Solaris Modalis on Video: A 4th Dimensional Ship and Comparison of UFO Models Please click to join my Solaris Modalis Star Crew to receive my Monthly SolarisModalis Newsletter along with special messages and content!…
Solaris Modalis on Video: A 4th Dimensional Ship and Comparison of UFO Models Please click to join my Solaris Modalis Star Crew to receive my Monthly SolarisModalis Newsletter along with special messages and content!…
This video continues the Interesting Story of Two Triangle UFOs Revealed by the Lightning Storm. In this segment, I’ve created ship models and compare the triangle ship model with the pyramid ship model from my…
Solaris Modalis – An Interesting Story: Two Triangle UFOs Revealed by Lightning Storm Play by Play of activity from recent lightning storm in San Francisco area (storm was on September 11, 2017). In my previous…
Solaris Modalis on Video: Stunning San Francisco Lightning + Triangle UFOs Please enjoy this video – I discovered two triangle shapes in the sky at 4:22 minutes as well!! Videos and still shots of lightning…