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Secret Space Program Triangle UFO Tracks Galactic UFO Through the Sky All Day

In this post I present a series of photos that I love!  These are taken during the evening sunset, at the end of a day of seeing these two craft in the sky all day, starting while having lunch with a friend who is a long time intuitive and ‘galactic gal’.

The photos in this article are of two craft or UFOs; they are located either over the Pacific Coast-line or are over the Pacific Ocean itself, near the San Francisco Bay Area.

One of the UFOs is Secret Space Program, and one of them is a galactic UFO. Both of the craft are cloaked.

However the cloaking mechanisms are different for the Secret Space Program triangle UFO compared with the galactic UFO.

The triangle craft is clearly visible, with its cloaking mechanism lit up in the sunset sky. The galactic presence that it is tracking can only be seen by understanding the signs of its presence, as it is cloaked also.

Where are the UFOs in this Photograph? The Galactic Presence

The ‘mothership’ is a galactic presence and is visible through it’s intense vibrations, and the shapes these create in the sky, indicated in the ribbing in the clouds in the sky and the oval of sky blue.

In the photo below of the horizon and full sky, in the center of the image, you can see an obvious huge circular blue space that is disk shaped above the sunset. This circular ‘blue space’ in the sky is a cloaked presence that is the source of the vibratory emanations in the clouds, both from the center of the photo to the top, and from the center of the photo towards the sun.

The Galactic UFO is Cloaked By its Frequency

The craft that is in the circular ’empty’ blue space is a galactic presence, and it is higher dimensional. From our perspective, it is not a physical object that is cloaked from view. That is because it exists in a shifted dimensional state, yet able to effect our reality.

The fact that it is an energetic presence and that is what creates it’s ‘cloak’ and what allows it to be a huge presence in the sky without scaring people or ‘appearing’ to people. This ‘object’ is in a layer of light that is not in the visible spectrum of human eyes.

This presence technically is not cloaked because we cannot see it at the frequency in which it resides, with the human eye. It’s frequency is such that its dimensional state is shifted; it is in our reality but in an expanded way.Where are the UFOs in this Photograph? The Secret Space Program Triangle

Now, this is the double cool part, lol.  A triangle UFO is below the mothership’s frequency emanations and above the setting sun.

One of my cameras has a great zoom capability, and it blows me away, first that I actually got this photograph, and second that I zoomed in on the speck above the sun, which turned out to be a perfect triangle shaped dark object hiding in a ‘cloud’.

This craft is cloaked as well, but it is cloaked with a cloaking technology that creates a ‘bubble’ around the craft so that it is not visible. It is very possible that this cloak also operates on a frequency, or perhaps it operates through reflection or some other technology.

The resulting effect of it’s cloaking capability is the same – it is not visible to the human eye as a metal UFO or metal craft. It looks pretty solid lit up like the sun like that, though. Doesn’t it?

However although we cannot see it as a metal object in the sky, we can track it’s presence, just as it appears to be tracking the galactic presence’s frequency effects upon the sky.

A Note on the Chemtrails in the Sky and the Rules (Spiritual Laws)

I chuckle as I look at the tiny, thin white line of chemtrail in the sky, behind the cloud bank reflecting the galactic vibrations, in the above photograph.

That’s going to do nothing, as long as humanity refuses permission. Look at what those trying to effect our atmosphere are up against. Look at what is helping us. There is a galactic presence up there that acts in accordance with Divine Law, or natural law, and it is operating in the highest good of humanity. This is within ‘the Rules’.

But it requires our permission.

When we look up at the sky and express, within or out loud, our heartfelt desire for what is in the highest good of all to transpire (if you feel resonant with doing this, please use whatever wording feels resonant with you); when we look up and say that we do not agree with being poisoned with toxicity or harmful schemes of any sort involving our atmosphere, we then give permission for galactic forces to transmute these elements using frequency.

Secret Space Program Triangle UFO Appears to Observe the Scene

This ‘Triangle UFO’ clearly appeared to be aware of and tracking the galactic frequencies emanating through the sky all day. I started watching these two objects for hours before this photograph was taken.

I saw these two craft move from way across the Bay, where I had lunch with my friend, to out over the Pacific Ocean, in the westward direction of the setting sun over perhaps seven or eight hours.

What I saw as I tracked the activity, was that the triangle craft was clearly following the galactic presence, all day. They hung out over the San Francisco Bay, they hung floating through the sky, they moved to say goodnight as the sun set for the day.

You see – we aren’t the only ones aware of lightships and the effects of higher dimensional frequencies!

Please enjoy the photographic series of the Triangle UFO, with it’s cloak lit in the sunlight, and the galactic presence, visible only through its effect on the clouds of creating lines in the sky, below.

Love, Solaris

Photos Series

Zooming in on the phenomena:

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.