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A Salute to the Unacknowledged Heroes: A Primer on the Hawaii Missile Incident

On Independence Day, I am reprinting this article. Thank you all unacknowledged heroes in all your activites. ❤ Love, Solaris

Video Tells Story of US Military Heroic Actions During Hawaii Missile Incident

I highlighted this video about the US Military in a recent article because of the presence of a UFO flying with two military planes in it.

But it is the rest of what I saw in the video that truly surprised me, and I have been ruminating over and researching about how to tell this story since.

What I saw was a story presented through video images that in my view told the truth of what happened during the Hawaii missile incident that occurred on January 13, 2018.

I will illustrate the story in this article through screen shots from the video.

But first, let’s review some background to provide context for the story that is relayed.

If this information resonates with you I  invite you to make a copy of this article and archive it and/or repost it per your own inner guidance.

In addition, I apologize in advance if I have any of the military numbers or information is incorrect. This information isn’t my forté. My strength is storytelling. Observations and-or corrections can be sent to me at my Contact page.

Background About the US Military’s Role in The Hawaii Missile Incident

Clearly indicated in the video, it appears the US Military took the lead that day. The video tells a story of their pre-knowledge and preparedness before the Hawaii incident, and of their reaction and response as the missile(s) were launched and then taken out by the US Military forces.

I recently published a discussion of this same video link, tracking a UFO in it that was flying with two United States military planes in a video that appears at 1:11 (1 minute, 11 seconds). At the time, I was wowed by what I saw.

The UFO, yes that was important. I published an article, UFO and Extraterrestrial Disclosure: Solaris Modalis Commentary, postulating that the UFO was in the video because these forces were working in coordination with the US Military.

I still do know in my heart and believe that the UFOs present that day, were assisting. For me the UFO in the video is clear confirmation of their involvement. It is likely that the UFOs ‘turned off’ or de-activated any nuclear component of the launched missiles. But the important message of the video is that the UFOs were in the background, working with the US Military.

The key actors winning the peace were the human beings on the ground, air, sky and sea who prepared, waited, assessed, witnessed and took action to protect Hawaii and the world from a potentially nuclear event.

And this is how it should be. In my view, we are not going to have saviors outside of our own personal connection with Divinity. As Human Beings our role spiritually, in my view, is to recognize the Divinity within that created us and to take action in our lives accordingly.

Background About the Video of the US Military as ‘The Leader’

The video is by The Military Channel, titled US Military Power 2018 • “The Leader” • US Armed Forces. This video is so important that it was posted on three separate dates; April 5, 2018 (post #1036), April 3, 2018 (post #1005) and January 27, 2018 (post #637) all contained links to this video.

This video is a salute to the heroes of the United States military, who I believe protected the island of Hawaii, the United States, and the world, from a rogue missile attack and an attempt to start a world war. It is narrated by one of the characters in the video who appears in various scenes.

In this article, I will take you through an explanation of the video story and I will interpret the images and messages in the video about the involvement of the US Military on that day.

The title of this video reveals a key point: that the US Military took the lead that day in the fight against rogue forces.

Background About the Article About UFOs Involved in the Hawaii Missile Incident

This article is also meant to be a balance to the article I wrote, Solaris Modalis Commentary: Photographs Taken During Hawaii Missile Incident. At the time, my intent was to provide comfort to the hearts of human beings that we had an unseen force that ‘has our backs’.

This was because galactic type UFOs were photographed over the islands that day, January 13, 2018. The article reviewed the details of the incident, concluded that the missile alert was a real incident, that any launched missiles were taken out, and that UFOs photographed by Kim Pazdur over the island of Hawaii participated.

In the interesting story from that day, the UFOs were in the foreground because they were the clear visible evidence of something unusual that also is known to have a protective function when it comes to nuclear devices (a history of turning them off over military installations).

The article discussed how UFOs over the island would have likely de-activated the nuclear aspect of any potential incoming missile, and discussed the history of UFOs doing exactly this.

What I was not able to address in detail at the time, because there was no available information, was exactly who shot down the ballistic missiles and how they were shot down.

In my view, this Military Channel video reveals this information. We have another force that has our backs, and this is the story of these often unseen heroes, who have to operate for the most part in secrecy, to effectively counter those forces that work against Life itself.

