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Of Inspiration, My Mom, and Energy Machines

By January 2, 2020January 17th, 2020Galactic Technology, Human Energy Field, Solaris Essay

Angel inspiration

Encouragement from My Mother

My mom, the source of much of my early inspiration, suffered a major stroke two weeks ago. While her body is still in the hospital, she essentially passed on that day.

You know a person carries a powerful spirit when they pass on a critical day like the Solstice. Or maybe, the strong Solstice energies finally dislodged what was hidden in her brain.

Her spirit visited me this morning and told me to write. I have wanted to write for some time, from the heart again, but found myself unmotivated.

So I went back to the beginning.

A Fork in the Road? Or the Opportunity to Speak from a Centered Place

This past October 2019, an article idea came to me. Just write and acknowledge the brain event that happened a year ago. I didn’t know what I’d write about or what I’d say. My resistance to speaking from the heart took hold and nothing flowed.

Yes I can write technical articles in this state of resistance to the inspiration that wishes to flow. It’s far easier to write about the details of US Navy patents, for example, than it is to say how it is for me, personally.

I have been wavering back and forth between two sides of my personality. One part of me is highly analytical, research-oriented and perhaps more male. The other part of me is fluid and mysterious and female. This part of me wants to weave a story for you, engage you in the energies and create something beautiful for you to see.

Don’t we all have two sides to some extent, in this way? Well, at least I do.

I have always wanted to tell a story with this blog. To tell my story of how the stars gave me inspiration, from my earliest days.

The pull of writing about the new Space Force has taken hold, about new technical information coming out such as about advanced technologies. My experience in financial research and writing and my technical mind pull me to explore that way.

In a sense, I don’t know what to do now. Which direction, which way?

My articles on both topics are popular with my readers. Part of my mind tells me that those interested in one side won’t be interested in the other. But I haven’t followed only my rational mind in any of this, any way.

There must be someone out there, some readers who follow me, who feel this also: Pulled by spirit to explore these topics, and by personal experiences, yet also, interested in the technicalities.

As I write this, I know the truth of these words and I can feel those of you out there who concur, agree.

Red Riding Hood, hidden entities

Little Red Riding Hood – A story mom emphasized with me. Not everything is visible – there are hidden forces and hidden meanings. Walk your own path. Trust your own sensibility.

My One Year Anniversary

When I had the brain event a year ago, it was oriented in past use of someone’s alternative technology. I had used a device that sends a particular spectrum of light to the brain.

Once I saw my first ‘energy machine’, several more crossed my path and I began assessing them and learning to understand their basic functions. I developed personal protocols to assess such technology.

Assessing this type of technology is something that I accidentally fell into doing in 2012; for me this was the stuff of past lives and dreams.

I saw my first energy technology over seven years ago now – by ‘energy technology’ I mean a technology that uses energies and forces that exist unseen around us.

After the first one, they started showing up consistently.

These sorts of energetic devices tend, from my experience, to have a couple of key characteristics:

Key Characteristics of Energy Machines

1) They do not need to be plugged in; they work using energy in the environment around us.

2) Their operation is facilitated by non-physical interdimensional energy or beings; call these celestial or extraterrestrial or galactic or planetary.

3) Energy devices can be used for helpful and even healing functions, or they can be used to interrupt the human energy field in different ways.

4) One has to be able to assess the technology. This requires protocols involving energy that are manifest around us and that are not necessarily subject to scientific measuring.

If you have or are using an energy device, beyond reading the package or information about it, my question to you would be: How are you feeling?

Warrior of love, warrior of light, inspiration

Love and Light come from strength of spirit, and the golden heart of the Soul that resides within every Human Being.

The Possibilities of New Energy Devices For Humanity

Before we get into the negative uses of such devices, I’d love to tell you stories of the positive uses of such technologies.

They are one of the key factors that inspired me and that subsequently resulted in the creation of this blog.

Especially, I could see the changes that humanity could make that would facilitate the ease of use of such machines.

