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Up there, What is Really Up There?, Rectangle UFO, Advanced Technologies in the sky, secret space program evidence, ufo, UFOs, cloaking technology, cloaked rectangles, cloaked rectangle, SolarisModalis, Solaris Modalis, sky phenomena, breaking sound barrierPhotographing What is Up There

Do you see the rectangle hiding in the cloud in this photograph?

Photographing phenomena in the sky is something that has become natural to me.

For me, I’m looking for evidence of advanced technologies.

I’m fascinated by the thought of advanced technologies, how they might work, what they might be like.

It’s a passion that I’ve thought about for a long while.

Is What is Up There, Consciousness?

Because I chat with many friends about this topic, one of the common experiences seems to be how people will see what is in their consciousness up in the sky.

For others it may be animals, or nature spirits. I’ve heard many stories of friends chatting and looking up and what they were discussing is visible in the sky.

Does what we resonate with, simply show up for us?

Do we call these things to us?

Do we co-create our reality with whatever is up there?

Does the sky and the air and water elementals simply just respond to our consciousness?

Links: See Signs in the Sky: An Interview with Andrea Scully

Or perhaps, we are able to see what we are willing to acknowledge may be ‘up there’.

What is Really ‘Up There’?

Look, I don’t really know what is up there.

But, I have learned how to note strange things in the sky.

I have some intuitive skills and dreams from childhood and I’ve read and thought a lot about the possibilities that we may actually have very advanced technology, already.

Do you Remember These Shapes Being Up There?

But I can look up in the sky and say hey –

I don’t remember rectangles being up there.

I don’t remember seeing so many geometric shapes in the sky.

I don’t remember triangles.

What is Really Up There?, Up there, Rectangle UFO, Advanced Technologies in the sky, secret space program evidence, ufo, UFOs, cloaking technology, cloaked rectangles, cloaked rectangle, SolarisModalis, Solaris Modalis, sky phenomena, breaking sound barrier

Is Whatever is ‘Up There’ Phenomenal?

As a human being living on this planet in the short time span that has been my lifetime, I have a pretty strong feeling that what I’m seeing is phenomenal.

By this, I mean: Are we looking at something extraordinary?

Using Photographing and Light and Color Adjustments to Show You What I See

Now I can see much of what I show you with my eyes and inner vision. But even l didn’t see all of what is in the featured photo.

Here is the original unretouched scenery. I couldn’t see the rectangle in front of the cloud bank until adjusting the lighting.

But I can see it now, after studying what is up there.

And the interesting shape in the center of the photo, that almost looks like something broke the sound barrier. It is so much more defined now.

Rectangle UFO, Advanced Technologies in the sky, secret space program evidence, ufo, UFOs, cloaking technology, cloaked rectangles, cloaked rectangle, SolarisModalis, Solaris Modalis, sky phenomena, breaking sound barrier
When I photographed the sky on this day, I had a sense that more was up there. I could see a perfect rectangle, but I had the sense that two or more craft were up there based on the lines and the movement I could see in the sky.

But then, to actually see evidence of that second rectangle, such as in the above image, hiding in front of a cloud bank, well that was awesome to see.

Links: See Perfect Rectangle: The Starseed Journey and Why Speaking Your Truth is Important, Right Now and Rectangle Evidence of Cloaked Technologies in the Sky?

Pondering What is Up There, In the Sky

What I feel is that we are seeing evidence that something is going on.

Is it cloaked human technology?

Is it advanced human technology?

I have clearly put my stake in the ground saying this appears to be so.

These are the questions I ponder as I observe the world above me.

Love, Solaris

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© 2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated; color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. The original publish date is August 3, 2019. This article was originally published at

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.