Background About ‘Rogue Actors’ Trying to Start a War

The premise of this information about the Hawaii missile incident, is that rogue actors were attempting to start a world war potentially by launching a nuclear missile from a submarine they controlled.

This information is important because it is addressed, as we will see, in images from the video.

These rogue actors were potentially represented by North Korea (at the time – this was before the April 2018 peace declaration between North and South Korea).

However, the thinking is that in this ‘game of 4D chess’, that other negative or rogue actors either had control over North Korea or were going to pin the blame on North Korea for the missile launch.

Dr. Michael Salla has written a summary of this material titled Corroborating Hawaii Missile Attack & Hunt for Rogue CIA Submarine, if you wish to explore this theory further.

Who are these rogue actors, truly? The material clearly shows that this is a battle for humanity against the forces of darkness. Ultimately, whatever the immediate appearance of the rogue actors, that is ultimately who the rogue actors represent.

The video we are going to discuss contains key points or clues and tells a secret story of the rogue actors represented by North Korea, the danger at Hawaii, a missile launch, significant defensive counter measures taken, and offensives against enemy positions.

A Salute to the Unacknowledged Heroes

The following story is my interpretation of the images presented in the video US Military Power 2018 • “The Leader” • US Armed Forces by The Military Channel. All photographs below are screen shots taken from this video.

Please understand as you read this that the following represents a story based on hypotheticals.

The 4 Point Premise of Our Story

1. The US Military knew that an attack by a ballistic (nuclear) missile was planned by rogue forces operating a rogue submarine.

2. The rogue operators planned to have the blame for this attack placed squarely on North Korea.

3. The objective of this attack would be to cause the United States to respond, starting World War III.

4. The anticipated target within the United States was Hawaii.

5. Using a best case scenario, the linked information represents a direct communication of key information with the people of the United States.

Now let’s analyze the story as hypothetically and coincidentally revealed by the video. Where possible and where it seems particularly important, we will correlate the story with postings.

A description of the video images is presented. My comments are in sub-bullet points under the descriptions.

Our story follows:

US Military Waits in a State of Awareness and Preparedness

As the video begins, military vehicles and personnel wait in a state of awareness and preparedness.

Aircraft carriers are in a state of preparedness, US Navy ships ride upon the ocean, Air Force jets sit waiting, a camouflaged soldier waits the darkness searching for danger through his binoculars.

The scene starts with an aircraft carrier with the number 70.

  • North Korea came into being in 1948, 70 years ago.
  • The US Naval vessel CG-70 was the first naval vessel to be commissioned in Hawaii.
  • Interestingly, there were 70 days (including 11/19) from November 19, 2017, the day this video was posted, to January 27, 2018, the day a post referenced this video.

The next aircraft carrier shown has the number 71.

  • After the first number 70, this represents a sequence.
  • The message is that this video will show a sequence of events that occurred involving the US Military.
  • The nickname for this ship, the USS Theodore Roosevelt, is ‘the Big Stick’.
  • Via Wikipedia: ‘Roosevelt described his [Big Stick] style of foreign policy as “the exercise of intelligent forethought and of decisive action sufficiently far in advance of any likely crisis.”‘ (Quote from the book A Diplomatic History of the American People by Thomas Bailey.)
  • This video was published on November 19, 2017 – almost 2 months before the Hawaii missile incident. This video and the postings are showing that the military was aware of the brewing crisis and was prepared to take decisive action.

Aircraft sit on airfield, the central aircraft has 3 numbers on it. Now I will discuss the interesting numerical coincidences of these numbers that appear to correlate the video, postings, and the Hawaii missile incident.

  • The central aircraft has the number 1206 facing the pilot.
  • The numbers 211 appears twice on each side of the nose of the plane.
  • This video – “The Leader” – was published on November 19, 2017.
  • November 19, 2018 is the first time Q mentions the phrase ‘The Hunt for Red October’ (a movie about the hunt for a rogue submarine). The phrase is the last sentence in the two posts archived for this day.
  • There are 2 posts archived under November 19, 2017.
  • In reality, these posts were made on November 20, 2017 or 11/20/2017.
  • The first post archived for 11/20 has the time stamp 02:29:00.

