Hello Friends! (Completed – sign up for my Substack for articles & events.) I’m so excited to announce this upcoming local seminar: Star Soul – You Are Not Alone. The first seminar was wonderful and…
Hello Friends! (Completed – sign up for my Substack for articles & events.) I’m so excited to announce this upcoming local seminar: Star Soul – You Are Not Alone. The first seminar was wonderful and…
Sirius, The Dancing Star, Catches My Eye Orion led me to Sirius. Or shall I say, it was more like Sirius was jumping up and down, blinking colored lights and dancing happily, while trying to…
Tonight I had an experience with a moving star that wowed me. I was restless and went out for a short walk tonight. I had planned to just go a short distance, but my dog…
A Moving Star What is there to say? This object looks like a star in the sky – until you take a few moments, breathe deep, and focus on it in a meditative state. Then…
Arcturian Energy in a Moving Star – Video 2 This is an early video I made of a moving star. This object appears to the eyes as a star. Watching this video requires low lighting as…
UFOs in Front of Stars: When Stars Dance and Move I was watching the star Sirius recently, and it was dancing away in front of me. I pulled out my 50 zoom camera and here…
Hello, Star. (I love you.) You don’t know. You don’t know what it’s like, down here. I’m trying. This is a tough world. I have a mission. You have a mission. I’m down here….
Tonight, I feel alone. And I feel, ‘together’. Not alone and lost, like it used to be. Alone and yet, knowing myself. That’s an improvement. How many times have I been a wise man,…
UFO at Sirius – Video 2 This is the second video in a series of a UFO in front of the star Sirius. Links to videos 1 and 3 are below. The first couple of…