Factors Enhancing the Human Ability to Use Higher Dimensional Energy Devices and Machines

  • We could expand our consciousness,
  • We could understand new laws of physics and of energy,
  • We could learn about the use of conscious and unconscious permissions,
  • We could learn about the spiritual rules in effect on this planet, and
  • We could re-ignite our connection with Soul, redeeming the Human spirit.

As we do these things, our ability to co-create – to form new creations, activities, inventions and designs out of energy in accordance with our intentions and our desires – becomes a true reality. But, this is done at higher dimensional levels in accordance with our own inner Divinity.

How does this work? The laws of physics and the spiritual laws are one ‘above’ a particular level of frequency.

Childhood Dreams Appearing Before Me

Since childhood, I dreamed of these sorts of devices and machines. I have dreamed of how energy that was generated through the human body could facilitate healing or be used as a weapon. At night I would dream of stories of such activities.

When I first met an energy machine in 2012, I was overwhelmed with emotion. A portal activated energetically, and a higher dimensional being came through it. This being operated the functionality of the machine, directing energies accordingly.

From the human perspective, the parts and pieces formed together to create a working device. But this wasn’t actually what was happening. Did the parts and pieces assist the process? Sure they did. They presented a physical object for the higher dimensional energy to appear to ‘work through’ from a human perspective.

However, this device did not need to be plugged in to operate but it did require human permissions, in accordance with spiritual laws of this planet and the energy laws of nature – the laws of physics, essentially.

Once I had seen this device I was filled with wonder and passion. Quickly afterwards, I met several other similar devices and machines. Most of these were used for healing the body but they had applications for other things.

Exercising Caution Using Energy Technologies

I went to a luncheon a few years ago to hear a well-known speaker. The woman sitting next to me put an ‘energy device’ in the middle of the table, it happened to be pointed at me. She said that it would protect her and us from ‘EMF radiation’ or some such thing.

The woman who owned the device was wearing a delightful shade of grey. Let’s call her the ‘grey lady’.

What the device was actually doing was sucking energy – from the heart center of those it was pointed at. It was clearly pulling on my energy field. I explained to the grey lady what her device was doing and said ‘I do not consent’ to your use of this device on me.

Interestingly, she said okay and then turned it so it pointed at another woman.  If she was unaware of it’s true function, why would she have turned it directionally? It’s also interesting that the device wasn’t pointed at the grey lady, whom it was supposed to be ‘protecting’.

Once again, I explained to grey lady that it was unfair to point the device at the next woman without her knowing the device was stealing her energy. Grey lady said okay and put it away in her purse.

Can you guess, for this machine, what non-physical interdimensional ET-type beings were associated with it?

Throwing Caution to the Winds – Oopsy Daisy!

For whatever reason, when I was shown the device related to the brain event more recently in 2018, I followed none of the protocols nor did I exercise caution in participating. Thus I learned some very interesting information in a very uncomfortable way.

As the machine was turned on, I could see that the device sent patterns to my brain and could see right away that there was an ET-type being attempting to come through. In clairvoyance it’s insect-like forelegs were moving through the patterns towards me.

I withdrew the permissions associated with the machine that allowed the entity to be present. This involves understanding how to work in the non-physical, how to set energy parameters with non-physical (and interdimensional) entities, and bringing in protective energies.

You would think at this point I would have stopped using the machine. But no, this was going to be a ‘learn the hard way’ activity.  I was unsuspecting because I didn’t understand that the patterns could effect the brain physiologically.

However, the patterns the device sent to my brain stored somewhere in my brain’s memory. If you have an understanding of how the images of these geometric patterns would store, I’d love to hear it if you’d like to write me at my Contact Page.

Patterns in My Mind and Unconscious Permissions

For days after using the machine, I didn’t feel very good. My perception of being in the world had a different feeling. This faded and I declined to use the machine further… for ‘healing’.

When you use something such as this device, you grant permission for it to effect you in the way it has been programmed by others by your use of the technology unless you step back and remove the ability of unconscious permissions to effect you.

