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Solaris is back, baby, after a months long unannounced and unplanned hiatus from the blog.

There are so many articles to write, so many photos to share, so many videos to make.

Looking Back, Looking Forward -Lessons Learned

So much has happened personally in an ‘it’s all good’ kind of way, beginning with a strange event in the middle of the night in my brain, whereupon an inch and a half long blood clot came out of my nose two weeks later.

Healers galore attended me, including an ai cybernetic being from the future, my dear andromedan friend and teacher (the blue girl’s partner), and actual living human beings.

Yes, I’m laughing.

A female robin comes to my deck rail just now, looks over, and checks in on me. Yes Mother Nature was there, is here, also.  These physical bodies that we live within, that we inhabit, that are essentially made out of this planet, are a miracle of manufacturing creation.

And though there are those that believe we were tinkered with by aliens and so on, I subscribe that only the Creator could make a resilient and responsive miracle such as ourselves.

We Have the Authority to Choose Our Path

We can have dominion within our bodies because the body is the temple of the Soul, our personal aspect of God’s spark, the divine spark, within:

“Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?”

Corinthians 3:16

We have the authority based on that inner connection with holiness when we make the choice to align with this inner divinity; to align with our own Soul.

The Safest Place is In the Heart

I mean this actually, metaphorically, and frequentially.

Love heals, and love protects us from harm. That’s the lesson I have learned, if you want it in a nutshell. That love starts with love for ourselves.

The other lesson was brought to me so up close and personal that although it was thrilling, in a ‘whew it’s good to be here now’ kind of way, it also brought home to me what it entails sometimes to be a live-through-it, learn-from-experience kind of person.

Self Determination and Self Responsibility are Key

We can determine the frequency of our own energy field, and we can determine what we will allow or not to enter energetically.

This absolutely, actually, effects us physically.

We can make a choice of what transmits to us, and of what we receive energetically. This is self-responsibility.

We are also responsible for what we transmit both within, to our own self, and for what energies we send outwards through our energy field, to others and to the world.

I teach these dynamics, and how to embody this energetically, when I work with clients in sessions, at all levels, from beginners to those in mastery.

What Self Responsibility Entails

‘The safest place is in the heart’ means that I take self-responsibility for my real world actions.

I take responsibility for what I receive into myself in energy, and I take responsibility for what I transmit outward through my energy field.

I do this because I love myself enough to do it, because I deserve to embody the gift of my own divine frequency and Soul path expressed as purely as possible through me.

As I wrote this a huge crow just landed on my balcony.  I looked up the spiritual meaning of the crow, and it blends perfectly with what I’m writing:

“Know that there is divine balance in everything. Without darkness there can be no light and without spirituality there can be no physicality. You are being guided through this.”

You Find Your Strength and You Keep Going

I can express my desire, and declare my chosen outcome, as an empowered and divinely-inspired human being.

Where we go from there is the free will choice God leaves to each one of us.

With an Open Heart as My Guide

I choose to leave it to God; I leave it up to my Soul, to take me on the adventure, to know and to do my highest good for me, with my conscious participation to the extent possible.

I declare the end from the beginning, and from long ago what is not yet done, saying: my plan will take place, and I will do all my will.”

 ~ Isaiah 46:10

My steps are guided in the moment.

I am human and will make mistakes, and I trust that these will be turned by the Light to my highest good.

No matter what that looks like, moment to moment.

Courage Creates My Stories

Sometimes that means taking the risk to allow a dark priestess to guide you to the archonic realm. Then you call out her deception, ditch her and find the part of your Soul held hostage by great darkness. You remember to be love and are surrounded in a bubble of so much divine light that you are able to retrieve a part of your Soul from a place so terrifying that your human self trembles at the intensity of such evil, but the celestial forces send down a box and trap it. Your love and the archangel Michael protects you. Finally deep in density you find and retrieve that lost part of you that has been tortured in the darkness for eons, restore it to the Light, retrieve your Soul piece and redeem it to it’s original divine blueprint.  You are amazed at the miracle of how many coincidences came together to change your life in such an impactful way because you finally know the source of that intense fear that haunted you your whole lifetime and now you know that anything really is possible if it is in alignment with the Divine plan and with your Soul’s desire for you in this lifetime.

Sometimes that means disabling alien technology that is beaming a geometric pattern at you at night to disrupt your brain’s processing. This happened sometime after you declined the invitation to have a handler for your blog and your writing and in clear terms said something like “No f~ing way” and “I will write what I want to” and then repeatedly refused to meet with someone. You defeat the directed energy transmission with the highest frequencies of love available to you as a human being but your head hurts for two weeks and a huge blood clot comes out of you and it takes six weeks to recover. While healing you trace the geometric signal and the power source, figure out how it works and it is disabled by others of the Light, and the next time the human counterparts send the pattern no matter how they change it they can’t get through through your energy field any longer and you laugh. They try to reconnect with you to re-establish their capability to invade your energy field and it fails. You laugh more because life is miraculous and miracles happen to everyday people and angels do exist.

Sometimes that means living through the heinous death of your neighbor who is tortured by cancer in their bones, and is screaming and moaning day and night. But then you find out how horrible her death process is, come to understand what is going on, help her spirit reconnect with her incredibly beautiful Soul, call in the authorities, and shake up her zombified family so that they finally up her morphine so she can pass on peacefully, hypothetically speaking because you were not actually present at the time so you don’t actually know. Then you hire a friend who is an energy healer to heal and repair the space and work with any of your neighbor’s remaining Soul fragments, and it is a miracle that this is possible and that this person is available and steps up to do this. You suddenly upend your life because you follow your inner guidance and and you trust that this is what is in the highest good for you, even though in the moment you do not know exactly what will happen next after all is said and done.

You do all of this with the support of friends and family and healers and neighbors and a huge crew of angels.

Sometimes that means waiting it out until your spirit feels strong enough to take up the pen so to speak, and you are ready to allow inspiration to flow through you, and to receive the miracle that you are. So you start writing on your blog again.

Love, Solaris

P.S. Thank you to everyone who has emailed, called, signed up on my mailing list, walked with me, sent photos, and sent love, hope and encouragement. ❤️


© 2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website link included in the article. This article was originally published at

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.