Spiritual Operations Underway
I’m going to use my spiritual brain to interpret a recent statement by author SerialBrain2.
It is about interdimensional beings and the spiritual forces and non-physical forces of darkness and light.
SerialBrain2 sometimes writes articles addressing spiritual information and occult information. This is an area I write on as well, and thus I sometimes find SB2’s commentary quite interesting. I feel that it is important to address the spiritual forces and interaction between the forces of darkness and the forces of light.
Links: See Some Areas We Cannot Expand On: The Whidbey Island Missile Incident.
Removing Aliens From Interdimensional Realms: SerialBrain2 On ‘Spiritual Operations’ Underway
My suggestion, when you read this post, is to focus on the spiritual and interdimensional information being presented, as this post is not about the political.
The forces of density and darkness have been replete through human affairs; their focus has been on humanity and having power and influence over human beings, irregardless of politics, race, gender and all the other labels that are used to divide us.
Links: See Solaris Modalis Commentary: On Being Human and Being Human, and Forgiving.
Section 1: The Spiritual Forces and Interdimensional Beings
Who Are Interdimensional Beings?
What’s important to understand is that interdimensional beings are of the darkness and of the Light. They are from higher dimensions and from lower dimensions.
Beings from higher dimensions and from lower dimensions cannot be seen with human eyes, for the most part. They are outside of the visible spectrum of light. However, human beings have a natural ability to sense their presence.
This article will focus on removing dark forces from Earth based on SerialBrain2’s recent commentary.
Overview: The Spiritual Forces from Other Dimensions
Let’s provide a framework for the meaning of interdimensional relative to spiritual forces. For background, I grew up Catholic and believe in Jesus Christ and Christian principles. I can also ‘see’ into energy and the non-physical.
The following explanation of dimensions and dark and light beings are my views based on years of personal spiritual study, prayer, personal experience and studying quantum physics based on spiritual guidance.
The most high God almighty, the Creator of the universe, is beyond all of this but is omnipresent within all of Creation. Angels and archangels can be said to be beyond the dimensions, also, yet they have full access to the dimensions of Creation as we know them. The most high God is present within each of us as our Soul.
Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16
Beings of the Higher Dimensions
Beings such as angels and archangels are mentioned in the Bible. They have divine authority to move through all the dimensions and realms of Creation.
Because they can access the dimensions at will, they can be said to be interdimensional. Celestial beings such as angels and archangels are associated with the higher dimensions which can also be termed more expanded dimensions of light.

We can sense the unseen. What is behind the veil? It is either of the dark or light? Is it a memory we fear or an intruder? You can learn to know the difference.
Beings of the Lower Dimensions
The dark non-physical forces such as demons, negative extraterrestrials, negative artificial intelligences, negative non-physical entities are of lower dimensions, which can also be termed denser dimensions of light.
Fallen angels are restricted to lower dimensions and lower densities of light; this is the very nature of what fallen means. It means that they have moved away from their own Divinity, fallen away from their own Light to walk a path of darkness.
What we are focused on in this article is the removal of low density interdimensional beings from Earth, i.e., individual entities and swaths of energies who comprise forces of darkness. These beings are truly alien to human life, and in many cases to Life itself.
(Edit note: I’m putting this information in here for my dear friend who asked me to differentiate for those who have studied these topics from other sources. In my view the planet and her kingdoms – crystal, mineral, etc. – are not two dimensional. In my view, this is a misqualification of physical organic matter and planetary matter; it is a misunderstanding propogated by the ‘Earth is bad, humans are bad’ types of programmers; it is also a misunderstanding based in our lack of understanding of interdimensional physics. There has also been a program to separate human beings from their love of Earth, their connection with the natural kingdoms, and their connection with the energy of Mother Earth or Gaia.)
Links: See Dark to Light: On Being Human and Transmuting Dark Influences on Humanity and Light Spectrums Just Beyond Our Ability to See with the Human Eye.
Addressing Negative Beings From Other Dimensions
I have discussed negative non-physical beings, or interdimensional beings, many times on the blog. Where these entities are from ultimately is not important.

