How do we discern dimensions and why is this important? These are the topics this article will cover.
If we have learned to assess what is in our highest good by being in connection with our own heart, this is our clearest guide to engage or to withdraw from contact.
The Heart Can Discern Dimensions For Us
Whether it is ‘gut instinct’, intuition, the inner voice, an inner sense, however we experience this, there is a frequency, feel or tone that we perceive when we are in alignment with our highest truth and with the purity of our spirit.
This alignment ultimately emanates from the Soul connection within the human heart.
Heart-based discernment is not emotional and it is not mental, but it can feel this way if we are oriented one way or another – more mentally or more emotionally.
But when we look a little deeper, if we pay attention to that experience going on inside of us, what I have found is that there is a tone, a feeling, a clear bell if you will that rings for me when it’s from my heart in the purest sense; when it’s a message from my Soul.
The Heart Frequencies Determine Dimensional Reference
Other dimensions; the fourth, the fifth, appear to be non-physical to human beings.
That is why we need another mechanism to discern about what is happening when something engages with us from within these dimensions and interacts with us in our world.
The heart frequencies, i.e., our intuition, gut sense, the inner messages and inner knowings – are able to essentially determine dimensional frame of reference for us.
Assessing the non-physical and understanding our own dimensionality is key to taking command of our own body and energy field, and to understanding our personal experiences.
The Third, Fourth and Fifth Dimensions
There are two main levels of the non-physical: Fourth dimensional non-physical phenomena and fifth dimensional (and higher) non-physical phenomena.
Psychic phenomena and wireless transmissions from technology are non-physical and fourth dimensional.
Higher loving emotions can invite fifth dimensional non-physical energies into our human energy field. Being in a state of mindfulness meditation, holding the emotions of appreciation, gratitude, awe, forgiveness and compassion help us to get there, also.
Accessing fifth dimensional and higher frequency dimensions are states of being that we can now achieve from within the human body. There is no need to ‘leave the body’ to do this.
Maintaining a fifth dimensional and higher state of being means living in a Soul-connected way; having awareness of the Divinity within each of us individually as human beings, and acting in alignment with that if those are our free will choices.
Redeeming Humanity: Descending Divinity Back Into the Human Body
The human body was made by the Creator of all things, and according to Scripture there once was a time when human beings were ‘in perfection’ from within their human form. This means that through their actions they expressed themselves as a perfect vehicle of Divine Will.
Many people think of the process of achieving spiritual maturity, enlightenment, or ascension, involves a linear expansion of consciousness and awareness dimensionally – from third, to fourth, to fifth dimensionality.
In reality, what Humanity is doing is restoring our Divinity in the third and fourth dimensions, while bringing in fifth dimensional frequencies (Soul-connected frequencies emanating from the human heart) to our physical bodies and our energy fields in our lives on Earth.
This restoration of our Divinity in the third and fourth dimensions of our existence on Earth is why so many religious texts discussion redemption, restoration, resurrection, and renewal. What we are doing is restoring ourselves, with Divine, galactic, cosmic, celestial and extraterrestrial assistance, from our fall from grace. We are retracing our pathway out of our descent into the lower third and fourth dimensional frequencies. Then, we are restoring our heart connections and elevating our human body, heart, and energy to the higher third and fourth dimensional frequencies where we are reconnected with our Divinity.
Practice Use Sample Experiences
From a Soul-connected place, from the Source of your purest truth, what do you discern? What does your inner sense tell you?
If you are engaging with a person, an energy, an entity, an experience, how can you discern the dimension you are interacting with?
Here’s a guide to checking in at the heart level. Let’s look at how your intuitive sense can indicate what dimension you are experiencing:
- Maybe you can trust them and maybe you can’t? —> Lower third dimension and lower fourth dimension.
- Feels trustworthy and open hearted and mostly like love? —> Higher third dimension and higher fourth dimension.
- Feels unconditionally loving and even spiritual? —> Fifth dimension or higher.
- Terror, fear, webs and strings, spider like creatures, sharp toothed demons? —> Deep dense second dimension.
- Now – this information comes from the heart frequencies, including our gut or our intuition. And, it is general guidance, because there’s a little more complexity to the dimensions than that.
The Human Body is it’s own Weather Vane and Gives Us a Lot of Intuitive Information
The body will give us a backup. Our bodies will sense fear or discomfort innately. This is information for us too. Trust the body’s perceptions. That is spirit talking to you through your physical form.
Of course, working with clearing our energy fields, processing emotions and experiences, clearing our emotional fields so that we feel our emotions but don’t hold on to them, clearing thought loops in our energy field and mental field; these are all precursors and ongoing personal energy management techniques that keep our access to our heart frequencies open.
I feel that the more specific information on dimensions is additive, and benefits and deepens our understanding of who and what we will be meeting.
Let’s talk about why we should even discuss dimensionality of experiences and of others we meet, in the first place.
Ultimately — does it matter?
How We Benefit From Understanding Dimensions
Other dimensions are perceived by us to be non-physical. Of course that is the case, because the third dimension is a physical dimension.
The fourth and fifth dimensions are non-physical from our viewpoint. Yet there are ways in which we commonly interact with these dimensions without knowing it.
You may be enter a fifth dimensional state of awareness walking through the woods, meditating; even engaging in physical combat when you fully shift out of thought or emotion and are one with your ability to survive.
You may be engaging with a fourth dimensional entity if you wake up and feel a presence is in your room and you feel fear. Or it could be that you feel awe and you are engaging with a fifth dimensional and higher energetic presence.
Isn’t it time we grew up, took off the training wheels, and started looking at these experiences realistically?
These are a part of the human experience. Yet as long as we decide to keep them to ourselves except for telling our closest friend in the world, humanity will be underdeveloped in it’s ability to engage with the non-physical.
The thing is, there is no need for fear. There are laws of physics and there are Divine laws that govern this territory.
We can learn these and prevail.
A first step is to allow our hearts to guide us and to discern dimensions for us.
Love, Solaris
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© 2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated; color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. Original publish date February 17, 2017. This article was originally published at