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The Archons: Transcendence Through War; Enlightenment Through Devastation – An Interesting Story

the Archons, the Black Sun, the matrix, Humanity, Earth History, Galactic History, History of Earth, exit the matrix, human evolution, evolution of consciousness, awareness, awakening, empowered human, ascension, Christ energies, Christed energies, An Interesting Story, Transcendence, War, awakening through war, the sacredness of devastationIt’s time for new stories – stories that enhance life, stories that reveal a new path for our existence.

Humanity is evolving, and some of the characters and beings that have engaged with Humanity in various ways are evolving too.

This article covers the following topics:

  • Transcendence Through War; Enlightenment Through Devastation

  • How the Archons Appear in Our World

  • The Archons and the Black Sun

  • The Archons and the Matrix

  • Why Events that Appear be in Our Future Have Already Occurred in Our Past

  • Deep Gratitude

  • Resources and Links

Transcendence Through War; Enlightenment Through Devastation

Overall, we have experienced the Archons as a negative force on Humanity. Their culture evolved out of their very dense second dimensional existence. In their dark world, rape, murder, theft and actions against Life were the rule.

Blood sport is a perfect description of the activity of their realm and that they partook with each other. Now, here is what is key to understand: For the Archons, blood sport was the way they could ‘prove themselves’ as being worthy. 

Ultimately the Archons’ culture is rooted in the very small amount of light they receive through their connection with Soul or Source. The amount of light in the Archons’ world was simply barely enough to fuel their existence, leading to their parasitic nature.

When the Archons invaded the Human realm, long ago, they brought their way of existence with them, and they feasted off of human anger and fear, their version of living and playing in the Human world, for millennia.

How the Archons Appear in Our World

How do the Archons present in our world?  Because of their energetic make up, they cannot incarnate or appear directly. However, Archons can be present in the Human Energy Field, if there are holes in the field or if there is a resonant (low) frequency.

Let’s just invoke the violet flame which transmutes negativity, at this point, and the protection and presence of Archangel Michael and as I write and as you read this information.

How I have seen them appear clairvoyantly, is as small black balls in the energy field, usually in a mass, or as demons, usually with sharp teeth, or as large dark figures that collapse into small black bugs once love/light is sent to them.

The way that the Archons initially entered our world is through advanced technology. However, the frequency of our world (and humans they connect with) has to be low enough for them to do the hack.

The also are the ‘artificial intelligence’ that has been a backbone of the matrix for millennia. The large black spider sculptures that have been seen around the world pay homage to this (from our perspective) non-physical AI matrix.

The Archons and the Matrix

What is ‘the matrix’ and who created it? The energetic structure upon which the matrix fixed itself, was a creation of the celestial realms, including the Seraphim and the Archangels. The structure was placed around Earth interdimensionally, and is an energetic architecture that is a deeply polarized vortex. This energetic structure held the deeply dense third and fourth dimensions of Earth in place around the planet.

The Archons became a part of the deep darkness of this energetic structure when they entered the Earth realm, and with their allies, inlaid their own frequency net or ‘matrix’ upon it. This is very much a hallmark of their technology; operating as a ‘rider’ frequency piggybacking on another. And it is in sync with their parasitic nature.

The matrix, characterized by an environment of great density and darkness, created a compression upon the human heart. After millennia, the compressive weight of the great density that living in darkness inflicted on Earth and Humanity, created an expanded consciousness in the hearts of Human Beings.

Like diamonds, the human heart developed into a jewel of incredible quality and value. The human heart has some of the deepest capability for compassion and emotional expression and depth, perhaps in all of God’s Creation.

The strength of the Human heart will allow Humanity to take back its sovereignty and throw off the mechanism of all the aspects of this matrix through expanding our consciousness. We do this through learning to unconditionally love ourselves, and then each other, acknowledging our worth as children of the Creator. And then, we act accordingly.

The Archons and the Black Sun

The Black Sun became the home of the Archons after they left Earth. Their departure from Earth was an act of grace towards Humanity by our Creator. In one fell swoop, it was as if a great hand turned an electric main from on to off, and the Creator cut the Archons’ interdimensional access to this planet.

This was an act of grace towards the Archons, as well. This is because during their tenure at the Black Sun, which provided them nourishment, they were able to end the parasitic element of their culture. They were also able to expand in consciousness and eventually, at the nova of the Black Sun, ascended to a new state of being.