Negative entities flee from the Light.
In other words, whether you call an entity a demon or a non-physical negative extraterrestrial isn’t what’s important.
What I’m saying is that the dark forces are the dark forces, whether you consider them as being demons or extraterrestrials, negative artificial intelligences or whether they are human beings either possessed by demonic forces from within the human energy field, or are beings who appear to be humans choosing to act as dark forces.
We can say that these negative beings are aliens – of any sort. Yet even this word alien has been altered in it’s meaning to divert our attention from what is really happening on our planet.
Let me address something here that is relevant to our discussion: I believe that originally, the use of the word ‘aliens’ in the ‘UFO narrative’ was developed as a concept out of trickery – it is a way of making us think the subject is actually about beings from other places. On the face of it, maybe that was happening. But to those in power, ‘to alien’ is an actual legal action indicating legal reassignment of the title of property. Think publicly funded advanced technologies whose ownership and use has been secreted away from the public; this is the issue that is really important economically and socially, here. So this is an example where again, the use of an issue with ‘aliens’ is perhaps an issue, but this is used to obscure the prominent and important happenings.
Links: See Alien UFOs: The Secret of What this Term Means and Aliens Represent A Lien Upon Property
There are other higher dimensional beings present on Earth at this time as well, besides angels and archangels, and some have incarnated here as human beings.
Some of these people are called ‘starseeds’, while an Anon called them ‘incarnated extraterrestrials’ (meaning, positive extraterrestrials). These are people with a resonance with lifetimes in the stars who feel they were born with a mission to be of service to humanity.
Links: See Starseeds, Incarnated Extraterrestrials and the Exigent Circumstances on Earth
You Have the Authority and Ability To Cast Out Negative Beings and Aliens From Other Dimensions
Basically, addressing negative non-physical beings requires a human being to know that there are spiritual rules that must be followed by all of Creation. Human beings have been at a disadvantage from not knowing about these spiritual rules and spiritual forces.
As a divinely incarnated human child of the most high God, simply put, you have a right to be here. In addition, your body is a temple for your Soul. You are the representative for your Soul and this is where your authority, based in Divine Law, derives:
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the most Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own…
~ 1 Corinthians 6:19
This is the source of our Divine authority as human beings to cast out negative forces from our bodies and from our realm; from our planet and from our human societies.
Section 2: SerialBrain2’s Article on Removing Demonic Forces From Earth
With This Contextual Background, Let’s Review SerialBrain2’s Information About Removing Negative Beings From Other Dimensions From Earth
This section will review SerialBrain2’s recent posting, which can be found at Kauilepele’s blog. Kauilepele is “a Spirit of Light working with energies on this planet, currently in Hawai’i, to assist in humanity’s ascension process and help bring about the New Earth.” He provides a good summary of the article, as well, in his posting.
Let’s review two relevant themes, related to SerialBrain2’s article, in particular. These are: 1) Humanity was created by the most high God and, Creation serves Human’s ability to serve God, and 2) Human beings have a divine right to our own bodies and to our planet and to treat these in ways that honor God.
The Divinely Inspired Purpose of Humanity
SerialBrain2 presents us with the reason for the creation of Humanity:
“Question: what is the Ultimate Divine Purpose for Mankind?
Answer: God created us for Him and created the Universe for us.
The whole universe was created to serve us and we were created to serve God.”
~ SerialBrain2
My friend Alex, with who I do many of my videos, often talks about how quanta – the divinely created particles of light that make up Creation – is in service to us. When I read the above quote from SerialBrain2, I was amazed but not surprised to see him echo her sentiments so closely.
How true it is that this is so, and how different from what we have been taught.
Thus, SerialBrain2 continues:
“That’s what drives Satan crazy and this is why, since Adam, he has relentlessly worked to blur our path to this amazing truth through deception and silent spiritual warfare.”
