Listening to people talk about their experiences seeing UFOs, and photographing sky phenomena myself, I’ve made a couple interesting observations I’d like to share with you.
UFO Viewing Experiences and the Telepathic or Intuitive Link to UFO Occupants
I’d like to share two key observations with you:
1) There appears to be a telepathic or intuitive link between the viewer and viewee, where depending on the type of craft, the UFO seems to respond or know that it has been noticed, and
2) Craft respond differently to being seen depending on whether they are secret space program type craft or whether they are glowy translucent fast moving type UFOs.
Who is in the Craft? Who is Sharing a Telepathic Link or Intuitive Knowing of Our Presence?
It’s my hypothesis that at this time, metal craft are most likely from secret space programs. And the glowy translucent fast moving type UFOs are most likely interdimensional beings, galactic beings or extraterrestrials.

Interdimensional or higher dimensional lightship; Galactic UFO.
UFO Phenomena That Seem to Have Interdimensional Beings, Galactic Beings, or Extraterrestrial Beings Aboard
I have talked with other UFO experiencers about this aspect of seeing a UFO: the ‘quickness’ of the phenomena. A common theme is that there is an experience, and then suddenly – the craft is just gone, it disappears. It’s like there is a connection between the viewer and viewee, and the UFO knows that it has been noticed. It stays for a moment, and then it is gone. This is highly advanced technology with the ability to move at incredible speeds.
I feel that there is a telepathic or intuitive connection with the human person viewing the craft, and the intelligence aboard the UFO. This may be galactic beings, interdimensional beings, or extraterrestrial beings who ‘create’ the viewing phenomena by appearing.
They seem to know when you’ve seen them – they can sense when they are seen. Or, they have technological sensors that can detect a human mind’s energy and intent focused upon their presence.
Sometimes there is a personal connection between the human being and the UFO in some way. Perhaps the person is in a lineage that has had experiences over generations, or perhaps those in the UFO are ‘star family’. Star family are extraterrestrial beings with whom you have had a past life connection, or that you may have agreed to assist in some way through your own presence and life on Earth. In these cases, the telepathic or intuitive link can be strong.
UFO Phenomena that Appear to Be Secret Space Program Craft
I feel that it is possible that human intuitives aboard craft that appear to be from secret space programs may have this ability as well. I feel this because I had a talk with someone who had the experience of sensing an intuitive connection from within a craft that seemed to be from a secret space program.

Rectangle UFO – I believe this craft is evidence of a secret space program.
When it comes to UFOs that appear to also be secret space program craft, these vehicles seem to linger. Their reaction time to being ‘seen’ or spotted is much longer, perhaps long minutes rather than seconds, if there is a reaction to being seen and perceived, at all. I have heard one case of testimony of this occurring.
In my experience photographing sky phenomena that are evidence of secret space programs, what I find is that it is less likely that the craft will respond to my presence. (Unless it shows up over my driveway, lol.)
Eventually a phenomenon will fade into the clouds, cloud patterns shift to hid it, or the phenomenon simply disappears.
If I am photographing the phenomenon, often I simply have something else to do and I go on my way after a minute or two and don’t see it fade away.
These phenomena that seem to be advanced technology from Earth do not react to human presence in quite the same way, or at all, whereas interdimensional – galactic – extraterrestrial UFO presences do seem to react to being viewed, and to have an ability to connect in some way with the human experiencer.
This is a key feature that distinguishes these two types of UFOs, to me.
Love, Solaris
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First published August 3, 2018; upgraded with new content and clarity.