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*Video Added* The Light Beside the Moon: 4 Interesting Stories

By March 7, 2018March 10th, 2018Sky Phenomena, Solaris Video

Lunar Eclipse, Nubiag29, Solaris Modalis, SolarisModalis, moon, blood moon, super moon, January 2018

The Light Beside the Moon: 4 Interesting Stories

by Solaris and Alex Clark

I saw a light shine next to the Moon during the total lunar eclipse of January 31, 2018.

As the Moon began to un-eclipse – as the sunlight came back around the Earth to shine once again upon the Moon – I suddenly and for a few seconds, saw a bright light to the left of the Moon, but not touching the Moon. There was a space between the bright light and the Moon; it was a big enough space that I could perceive it, visually.

The fascinating thing was the light both shone brightly like a star, and from the center of the light source, the light curved around an unseen circumference at a distance from the Moon for about a third of it’s length, as if it was highlighting a circumference or sphere that was beside or behind the Moon, or it was a circumference generated from the Moon.

It appeared that the sunlight was illuminating something besides the Moon, before it illuminated the Moon again, and I don’t know what it could be. I rung up my friend Alex Clark, and we talked through what I saw and created an interesting story of four possibilities that might explain the light beside the Moon.

The Lunar Eclipse: Description and Artist Rendering

I had woken up early and watched the eclipse in the early hours of the morning, witnessing the dark orange-red color of this phenomenal super-blood-blue-full Moon eclipse in the night time sky. This article at explains the details of this eclipse very nicely if you are interested in reading more about it.

I did take photographs but my camera was not able to capture what I saw with my eyes, because the light was so bright and I did not have my zoom camera available.

A wonderful artist volunteered to create an image of what I saw as the Moon began to un-eclipse. Nubia created the image in this article from my descriptions, with me giving details and her making adjustments as she worked. She did a great job in creating an image that fit what my eyes saw. You can see her art images at her Instagram @Nubia29.

An Interesting Story: Four Theories About the Light Beside the Moon

My friend Alex Clark and I put our heads together to review possibilities of what might have caused this incredibly bright light to shine beside the Moon just before the eclipse of the Moon ended.

1. Does the Moon have some sort of atmosphere or exosphere?

Does the Moon have more of an atmosphere than we know?

Could the Moon have an artificially generated atmosphere, or a technologically produced atmosphere?  We can see that there are no plants or vegetation on the Moon to generate atmosphere. But perhaps there is another function that might be doing so.

We have been told that there is either a very thin atmosphere or no atmosphere on the Moon and this is why it’s surface is very beat up. So maybe the light was shining on and lighting up the edge of an atmosphere, and this is evidence of something we haven’t been told about.

In addition, we have been told that the exosphere on the Moon is incredibly thin. Is this really so?

Perhaps when the sun came around the Earth it met the edge of a much stronger atmosphere or exosphere of the Moon and just lit it up.

Alex describes in detail the cause and effect of biology in creating an atmosphere on Earth.

Thus, I ponder: If there is an atmosphere, or more substantial exosphere, would it be generated internally?

She also describes how microscopic biology of the oceans contributes to the atmosphere and wonders if there may be an environment that is gaseous that through gravitation and magnetism is staying with the Moon, and if so, what would be the factors creating this situation?

While we don’t visually see anything on the surface of the Moon such as the oceans on Earth that could be the source of generating atmosphere in the way that algae and other ocean microbiology do this for Earth, perhaps there is something internally within the Moon that could do this.

Thus, Alex describes that if there is an atmosphere on the Moon, what is it made of, is it created through technology, or is it created naturally through some system we are not yet aware of?

 2. Is there a light source on the back of the Moon?  

The Moon does not rotate – we never see the dark side of the Moon. So we do not really know what is there. Alex asks, could there be some form of light on the back side of the Moon, possibly?

Would there be a necessity of light on the back side of the Moon, if there are beings on the other side of the Moon?

I wonder if during a full eclipse of the Moon for some period of time, if this would effect any potential life on the other side of the Moon in such a way that these beings would need to create compensating factors?

3. Is there a craft such as a sphere shaped UFO hiding behind the Moon?

Could there be a craft emanating light that was hiding behind the Moon?

Or, could there be a sphere shaped craft hiding behind the Moon that was lit up by the sun first, before the sunlight shone on the Moon?

Perhaps this craft might be observing Earth during the full eclipse, or observing solar system conditions.

The best place to play ‘hide and seek’ while paying attention to Earth is to hide behind the Moon.

Perhaps there are ‘shenanigans’ that may occur during a lunar eclipse and a ship might want to be close to the Earth to keep an eye on the planet.

Perhaps ET (extraterrestrial) or galactic or even human scientists are on an advanced craft hiding behind the Moon and are making a scientific study during a lunar eclipse of Earth.

A lot of rituals are done by the dark forces on Earth related to a an eclipse of the Moon so perhaps this energetic situation was being monitored by outside forces.

4. Is there a forcefield around the Moon, or is there a craft with a field around it behind the Moon?

The edge of a forcefield either around the Moon or around a craft behind the Moon may have lit up when the sun came around to light the Moon again. This may have reflected the sunlight back towards Earth.

What if this forcefield got lit up, and the light curved around the edge of that forcefield, as the sun started to come around the Earth.

There are a couple of scientific facts that play into this potential, which Alex describes:

The Moon is the only cosmic body in the solar system that does not rotate. Why doesn’t the Moon rotate like every other celestial body that we are aware of?

The Moon is not in an elliptical orbit around the Earth, it is in a circular orbit. So this indicates a strong magnetism or other force that literally has locked the Moon in place around the Earth.

Alex isn’t willing to say this so I do: Does the Moon move under it’s own power and this describes why it orbits the Earth in this very specific and unusual way, relative to other celestial/cosmic bodies in the solar system?

Thus Alex jokes with me and describes the Moon as a “celestial body” using finger quotes, lol!

An object within a forcefield has limited ability to move, similar to the Moon’s limited ability to move.

Then I suggest, what if there was a forcefield on a ship hiding behind the Moon, and this is the forcefield that was lit up by the sun before it’s light reached the Moon.

The Light Beside the Moon – What is it?

Ultimately, we do not know what caused the light at the side of the Moon.  Over time, data will be collected by scientists that look at these things, and our cultural and scientific theories will be reviewed.

But it has to be brought up for us to know that there might be something more going on than we realize. When the evidence is something that we can perceive with our human senses, it gives power to the experience, and in turn powers our desire to know, ‘why?’.

The Light Beside the Moon Series

I hope you have enjoyed four interesting stories of what the light may have been that I saw next to the moon. This has become a series, with three postings. Each one has a different focus and highlights different information.

Article and Video 1:  What I Saw During the Full Lunar Eclipse January 31 2018

Article and Video 2: (you are reading) The Light Beside the Moon: 4 Interesting Stories

Article and Video 3:  Video Demonstration: How the Sun Lit Up a Spot Next to the Moon

Thank you, Nubia!!

In addition, deep gratitude to @Nubia29 on Instagram. She is a star girl too, as far as I’m concerned, with her personal interest in extraterrestrials and UFOs. Thank you so much, Nubia, for creating the artwork for this article that really nicely shows what I saw with my own eyes in the early morning hours of January 31, 2018.

Love, Solaris

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© 2018 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated:  color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented.

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.