The spider sculptures that have been noted in various locations around the world are a reminder of the archonic matrix. Yet they also are an homage to the Black Sun. The spider head at the center – the Black Sun – the arms of the spider – the black rays of the Black Sun, to which the Archons clung, nourishing themselves. They became changed in the process, and evolved into a new form.

Why Events that Appear be in Our Future Have Already Occurred in Our Past

Please understand as I write this story that Humanity is both in the story, and the story has already ended, in our future. 

So we are looking at a multidimensional interaction. Where Humans and Archons could meet and potentially interact, was / is in the densely polarized layers of our third and fourth dimensional realities.  They can meet together in no other ‘place’.  

‘Time’ is not linear in this story because we are dealing with interactions that are interdimensional.  That is, they take place in more than one dimension at the same time – sort of.

More aptly, the events are moving between and interacting with differing dimensional layers of energies.

Thus, time is not linear because:

1) We are translating events that occurred in the second dimension, layers of the third dimension, and layers of the fourth dimension and creating a linear story from them.

2) We can think of ‘time’ in denser dimensions occurring more slowly and in higher dimensions occurring more quickly.

3) Time doesn’t actually exist and in quantum reality, all actions are occurring at the same time.

4) Thus, when events are placed into linear time so they can be understood by the human mind (which is most comfortable operating linearly) the future can occur before the past.

Dang that’s cool.  Shall we continue?

Let’s get to a key element of the non-linear ‘time’ aspect of telling the story of the Archons, the Black Sun, the matrix, and Humanity’s interactions:

The Black Sun, which became the home of the Archons after they left Earth, has already exploded in a burst that appeared to human beings to be a comet, at that time. On our timeline, this event actually occurred in our history two thousand years ago, at the birth of Christ.  

Why did the Black Sun nova occur two thousand years ago?

The Archons and the Black Sun could not withstand the Christed energies grounding into the planet, and born into a human body.  The Archons and the Black Sun could not survive the expansion of Christed frequencies into the human population, as a whole. 

Thus, in Divine wisdom and Divine timing, the ascension of the Archons and the Black Sun into a new form, has already occurred.

A way to define Christed is this: Fully one with the ‘God spark’ or Soul essence. One with the divine impulse emanating through a human being. This means able to know this relationship, embody it, and act on this.

When the divine essence came through in it’s fullness at the birth of Jesus Christ onto this planet, the days of darkness were ended. That is why you will hear it said ‘the battle is already won‘.

What we are experiencing in our societies and in our lives today is the playing out of this in time.

For Humanity, this means that our freedom has already been won.

As Scripture says: Declare an outcome, and I shall make it unto you. The outcome is done, but our individual roles and the specifics of what transpires on this planet and in your personal life, are under your own power in alignment with your free will choices, including what you choose to create in your life right now.

The voice of the Archons and their allies are like echoes from our past. Yet we are still dealing with the remainders of their presence, in a very real way.

Humanity can survive, and more than that, we will thrive. 

We are in the midst of winning back our freedom.

Love, Solaris 


Deep Gratitude

I’d like to express deep gratitude to a key figure in my life with whom I share experiences of the Archons, Deva. Rock on, siStar!

Deep gratitude as well to George, the reincarnation of St. George who passed from the Earthly plane again some time ago and who rescued me from the Archonic realm.


Resources and Links

Decreased War and Violence on Planet Earth: An Interesting Story: Earth is Moving From a 3rd/4th Dimensional State to a 5th Dimensional State, and This is Changing the Sorts of UFOs (and ETs) That Can Interact With Humanity

The Matrix on Earth and the Negative ET Aspect of the Dark Alliance: The Reptilians Departure From Earth, An Interesting Story

The Root Causes of Inhumanity: Solaris Modalis Commentary: On Being Human

Who are the forces of darkness and what do we do about them? Importantly, how do we address our own shadow? Dark to Light: On Being Human and Transmuting Dark Influences on Humanity

An experience of healing the shadow and doing shadow work: My Inner Queen: Integrating Our Inner Darkness and Our Inner Light, Shifts Our World

Entities and energies that are just outside the visible light spectrum: Light Spectrums Just Beyond Our Ability to See with the Human Eye

What do we do when we have unusual experiences? Building Our Discernment Ability


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Love, Solaris

© 2018 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated:  color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. This article was originally published at .

Featured photograph free license from by Adam M.

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.