Interpretation of the number 211 on the plane:

  • The numbers 211 on the plane in the video correspond with the numbers of the 2 posts archived for November 19, 2017. These 2 posts are actually the first two posts of 11/20.
  • The true date of these two posts is: 11/20. There are 2 posts.
  • The number 211 appears 2 times on the nose of the plane.
  • Corresponding with the actual post date, 211 (from the plane) is 1120 (first post date about Red October), transposed.

Interpretation of the number 1206 on the plane in the video:

  • 12/06 or December 6 is the day before the attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii that started America’s involvement in World War II.
  • What is being shown is the preparation ‘the day before’ an attack that will attempt to start a war. In reality, the preparation has been ongoing for quite some time as shown by the displays of preparedness in the early images of the video.

Interpretation of 1026, 211, 211: Correlates posts with numbers on plane in video.

  • 1026 is also a ‘9’:  1+2+0+6 = 9
  • 211 is also a ‘4’:  2+1+1 = 4
  • The first Q post from 11/20 (archived as 11/19) has the time stamp 02:29:00.
  • This is one 9 and two 2’s. The plane has a number that adds to 9 and two numbers starting with 2.
  • The two numbers starting with 2 each add to 4.
  • 02:29:00 is a 9 with two 2s that add to 4.

A United States Navy ship waits, apparently alone, on the ocean. Closer scrutiny shows a second Navy ship hidden in the background.

  • The prominent ship has back up that is less easily seen or remarked on.
  • The message is that the United States is active in the background, preparing to defend our country and the world from rogue elements.
  • The US flag flies, showing the United States is the leader in this situation and is the true vanguard.
  • The victory is not necessarily over another nation, the victory is over the forces of darkness.

The Navy ship has the number 65 on it.

  • This specific ship, the USS Benfold, is named for a United States Marine for his heroic actions during the Korean War.
  • This ship is specifically a guided missile destroyer.  It’s job is to shoot down missiles.
  • The Korean War officially ended in 1953, 65 years ago.

A military jet prepares for take off. On the jet we see the word ‘RESCUE’. There is an upside down triangle, and the number 5071.

  • These military operations are a rescue of humanity from the forces of darkness.
  • They are meant to vanquish the ‘cabal’ that is the unseen hand behind rogue operators. This cabal goes by various names and has power not resident to one country. It is often represented by an upright triangle.
  • The upside down triangle represents emphasis on spiritual mission over the purely material forces represented by the triangle of the cabal.
  • I’m not sure how the 5017 might relate except for this: 5+0+1+7 = 13.  The 13 is a number claimed and often used by the cabal as a power number. As with the triangle, perhaps this represents reclaiming these esoteric representations and symbols in the highest good for humanity.

There are a few other numbers in the scenes in the video but these were the most prominent; at this point the action in the video starts to ramp up.

Many scenes follow of soldiers participating in operations on the ground.

A UFO flies by two military jets.

  • The US Military is working with or is on friendly terms with off planet galactic forces wishing to assist humanity.
  • Immediately after the UFO flies past the distant plane, in the next scene the image of a crew member holding a ‘thumbs up’ appears right where the plane in the distance and the UFO peacefully cross paths.
  • In this next scene there are actually four crew members, two giving a thumbs up – showing that a jet is cleared for take off. This is a positive signal of a crew working together to support a mission.
  • My take is that galactic UFOs (those that look like ‘light’) are supporting the mission of freedom for humanity.

In December 2017, Q posted the term FOX THREE twice. (Capital letters were used.)

  • This is a military term indicating a missile with an inner guidance system that directs the missile towards the target.

During December RED_OCTOBER was posted two times. (Capital letters were used.)

  • The word SPLASH was used two times, which seems to indicate that any incoming missile will be taken out.

The posts that follow are abbreviated, reflected by ‘…’, to show most relevant information for this article.

On December 18 the post wording read:

Post #365 Dec 18 2017 23:27:52 (EST)partial posting



On December 19 the post wording read:

Post #395 Dec 19 2017 23:10:31 (EST) – partial posting


On December 22 the post wording read:

Post #432 Dec 22 2017 11:12:55 (EST) – partial posting (reference post not shown)







Post #531 on January 13, 2018 referenced a post by an Anon who had created a graphic containing information about the Hawaii missile incident.