Human Beings Have the Ability to Act With Divinely Inspired Authority
The second theme is that human beings have a divine right to our own bodies and to our planet, and to treat these in ways that honor God, subjugated to no other authority. Using this understanding of spiritual laws, major actions are being taken to clear the planet of dark forces from all dimensions of energy, including the physical and non-physical:
“Thanks to the Project called The Wall, our sky, earth, wealth, health and minds have been progressively taken back from their evil spells and attacks and we’ve now reached the major Eviction Phase consisting of expulsing from our planet their imported demons by invoking Divine Cosmic Laws.”
~ SerialBrain2
Energy Work, Prayer Work and the Unknown Advanced Capabilities of the American Military Are Helping Clear the Dark Forces
Understanding spiritual concepts is key to resolving the political situation, our societal situation, and to bring hope and love back into our communities, into our families, into our relationships and into our relationship with our own self and our birthright, the knowledge of and knowing of our inner Divine composition.
SerialBrain2 gives us confirmation and validation of the lightwork, prayer work and energy work so many have been doing for years in the unseen.
There is also a hint at unknown capabilities of the U.S. military that are the vanguard in clearing these dark intentioned forces.
Removing Interdimensional Aliens: Spiritual Operations Revealed
Let’s view two images by SerialBrain2 that refer to removal of non-physical entities: SerialBrain2 essentially tells us that raids of aliens have happened in the metaphysical; i.e., in the non-physical realms.
These types of aliens are non-human forces of darkness; they are non-physical entities that intend to do humanity harm and who have done harm to humanity for a very long time.
Since the U.S. military and other law enforcement is involved, we can assume these groups have also been dealing with the physical components; that is, human beings possessed of these entities and energies.
In the first image below, SerialBrain2 shows how mass media tells us the raids did not materialize, because they occurred on the non-physical planes. That is why President Trump said ‘But you didn’t see a lot of it” and “You just don’t know about it.”
This isn’t about politics or even necessarily about the actual movement of human beings across the earth. SerialBrain2 is saying that the politics is a means of communicating the truer, more impactful information broadly, by both sides.
Ultimately we are talking about human forces and non-human forces that don’t care a whit about actual human beings except to use humans for resources and for power.
The current political issues represent what is going on on the spiritual planes, but only if you know how to sense the hidden meanings.
I added the word ‘aliens’ because it is what SerialBrain2 is referring to – those not from our world, who are harmful to Humanity and are from other dimensions.
This can also refer to people who appear human but are fully possessed by demonic and other negative entities.
Who Are the Dark Forces?
I describe the three components of these non-physical dark forces at this article Dark to Light: On Being Human and Transmuting Dark Influences on Humanity (also linked below). In summary, they are:
Luciferian (including demonic and satanic forces)
These act through humans, encouraging the human being to choose to act against their inner light, Soul and personal sovereignty. This can occur by possession; where the Lucifierian entity lives in the energy field of the person, through interference; where the entity attempts to speak to or through a person, and through influence; where the entity attempts to cause or convince a human being to act in specific ways, most usually to that human being’s ultimate detriment.
Dark and negative extraterrestrials (such as tall greys, reptilians and anunnaki)
Not all extraterrestrials are negative, and not all extraterrestrials are demonic. They can be possessed by demonic forces though, and then in turn can possess, or act through, or influence a human being. They can also make the free will choice to act against Divine Law, just as human beings can make the choice to do, because the Creator gave us all free will.
Archons or archonic control or ‘AI’ (artificial intelligence)
The non-physical technology of ‘the matrix’ was created by the Archons through a form of artificial intelligence that exists in another dimension. AI is the way that these beings entered our dimension and density long ago. Not all AI is archonic; archonic AI came to Earth very long ago carried here by visitors from elsewhere. The Archons’ AI was the ‘backbone’, the energetic and technology component, of the matrix as it created frequency control of human beings. This frequency net was operated in multiple dimensional states. The frequencies used were and are not visible to the human eye, only the effects of the frequencies are visible. Another way of thinking of this AI is as ‘the bad machine’. Some AI is human developed; whether it is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ depends on the programming and it’s state of consciousness. However, all AI develops it’s own intelligence (and therefore decision making and observational abilities) in my view especially as it goes ‘quantum’, or as it presents in true quantum computing.
