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Starseed Journey: The Moving Star

By October 8, 2019November 21st, 2019Sky Phenomena, Starseed Journey, UFO

Star, moving star, moving stars, starseedTonight I had an experience with a moving star that wowed me.

I was restless and went out for a short walk tonight. I had planned to just go a short distance, but my dog kept pulling me in a particular direction. He’s pretty smart and also he has led me to some pretty spiritual experiences. So after a few minutes, I got the message and relented.

We crossed the street, and i was looking up at the sky. One star, one of my favorites, seemed particularly bright and crystal blue tonight. And suddenly as I saw it’s beauty, I immediately knew that it would move for me and that it wanted to move for me.

Sometimes When You’re a Starseed…

I go through phases of connecting with higher dimensional energies and specifically, galactic energies. Sometimes I choose not to connect because of something going on in my human life, sometimes I get discouraged and feel distant from those that feel so close to me, but who I do not often get to see or experience very often, physically. Sometimes I feel lonely in a way that is about being connected with the stars and about being a starseed.

Lifetimes in the stars doesn’t seem unusual to me, they seem more natural than living on Earth, at times. The feelings of a star presence just beyond my reach seem so close at times that these experiences feel visceral. And yet, as much as I may wish for them to be present in a physical way, these experiences most usually don’t quite bend to the hard physical reality of the Earth zone. Without really realizing it, I was feeling lonely for that special starseed connection.

That’s what tonight was about, because the sky came alive when I looked upward.

I had the feeling of friends and family, team members and mission participants, so close to me wanting to support me, encourage me, and most of all, give me physical visual confirmation of their actual presence, on this planet, and in my life.

… Star Beings and Family Will Put on a Show to Encourage You

This is the truth about moving stars. From what I have observed, it seems like pretty much every star and planet visible in the city sky has a craft or starship of some sort, in front of it.

If we choose to do so, we can experience their presence. These starships will move for you when you ask from within your heart.

Then observe the star from this place, from a heart centered place of  love and connection within your self. For some, this may be more of a state of knowing or simply of observation and awareness.

The Sky Came Alive

I focused on the bright blue star, and sure enough, it began moving, immediately. Sometimes moving stars will meander slowly, but this time, it came on with intensity.

The star was moving from one spot to another, disappearing and then appear a short distance away. It was shooting beams of light into the sky. It was moving back and forth rapidly. It seemed like there was a high excitement to be interacting together. I started laughing at their movements and the ‘antics’ going on. I’ve seen this before, but tonight it was like watching the ending of a fireworks display where all the good stuff is shown, over and over.

I usually feel I can perceive the energies and attitudes of the crew flying the starship, and boy was there excitement tonight. I laughed out loud and had my conversation with them.

A Craft in the Sky: The Spectacular Finalé

Then, suddenly, a bright light appeared and flashed on and off above me much lower down in the atmosphere. This light wasn’t at some distance far up and away. It was fairly large. This light appeared to be near down, much lower, in our atmosphere.

This light flashed three times. The light turned on an off, and moved it’s position slightly. It wasn’t at all like a shooting star. It was like they lit the ship up, turned off the lights, and lit it up again. It was also as if this other craft in the sky was perceiving my interactions with the star, and were making their presence known, also.

I had the funny feeling that this presence was human. Some kind of advanced human that’s for certain, lol. You know what, it felt like ‘we can do that also’, and ‘we’re present’.

I was stunned and stood holding my hand on my heart, my mouth dropping in amazement. I’ve been flashed like this before, but this was such a big light and it flashed repeatedly!

It felt like a miracle.

It felt like they were sharing a secret, with me.

If that wasn’t enough, a small light in the sky appeared, wandered a distance, meandering, and quickly disappeared.

It was like watching a symphony. A symphony of starship and UFO experiences, which surpasses all expectations.

And I didn’t feel alone, anymore.

I felt joyful, laughing, excited and inspired.

Love, Solaris


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© 2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated; color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. This article was originally published at


Featured image free license from Unsplash by Greg Rakozy.

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.