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An Interesting Story: The Cloak and the Oval in the Sky

An Interesting Story: The Cloak and the Oval in the Sky

Friends, it’s so good to be back with you today. I was driving recently and looked up in the sky recently and saw this amazing oval shape in the sky.

Having taken loads of photos, I sat down and looked through them with my friend Alex, and we noticed some amazing things.

Check out this video to hear what I perceived about this oval and the observations we made about it!!!

The Interference in the ‘Frequency Match’

A cloaking technology relies on a ‘frequency match’ between the cloak material and the surrounding area.

What if there was a cloaked object in the sky – how would we see it?

If there was interference in the ‘frequency match’ that interfered with the cloak’s ability to translate signals and images, it might then be possible to note slight variations in the presented cloaked image, revealing the object within.

Photos from the Video

Here is the original image I analyzed plus some of the screen shots from the video. I changed the lighting in the photo to pop the phenomena and these images have this noted on them.

I hope that you enjoy exploring this mystery as much as I did!

Original Photograph:

solarismodalis, oval, sky, Frequency

With Lighting Adjustments to Reveal Phenomena:

With Lighting Adjustments & in Black & White:

solarismodalis, oval, sky, Frequency

Musing on Sky Frequency

I found it amazing to see this oval in the sky, and yet, not shocking at all.

After seeing so many phenomena in the sky over the years, simply from paying attention, I have come to believe that there is much more to the world than we realize, and perhaps even, that miracles abound.

Consciousness is at Play – We Create, Accordingly

Miracles abound through the Divinity inherent in us as Human Beings.

And it may turn out, that our own Human creations, somehow, are much greater than we realize.

But truly it is consciousness that enhances our understanding.

Expanding our consciousness and connection with God and Soul, I strongly believe, is the key to understanding that our lives are precious, that we are Divinity incarnate and that as Divinely incarnate living Souls in living Human form, we have an ability to express what we want our future to be.

Love, Solaris


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© 2022 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted without alteration, with the appropriate accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit and live website link included.

All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched; color or lighting edits to images are specifically indicated if presented.  While photographic evidence is presented, all analysis and opinion is my own, unless another source is directly referenced (and linked if possible).  This article was first published on July 14, 2022 at

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.