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What’s the Deal with Metal Ships Versus Lightships? 

Why do we see so many videos and photos of UFOs that are clearly a type of metal out on YouTube and the like?

Is it lack of imagination?  Lol.

Well, I’d say that there are several things going on here.

The first, is that human beings tend to build things that go up in the sky out of metal.  Because that is our technology.

The second is that some off world beings also build ships out of metal.

And the third, is that there are some beings that build ships out of “light”.

Without getting too much into the physics of it, let’s just say that this would seem “solid” to us if we were them, potentially.  If they have forms, or a type of body, like we do (a “lightbody”).

So, now we can get into the physics.  We all know there are different dimensions.

Metal UFOs are 3rd and 4th Dimensional

It’s my view that metal ships are third and potentially even fourth dimensional.  This makes sense because the third dimension is about the physical, and having physical bodies.  The fourth dimension, in my view, is about the non-physical, and is closely paired with the third dimension.

How would a metal ship then be fourth dimensional?  Perhaps certain cloaking frequencies could facilitate this, making them lighter and invisible to us.  And, their sense of time, relative to our perception, is slightly altered because their ability to fly at great speed creates a fourth dimensional frequency.

Characteristics of Third and Fourth Dimensional Visitors

The third and fourth dimensions are characterized by duality and polarity.  Thus, the beings we might meet from these same dimensions as us have the potential of embodying the whole range of what being in duality and polarity imply.  (Good versus evil, light versus dark, male and female, etc.)

Lightships are 5th Dimensional (and Higher)

When we look up and see clouds shaped like ships, or we see lenticular clouds that represent a kind of ship, these are lightships.  They are not third or even fourth dimensional.  How, then, can they be made of clouds, or water vapor?

My sense is that lightships are for our benefit.

It’s the way that they can show us who they are, and that they are here.

And, it’s a way of cloaking or hiding their effects on atmospheric conditions that we might notice, because, in my view, higher frequency ships and energies cause rippling and other effects on actual clouds and cloud banks.

Because, the higher dimensional frequencies of the fifth dimension and higher, are, simply, mostly invisible to us.  You typically require one of the “clairs” to experience these dimensions – clairvoyance, clairsentience, etc.

Characteristics of Fifth Dimensional Visitors (and Higher)

The fifth dimensional realm is one of connection with the heart space, connection with spirit and our own divinity, of connection with our soul.  It is a realm that requires spiritual maturity for a human being to experience.

And so, we could imagine that visitors from this realm would be what we might describe as more spiritual beings.  Meaning, that they have moved away from duality and polarity, and live in peace with each other in accordance with divine principles in the highest good of all.

Love, Solaris

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Want to read more posts on lightships?  Try these posts:

Sunshine Lightship

Super Moon Sky Ship

When UFOs Hide in the Clouds

The Fleet Arrives

What Hides Before the Sun

Diamond in the Sky

How to Notice and Photograph Lightships

Posts on UFOs:

Sphere UFO Flies Past Sun (3 images)

Video: Beautiful Shot of a UFO Coming in Past the Sun

Still Photographs of ‘Beautiful Shot of UFO’ and Commentary

Here is the Link to our Portfolio Gallery – sort photos by what you want to see (Art, Sun, Sky, Starships)

Gallery Page with Sort Capability

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© 2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated; color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. This article was originally published at

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.

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  • Beverley Steele says:

    The photographs are beautifully real. The ones over Hawaii. One can almost see the dimensionality of them.

    I’m wondering if you have also collected any evidence from radar screens, and from warning systems, Fema ?, that could provide further evidence? Of course, that would be highly classified and most unlikely Would it not? Hoping something comes forth!

  • Solaris says:

    Hello Beverley,

    Thanks so much for writing in! Regarding the photographs of the ships over Hawaii, I’m thinking that you mean from the Saturday missile alert there? (Jan 13 2018) Those were taken by someone else, and posted to an account on Facebook – they are photos of the live TV broadcast from the local TV station. They were sent to me by a friend who knows I write on UFOs and lightships.

    I don’t get to see radar screens and warning systems. Although if someone has photos of those and wants to send them to me, I’m happy to take a look as long as they are not classified, lol. Perhaps as the weeks go on we will get more information, and I’m happy to do an update if relevant information comes available.

    I agree that you can see the dimensionality of the ships – it’s really cool, isn’t it!!?? So exciting. And it is awesome that these appeared in the news broadcast – the newscasters did not realize what they were filming in the sky, is my guess.

    After a few hours, any similar photographs of the same location appeared to be ‘scrubbed’, meaning, that the glowy UFOs were removed from photos of the same location. Further investigation into these images caused me to believe the graphics had been edited…. ah well.

    Best wishes, siStar, and write in again if you look up and see something interesting!

    Love, Solaris