I have been deeply pondering questions about what it is to be human in the current energies. I have been thinking and feeling about being human and about the causes of inhumanity. How we get to the…
My study and analysis of the human energy field is rooted in quantum physics principles, interdimensional physics theory and testing through experiences.
I have been deeply pondering questions about what it is to be human in the current energies. I have been thinking and feeling about being human and about the causes of inhumanity. How we get to the…
Solaris Modalis Video: Telepathy – What it is, Setting Basic Permissions This is my first video on the topic of telepathy and on the Human Energy Field and on setting parameters for managing the energy…
New 4D Light Spectrums Revealed As Technology Advances Isn’t it interesting, that as technology changes, we begin to see into spectrums of light, such as into 4D or the fourth dimension (the astral plane), that…
Solaris Modalis Commentary As technology changes, and as we as human beings raise our conscious awareness, I believe that we will begin to see into spectrums of light, that were not visible to our human…
The Story of the Blue Girl: A Discussion of Quantum Physics, Spirituality and Starships My friend Alex Clark and I discuss the blue girl and her story. We talk about who the blue girl was,…
Healing Our Extraterrestrial Past Lives I’d like to write a bit about the categories of human beings on the planet now, who have had extraterrestrial past lifetimes. When I’m done, I’ll create a summary of…
I have been writing about alternate timelines and realities, and much about dimensions, in Solaris postings. Alex Clark has graciously agreed to share this article she wrote on these topics. I love this article…
This post is on being human, and forgiving, despite our history. We have printed some stories, here at the blog, recently, of galactic history, and of Earth history, and of types of extraterrestrials involved in…