The Anon’s graphic interpreted a tweet of a chessboard by Julian Assange that had been sent on January 12, 2018, the day before the Hawaii missile incident. The Anon discovered that the chessboard was from a famous match and that the next move in that famous game could be abbreviated: QFoxThree.

  • The tweet by Julian Assange appears to have been an alert and a message to the United States, and to the intelligence operation in particular, that the ballistic missile launch was imminent.

The Stage is Set – the Action Begins

On January 7, 2018, the word DEFCON was posted and made a series of posts that day.

  • The posting of this word seemed to indicate a serious immediate crisis.
  • The posts on this day also attempted to clearly confirm it’s coordination with the highest levels of the US government, displayed through synergy with the President’s tweets.
  • Posts then went offline until the night of January 13, 2018 – after the Hawaii missile incident had been resolved.

Our narrator shows up to narrate the action. Throughout the video, the narrator indicates changes in the action of the story. This is a pilot with a white helmet and black mask – the contrasting white and black representing the forces of darkness and light, of good and evil.

The pilot starts off showing the horns sign with his right hand.

  • The pilot is showing us the action of the story.
  • While I understand that this sign can mean many things, in this story we are going to go with it’s esoteric meaning of ‘devil’s horns’.
  • In the story, the dark forces are making their move.
  • Amazingly, the narrator shows us they are making their move at 1:13 in the video (1 minute, 13 seconds). This is the exact date, 1/13 or January 13, 2018, that the Hawaii missile incident took place.

The rogue submarine speeds through the ocean.

The pilot narrator is neutral from moment to moment – his actions indicate what is occurring in the story. Now he is flying and turns his head towards our left.

  • The pilot appears to be tracking the direction of the submarine moving in the previous scene.
  • At the same time, the pilot is also directing the viewer to witness the action that occurs because of the presence of the submarine.
  • The pilot also appears to be directly looking at the action that follows the submarine frame.
  • He is also staring at the location of the aircraft appearing in the next scene, a V-22 Osprey. This aircraft was first ordered by the US Marine Corps (which is under the direct command of the President of the United States) and also used by the US Air Force. This implies the President is aware of and involved in this story.
  • Listen to the Marine’s Oath here.  In summary in the Marines’ Oath, the Marines swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, while bearing true faith and allegiance to the same (i.e., to the true original meaning and intent for the constitution for the United States of America), and to obey the orders of the President of the United States. The full oath is at the linked Marine’s Oath video posted by John Marshall.
  • The Osprey is the first craft seen directly responding to the presence of the submarine. Because it is associated so closely with the Marines, commanded directly by the President, the story reveals that the President of the United States is directly involved in the command decisions for these activities.

Aircraft and drones are searching for their target as soldiers begin to fire mortars. Military operations of all sorts are taking place.

Our pilot narrator takes off into the sky again, ready to continue his mission.

A Missile is Launched But it is Already Anticipated by Military Forces

For some reason this screen shot is important. When I was replaying the video (over and over) it would somehow bring me to this shot again and again, as if it was skipping ahead to this moment.

In the video, in the next scene a missile is launched from within the ocean – from a submarine hiding below the surface.

  • What this first scene of Airborne troops preparing to fire before the missile is even launched from the sub to me says that the military was tracking this event so closely that they were able to launch their counter offensive just before the actual launch of the missile.
  • This patch in the forefront is the insignia of the 173 Airborne Brigade Combat Team, known as ‘sky soldiers’.
  • The sword and the wings are reminiscent of St. Michael or Archangel Michael. Among his other duties Michael is the patron of soldiers. Archangel Michael takes the lead in subduing Lucifer, and Satan, the key forces behind evil and the forces of darkness.
  • For those of us who look at these events from a spiritual perspective, this could also be a symbol that the celestial forces, angelic and otherwise – often felt and perceived as ‘from they sky’ – are actively supporting humanity and these efforts.

On the night of January 13, 2018, the day of the Hawaii missile incident, the following comments were posted (#520). This was a long post so I’m going to pick out the comments that seem relevant, here. The bolding of the text was in the post, as was the all capitals.