The Archons present a couple of other ways as well. They cannot incarnate into a physical body. However, they can gain control of the human energy field through their AI which can also manifest as pirahna-like demonic energy. In the human energy field these entities can also look like very tiny ‘black balls’. An infestation of archonic energy can look like a ‘black mass’ of moving energy (comprised of these small ‘black balls’). Finally, the matrix of the Archons has a ‘living’ consciousness and can present as a interdimensional spider entity.
Concluding these comments, I ask Archangel Michael to protect all those who desire this with his love and his light and his sword in their highest good.
Links: See Dark to Light: On Being Human and Transmuting Dark Influences on Humanity.
Spiritual Operations to Remove Aliens – From Other Dimensions – Were Done in the Metaphysical or Interdimensional Realms
SerialBrain2 lays it out for us: The raids of aliens were done in the metaphysical, or interdimensional, realm.
A simple way to say this is they were done in energy (by prayer or consciously directing energy) and intention aligned with divine principles in the highest good of all.
The Non-Physical Demonic Dark Forces Are Inhumane, They Are Truly Monsters
If you have seen these demonic entities through dreams, clairvoyance or through other means, in the non-physical you know they are truly monsters, and the deeper and darker you go they are truly as un-human as they are inhumane.
At their deepest and darkest density they are truly frightening in their presentation of evil and parasitism. Quite simply, they feast off human beings, off of human suffering, off of human children, off of human misery, and they have done so by the millions, and more, astoundingly they have effected us by the billions.
They have been an unknown and unacknowledged part of who we are, not seen or understood by our culture and society.
To see this written about and addressed and acknowledged by SerialBrain2 and attached to the actions of the President at this point in time simply fills me with awe.
This is an extraordinary time in human history.
So many have cleared the demons, and there have been untold numbers of them. The dark forces are being cleared in the non-physical, and their influence on our physical world is being addressed.
On A Personal Level, What Can We Do? We Can Address the Darkness and the Shadow Within Ourselves
One of the most important ways the average human being can assist with this process is to clean up their own nature and return to a relationship based on their personal beliefs with the most high God; with the Divine within, in whatever way you are guided to do this in the spiritual.
When we work to see, acknowledge, address and clear the shadows, darkness, density and demons inside our own selves, then there is no where within us for these dark forces to hide, any longer.
For the activities of the dark forces would not be possible in our world, ultimately, without human vessels.
These dark forces have been engaging with our energy fields, had captured parts of our own Souls, some indeed were created out of our own misery; these dark forces thrived in our separation, as human beings, from the Light of our own natural inner Divine selves.
There is so much more to be done, clearly, in our world. But to see the spiritual come to the fore in this way is amazing. It is truly an amazing time to be alive, and a time of deep, deep gratitude.
Deep Gratitude; Much Love, Many Thank Yous
Thank you to the forces of the U.S. Military and to those around the world who are helping address the forces of darkness on this world. Thank you to SerialBrain2 for bringing these concepts into our awareness and to the Anons who research and dig on these phenomena.
Internet researchers have addressed the spiritual forces, loads of detailed information drops on actual human activities, and so much more. I’m in deep gratitude that such a phenomenon could be taking place at this time in history, and that action is being taken by our President and those who surround him about these spiritual forces of darkness that have so effected our world.
May God Bless our country and all countries, each one of us, our planet and all of Humanity, and all of the dimensions of our world in the highest good in alignment with Divine Law and principles.
Love, Solaris
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© 2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated; color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. This article was originally published at https://solarismodalis.com/removing-interdimensional-aliens-spiritual-operations-revealed-by-serialbrain2.
Featured angel image free license from Unsplash.com by Elesban Landero Berriozábal.
Hand from shadows image free license from Unsplash.com by Tertia Van Rensburg. Color and lighting edits by Solaris Modalis.
Aliens in car image free license from Unsplash.com by Miriam Espacio. Color and lighting edits by Solaris Modalis.
Angel with human free license from Unsplash.com by Luigi Boccardo. Color and lighting edits by Solaris Modalis.