Cloaked triangle craft. Photo by Solaris Modalis.
Space Programs and Sky Phenomena News by Solaris Modalis
My heart lept when I heard President Trump’s comment to the CEO of Lockheed Martin on July 19, 2018.
And it is in the official transcript.
I would like to thank SerialBrain2 at the Reddit Great Awakening subreddit; his article Now Comes the Pain 23 is how I found out that this event had happened.
Here’s What Happened
On July 19, 2018, President Trump hosted the Pledge to the American Workers Event. During this event, he signed an Executive Order (EO) promoting job training across industries.
At the signing of the EO, several heads of companies and industry organizations pledged to support the President’s efforts.
Each CEO or organization representative stood up one by one as the President greeted them. Each one spoke about specific numbers of jobs, career opportunities and/or apprenticeships they planned to add and contribute to the efforts by industry to support the American worker and American economy. After shaking hands, President Trump made personal comments to each participant.
She Makes a Plane You Can’t See
One of the executives present was Marilyn Hewson who is Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Lockheed Martin Corporation. The comments President Trump made to Chairman Hewson wowed me.
HEWSON: Mr. President, on behalf of Lockheed Martin, I’m proud to say that today we pledge to provide career opportunities — new career opportunities for more than 8,000 employees over the next five years. (Applause.)
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Marillyn. And you’ve done a fantastic job. Thank you, Marillyn. Hey, Fred, she makes a plane you can’t see; it’s stealth. (Laughter.) F-35. I hope you can’t see it, at least. Right? Great job. Thank you very much. [Fred is Fred Smith, Chairman, President and CEO of FedEx who had recently spoken about his company’s pledge.]
Source: Whitehouse.gov official transcript, Remarks by President Trump Hosting the Pledge to America’s Workers Event, July 19, 2018.
In the video of this event, Chairman Hewson cannot be fully seen after she sits down, as she is listening to President Trump speaking to her. However, in the video by Fox News at 26:20 you can see the back of her head appearing to actively nod up and down in agreement or affirmation as the President is speaking about ‘her plane’. This video is also embedded in this article, below, and for ease of viewing the embed starts at that time.
I have written many articles and taken many photographs of evidence of cloaked craft in our skies, and in these I have explained the evidence for the existence of such craft. Now we have confirmation that cloaking technology exists.
Which Plane ‘Can’t Be Seen’?
I want to address this question, for which I won’t be able to give a specific answer. But I feel that in the exercise of walking through this question, we will learn something.
What does it mean that a plane ‘can’t be seen’? Well, using stealth technology, a plane cannot be seen on radar. This video about the Northrop Grumman stealth B2 Bomber, linked to by SerialBrain2 in his Reddit/GreatAwakening article, explains how this stealth technology works.
Essentially, stealth means the plane is invisible to radar while flying, but can still be seen by the human eye while flying.
Is the F35 itself actually a stealth plane? Well, President Trump just said that the F35 is.
However, when he was talking, Trump looked at Fred Smith and said ‘she makes a plane YOU can’t see’ [emphasis added]. President Trump is saying that Fred cannot see the plane with his eyes.
If a plane cannot be seen with human eyes, then it is employing cloaking technology. ‘Cloaked’ means the plane or craft is invisible to the eyes while flying (and if it also employs stealth technology it may then also be invisible to radar).
Thus, I feel that that President Trump is talking about the existence of more advanced technology.
This is evident watching the video about the B2 Bomber. The video Stealth – How Does it Work? (Northrop B-2 Spirit) was created by the YouTube channel Real Engineering. In it Real Engineering states:
“…the Nazis had created a very similar plane [to the B2 Bomber] back in 1944.” [But it was not ready for production before the war’s end.]
~ Real Engineering, Stealth – How Does it Work? (Northrop B-2 Spirit), May 24, 2016 at 3:19 in the video.
Do you really think that in 74 years and with billions or trillions of dollars, all the US defense industry has been able to do is recreate World War II Nazi stealth technology?
Thus, in my view, the plane that can’t be seen by you is a plane employing actual cloaking technology, rather than just stealth technology, and likely flies using much more advanced propulsion that your average airplane.
Discussing Evidence That Cloaked Craft Exist – An Interesting Story
Although we cannot see cloaked craft by definition, there may be signs that subvert the intent of this technology.
I actually had this discussion with a person who works with one of the relevant companies, and it was an amusing conversation. He knew that I take photographs of UFOs and sky phenomena. And he was teasing me that it would be pretty tough for me to take such photographs of the sky because I’m in the often foggy San Francisco Bay Area.
So I said to him something like: Actually it is easier than you think, because even though your craft have cloaking technology, it still leaves lines in the sky.
That’s when I got the raised eyebrow. Lol.
It is my view that some number of UFO experiences involve craft that are cloaked and that are made and created by human beings. Because the general population does not know we have this advanced technology, they experience these craft as UFO phenomena.
The featured photograph for this article is one of my photographs of a cloaked triangle plane or craft…or ‘UFO’. It is visible only through the triangle shape it makes in the sky, and the line it left in the thick cloud bank. I don’t know if it is the plane that President Trump is referring to. However, look at the shape of the triangle in this photograph. That does not look like the same shape as an F35. It looks like a different design.
For several reasons, I do feel that this photograph is an image of a triangle craft that is most likely US Air Force or Secret Space Program technology.
Check out this video from Fox News, where you can hear President Trump’s comments for yourself.
Having written extensive articles on cloaked triangles as cloaked UFOs, and other cloaking technology present in our skies, I feel victory today.
I trust the plan that this President wants to bring America and Americans up to speed, in so many ways.
Thank you, President Trump.
Love, Solaris
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Links and Notes
For my articles on the US Space Force, please see: Most Metal UFOs are From Earth – the Drive to Create a US Space Force, and President Trump US Space Force Announcement.
To view photographs of UFOs utilizing cloaking technology on my blog go here: Cloaked.
To view photographs of suspected Secret Space Program craft on my blog go here: Secret.
To view photographs of evidence of stealth triangle craft on my blog go here: Triangle.
For my Primer on UFOs start here (fix link)
Here is another interesting video on the B2 Bomber for anyone interested: 10 Incredible Facts About the B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber.
Thank Yous:
Thank you to my friend Alex for her inspiration for this article.
Thank you to SerialBrain2 at the Reddit Great Awakening subreddit; his publication of his article Now Comes the Pain 23 is how I found out that this event had happened. And by the way, 23 is my lucky number.
Thank you to CaveManUg whose comments at Reddit’s Great Awakening helped led me to the information that this event occurred.
Video footage used is in the public domain and falls under rules of Fair Use. We are making these materials available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting which constitute the ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.
© 2018-2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated; color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. This article was originally published at https://solarismodalis.com/she-makes-a-plane-you-cant-see-news-by-solaris-modalis.