Post Jan 13 2018 #520 22:09:38 (EST)partial posting for this article

>DEFCON 1 [non-nuke false]

Where did POTUS stop [post] ASIA?    (SM note: Trump stopped in Hawaii)





:[AGAIN] direct pre-knowledge.

:[AGAIN] warning ALERT.




From the shortened post, above, we can ascertain the following:

  • It was false that this event was non-nuclear.
  • This was intended by the rogue forces to be a nuclear false flag.
  • For reasons of national security, and to best protect the country, this false flag had to be allowed to be initiated by the rogue forces.
  • There was a planned military operation to locate and take out the submarine that launched the missile.
  • The day of the Hawaii incident, the hunt for the submarine continued.
  • The word RED_ appears twice. This is just one example of a repeating pattern of twos in the ‘map’, or material.  We address this factor this below.
  • Iron Eagle is a movie that is about the rescue of a pilot held hostage by the enemy. Perhaps the United States and the world was held hostage by the threats of these rogue forces, and this event allowed a major offensive to be launched against those forces. Eliminating their power would be a big step forward in rescuing and freeing humanity from their evil influence.
  • While Iron Eagle may have additional meanings, Iron Eagle in some cases can also refer to the Eagle symbols of the Nazi regime during World War II; forces with similar intent were trying to start another world war in this case.

In the next scene after the Airborne action above, a missile launches from the rogue submarine from within the ocean. A full three seconds unfolds as we watch the missile take to the air, boost itself, and head towards its target.

At this terrifying scene, the music ramps to a crescendo as we see scene after scene of military personnel and craft launching counter missile after counter missile at the incoming ballistic missile.  These are launched from ships, from the land, and from the air.

Several of the scenes show two counter missiles being launched side by side, or two ships firing two missiles each side by side at their target.

  • This may indicate that two incoming missiles are being targeted, or two submarines.
  • The possibility also exists that this is referencing two serious events.
  • Whichever it is, the presence of two of something figures prominently both in the imagery of the video and in the postings.
  • In fact, on January 16, 2018, three days later, a missile alert about an incoming missile purportedly launched by North Korea was sent over cell phones in Japan but this alert was cancelled within 5 minutes.
  • I do feel that there were two missiles taken out, most likely related to the Hawaii event, because the barage of anti-missile activity shown in the video shows many sets of two anti-missile launches at the same time, several times.

Our pilot narrator is flying in intense maneuvers as he performs his mission through the air.

The Missile and the Submarine Are Taken Out Successfully

We see a huge underwater explosion occur.

  • The implication is that the submarine(s) is located and destroyed.

What follows is multiple military offensives by land, sea and air.

  • The focus is on the warriors themselves.
  • These warriors are risking their lives in serious operations.

Multiple anti-missile missiles are again shown firing, then an explosion.

  • The incoming missile(s) have been taken out.

Our pilot narrator flies with his cockpit tilted towards the ground. He flashes the Hawaiian ‘shaka’ symbol.

  • Check out About the Shaka Hand Sign by Kauilapele for a detailed explanation of what this hand sign means. It originated in Hawaii. KP writes “this is a POSITIVE affirmative joyful loving signal for ALL locals here.”
  • The mission is accomplished. Hawaii is safe.

Further anti-missile barrages are fired. Is this a review of the action, or does this indicate that further missions will be necessary? If so, they appear to be distributed at many locations.

In the final scenes, our narrator has safely landed the jet on an airfield and walks with his co-pilot towards the viewer as the sun sets.


I hope that you have found this interesting story as fascinating as I have. I believe there are unseen forces that have our backs, and these include our military men and women, Anons and intelligence operations and so many more.

These groups do not want to reveal themselves and to operate effectively they cannot reveal themselves.

Hopefully through storytelling we can share a potential explanation of behind-the-scenes activities. Perhaps one day we will read the details in the history books. Then the hard work of creating life in a new paradigm, one by one and together, begins at a new level. Some of us are working on that now, preparing.

Some work on dreaming and on creating the future while living in the Now moment.

Some put their lives on the line to win the day, today.

Where we go One we go All.

Love, Solaris

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Video footage used is public domain and falls under rules of Fair Use. We are making these materials available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting which constitute the ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

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© 2018-2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. This article was first published on April 30, 2018. This article was originally published at

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.