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Dark Nobles, Peace Portal, Stargate, SolarisModalis, Solaris ModalisYears ago I worked with a member of one of the dark side ‘ruling families’, doing energy working. This is what happened. 

The End of the Dark Nobles Reign on Earth

The highest level of beings who have influenced our world from the dark forces call themselves the Dark Nobles.

What happened, attended by Archangel Michael and many others from the spiritual world including the Higher Selves of Humanity, is that the Dark Nobles came to the negotiating table.

They came in surrender, although no-one mentioned that word at the time out of honoring their presence and allowing them to save face.

They agreed to relent and give up their activities.

All those who did not relent were removed from Earth or were taken out, killed in the act of adherence to their dark activities. This had both already occurred, and was yet to come, and those who chose to surrender to the Light were what remained.

(This sort of vision and energy working takes place in a space of no time. Thus, some large amount of this activity, from a human perspective, had not yet occurred, and yet, it also already had occurred in the energetic realms. This is the paradox of quantum reality, a state of no-time, in which time does and does not exist.)

Guardians of The Peace Portal

The remaining Dark Nobles agreed to shift the nature of their beings, of their essence, to the Light. They asked for a job of importance and trustworthiness. They were made guardians of the Peace Portal.

At the time I did not understand what this was or why they were given such a role.

The fact is in Creation there is no judgement over the energetic nature of activities, once a desire to ‘return home’ has been made; to re-embody and re-align with the Light that we are. This attitude of the Divine is revealed in the Bible story by Jesus of the Prodigal Son.

However, now as I write this, I see what the Peace Portal was.

The Dark Departs Through the Stargate

This meeting and negotiations occurred several years ago, in a space of no-time. In the following years, as the ability for the physical and non-physical dark forces to leave the planet by ship interdimensionally shut down, eventually all that was left was an ancient Stargate that had been brought to our solar system for these purposes.

Over the years I have seen many significant dark forces, such as the Owl of Moloch, escorted to and then through this Stargate as they were located, found, wrapped by the angels of Archangel Michael’s legions, and escorted through this Stargate to points beyond this solar system, and possibly outside of this universe.

Archangel Gabriel oversees this activity.

(To hear this story on video, use this link – the written story continues below it.)

This is a Battle That is Hard Won

Just before the August 21, 2017 eclipse event that went across the United States, this Stargate was aligned with the entry point of these eclipse energies, on the land mass of the United States of America.

I know that when I went out that day during the eclipse and looked up, what I saw in energy was many interdimensional (astral layer and more) demons flying about, trying to land somewhere and wanting to cause havoc as is their nature.

Now I see that because the Stargate was aligned with the journey of these energies across the USA, part of it’s purpose was to collect and escort these energies off the land and out of the non-physical realms.

This Stargate is the Peace Portal

It facilitated peace through the removal of those dark forces and all for whom it was no longer in the highest good to be present on this planet.

It allowed a departure route for those that needed a new home or needed to be brought elsewhere to continue their experiences and journey. It allowed for a highly monitored and regulated withdrawal of forces.

This is the second time I’ve seen that the dark forces come back to take care of/take out and to remove their own during the process of withdrawing. Each faction has it’s opportunity to do so.

Those executing these orders bear no dissent.

How long it takes for all of this to play out in our physical world, is unknown. In energy, it is already done. The surrender comes to pass. The Dark Nobles fall from power.

This is the nature of our time.

Love, Solaris


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© 2020 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites in part or in whole, as long as the text is posted unaltered and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website link. This article was first published on March 20, 2020. This article was originally published at

Post & Video Images:

Samurai from Pixabay by Artie_Navarre.

Oracle from Pixabay by Rosiette-Stock.

Sword from Unsplash by Ricardo Cruz.

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.