It was an amazing day. I was out on a long walk in the neighborhood, watching the clouds move in from the ocean and across the sky.
A completely blue sky day turned to an amazing sky filled with mists of rippling energy, as this long object moved across the sky.
I feel that the ripples in the cloud cover are an effect of multidimensional frequencies emitted by these objects. The are emitting a higher frequency vibration than we have been used to seeing in our skies, before. And this is causing some pretty interesting rippled patterns.
In fact, in my view, the rippling is a sign of multidimensional, higher frequency presence. It’s one of the signals you can look for as you look up at the sky.
As in other photos, you can see that an outline forms around the object, at it’s edges.
All photos are unedited, save for the watermark/website addition.
The amazement and joy I felt seeing this right overhead was indescribable. I wished for a crowd around me so that I could point up and say – hey!! you guys look at that!! – but I was in a quiet neighborhood, filled with houses, and that afternoon not another human being was walking around.
Love, Solaris.
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