilliland

  • James Gilliland, His research is based on hundreds of UFO videos from his ranch,

My own blog is based on personal observations, photographs and experiences

My approach on my blog is to use my own personal photographs and videos, and those of my guest photographers, to illustrate the presence of phenomena in the sky, both of a galactic nature and from secret space programs.

I do extensive writing on both secret space program craft and on the galactic presence in our skies, and I write extensively about the personal experiences of observing and interacting with these phenomena of myself and others.


My Primer on UFOs

– Because this topic is so important, I created background and context for my readers in the form of a UFO Primer.

– This Primer covers UFOs, the Secret Space Program, Galactics and Extraterrestrials, but it also deals with these topics from a personal standpoint.

– Parts 1, 2 and 3 of the UFO Primer address why this topic is relevant and important.

– Parts 4, 5 and 6 of the UFO Primer address how to deal with unseen entities and dark forces from the standpoint of human empowerment and from the perspective of Divine Law, using spiritual strategies.

UFO Primer Introduction:

This Primer will cover UFOs, the Secret Space Program, Galactics and Extraterrestrials. (fix link)

UFO Primer Part 1

UFOs are real. Most (metal) UFOs are from Earth. (fix link)

UFO Primer Part 2

Yes, it’s highly likely that we have the technology. (fix link)

UFO Primer Part 3

UFOs and the related infrastructure of any secret space programs are real and have likely consumed significant resources of the United States of America, effecting our economy. (fix link)

UFO Primer Part 4

Having and using discernment: When it comes to UFOs and related phenomena, in my view, discernment is about having a personal experience, understanding how to react in the moment, and intuitively knowing what choices are in highest good for you, personally. (fix link)

UFO Primer Part 5

Divine Law, spiritual strategies and ‘the Rules’. Why and how understanding Divine Law can assist you when facing unseen and unknown entities and phenomena.

I also specifically address the question of whether extraterrestrials are demons or not. The answer is, just like for human beings, they have the choice to align with dark forces, or not. Just like human beings, some do and some do not.

The simple fact that UFOs have been present at military bases deactivating nuclear missiles for decades shows us that some of these beings are positive entities.

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UFO Primer Part 6

From my experience, significant numbers of people believe that UFOs are real, and a large number of people have had personal UFO, extraterrestrial, galactic and/or celestial experiences.

How and why you have the authority to say No to visitors, and setting parameters for positive experiences in your highest good.

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Hand Drawings on the Blog:

All Hand drawings are original works created by Solaris Modalis.

Fair Use Statement

This research and links related to news reporting and analysis by is a segment of Solaris Modalis Space Programs and Sky Phenomena News.

Photography and website images used are in the public domain and fall under rules of Fair Use. We are making these materials available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting which constitute the ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.


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Love, Solaris

© 2018-2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated:  color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. This article was originally published at

© 2018-2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this video as an embed on other blogs and websites as long as a live link to this video on the Solaris Modalis YouTube channel is included as well as the author’s credit, copyright and live website link of are included in the article or posting.

Featured image from by Janko Ferlic

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.