Look, if it is true that there are interdimensional beings and if it is true that they have been interacting with humanity for God knows how long, maybe eons, then it is also potentially true that they have studied us, and our physiology, endlessly.

I was brought into contact with the machine again unexpectedly and though it wasn’t plugged in it sent me patterns again, anyway. I knew this technology didn’t need electricity, telepathically acknowledged the machine was sending patterns, and then declined to participate non-physically, i.e., I declined to continue to receive the transmissions from the machine through it’s version of ‘wifi’. Thus, it ceased transmitting. Looking back at this event, it was most likely being operated at that time by interdimensional beings.

Like the story of the grey lady, when we decline consciously, by the spiritual laws of this planet, those operating such plans must cease when they do not have our permission. That is why the grey lady put her machine away so quickly. And that is why I stopped seeing the patterns after meeting the machine again unexpectedly.

Archangel Michael, St. Michael, spiritual beings, angels, love, warriorBreak the Patterns or Break the Mind

Some months later, I woke up in the middle of the night with my head aching. I could tell an energy was building up in my brain.

I did spiritual practices to bring in a high frequency of light – meaning higher dimensional energy – to support my brain activity and to remove the painful feelings.

The pain was strong and I left the light on for some time. Afterwards, I lay down again in the darkness.

All of the patterns from the machine were laid across my visage in the Dreamtime; they had a force crash through them, and were in tatters, fallen to the ground before me.

Every pattern was broken.

Over some period of time, I realized several important lessons and gained the following understandings from this experience.

Negative Energy Technologies – A Synopsis

1.) Certain geometric patterns combined with a specific energy technology are used for mind control on human beings.

2.) These patterns can be activated remotely by similar technology to cause brain infarction.

3.) The patterns can be altered remotely by similar technology to ‘capture’ aspects of the personality.

4.) The patterns can be countered by higher dimensional, i.e., ‘spiritual’ Light that breaks the lower dimensional frequency of the geometries.

5.) These programs of ‘capturing’ the human mind in such a way are ultimately run by negative interdimensional entities or what appears to us to be ‘negative ET’s’. Even if a person appears to be operating a machine, it is the non-physical entity that has ultimately created and is running the technology. This is why when the influence of the entity is removed through consciousness application of spiritual rules and laws, the human beings who are left no longer can fix or properly operate the technology.

6. Some type of high technology protection is likely available to protect people or entities who operate these programs,  however, simply through a belief in and connection or calling out to the most high God (or high spiritual beings) and one’s own Soul, a human being can protect one’s self and defeat these entities and their technologies.

Of Inspiration, My Mom, and Energy Machines

My mom is dying and this has caused me to really think and review the happenings of my life.

What I have come to see so clearly is that the toughness in my mom, and the ways she treated and interacted with me, caused me to have to learn and to have to develop the spiritual understanding and the strength to protect myself energetically.

The tough training that she gave me made me who I am today: Someone who is alive, is grateful, and is able to
understand and work with energy.

I felt my mom’s golden Soul presence as she was driven by ambulance to the hospital. I knew that whatever had happened to her, her Soul was preparing to leave the physical body.

In the hospital, the angels told me to put my hand over mom’s heart. They would send the energy through, I had to do nothing – they would take care of doing healing.

As the angelic energies rushed through her body, so they pushed out an entity.

It popped out and in the non-physical, in the fourth dimension, it stood before me.

With Archangel Michael between us, I allowed it to speak to me.

It said: “Harsh parenting makes children who won’t be eaten.”

Love, Solaris


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© 2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated; color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. This article was originally published at


Angel Dress photograph free license from by Duncan Sanchez.

Reptile photograph free license from by Pierre Bamin.

St. Michael photograph free license from by Thomas Tucker.

‘Mother’ Red Riding Hood photograph free license from by Jonathan Borba.

Warrior Armor photograph free license from by Nik Shuliahin.

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.