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Meeting the Arcturian

This was the color I saw when I met the Arcturian; deep and beautiful shades of a purple violet color. When I approached, I sensed such an incredible feeling of love flowing through me and and all around this being. It emanated joy, love, acceptance and more.

I was in meditation, but immediately my body started crying. I was bi-locating to another dimensional state, from which I could ‘look back’ and observe my human self overwhelmed with loving emotion. I was there and I was here.

My human self started crying because the feeling of love was like an all-encompassing tremendous hug for me. It was intense enough to be a spiritual experience.

What’s important to understand is that I was creating the experience – for me. The experience did not come from anyone else.

How do I explain?

The Arcturian was not higher than me in any way except that it has a more expanded and ‘developed’ being emanating the frequency of its being. And, it lives in a more expanded dimensional state.

Knowing that, I could sense the frequency and I could choose to create that same pattern in my own energy field and in my body’s energy, and this is what I did.

Hug received – from Me.

Yet without meeting the Arcturian, I wouldn’t be at that vibration in my human body at the moment, or in the energy field of my light body. So meeting the Arcturian was a surprise and a blessing.

Links: See Departing the Ship: An Arcturian Story and The Arcturians Came Today (a Happy Poem)

The Human Body Has a Response to Higher Dimensional, High Frequency Energies

My heart felt joyous, bubbling, expanding awe in the presence of this energy.  This encounter felt so overwhelmingly loving. My energy field met that frequency of love and I began creating this frequency in my physical body. And back home in my body, this process brought me to tears.

This is the response of the physical body to higher frequency energy, when the body is able to open certain chakras, primarily the high heart (just above the heart) and the heart energy centers.

I was having the experience from a human perspective, in my body, and at the same time I was aware of myself in lightbody, in another dimensional state, meeting the Arcturian.

Bi-Locating to Another Dimensional Space; Visiting the Craft in the Sky

I posted a story about a V-shaped ship in the sky in the article: Galactic Technology at Work in the Sky. In that post, I discussed the photograph of the ship and the possibility that technology at work in the sky and was being used to transmute chemtrails.

I called this ‘galactic technology’ because it seemed more advanced than Earth science. The craft, or cloud-like lightship, seemed to vacuum up the toxic, or unhealthy, aspects of chemtrails.

I took this photograph (below) while driving across a bridge, and then exited the bridge. I had to take the photo out the car window because I knew I might not be able to see it in the sky again given the route that I was on.

As the lightship disappeared out of sight, I waved and said, “I’ll see you later, guys!”  When I intended this, I didn’t realize that I would go to the ship, in meditation. But, this is what I felt called to say and this is what ended up happening.

See the photo… there it is, out my window!  I love that it has a ‘V’ shape!

I was stunned when I saw it just sitting up in the sky, a cloud shaped like a ‘V’ with rectangular symmetric edges.

Links: See Bi-Locating and Being Multidimensional: How Bi-Location Works.

How I Began Visiting the Lightship

I was thinking about this air-cleansing technology, and how it worked.

As I looked over the craft in the photograph, I was feeling that the technology appeared to reside in the right arm of the V-shaped lightship in this photo.

And, I thought, I’d really like to take a look around, up there.

Suddenly, I had an inner, overwhelming urge to just be there.

So, I closed my eyes, and I was there.

I explain the techniques from other articles about how to bi-locate in this fashion, and about how to visit a lightship. I knew that this phenomena fit my parameters for frequency match and other factors, this is why I proceeded.

Links: See Visiting a Lightship: Applying Discernment.

Visiting the Lightship – Visiting the V-Shaped Craft in the Sky

I opened my eyes, in meditation, in my clairvoyant vision, and saw I was on the bridge of the ship.

Except these ships don’t really have a bridge, so let us do some interpretation.

Upon entering the lightship, I found I was in the center of the whole group that is the crew. Their consciousness was present all at once around me. I’m guessing they don’t have visitors that often, who are Earth-based human beings from the surface, from the point of time and space that I arrived from.

The Physics of Interdimensional Perception

In this section we are going to talk about interdimensional physics, if you want to skip to the rest of the story go to the next heading. If you want to get geeky with me, keep reading!

When visiting such a place, it’s important to understand that they are there, and they are not. From our perspective, the physical human perspective, everything about the experience is, so to speak, both true and not true. That is a quality of perceiving a higher dimension from our Earth-based third and fourth dimensional reality.

The ship while visible to the human eyes, is also in a higher dimensional state of existence. Thus, the crew is in a higher dimensional state of being. Meaning, they are not third or fourth dimensional beings, they exist in fifth dimensional and higher states.

From the vantage point of the crew, they are not only working on one reality. Their work automatically effects multiple realities of the Earth plane at the same time. It effects the realities that are in a particular frequency band.

This is the case even though I look up in the sky and I appear to see one ship working on a chemtrail in my sky. In quantum physics, that chemtrail is in multiple realities at the same time. From a higher dimensional perspective, i.e., the perspective of the ship and its crew, they are working on a frequency band within which the chemtrail resides that at the same ‘time’ exists in multiple slightly alternate realities.

Some call these alternate realities timelines. That is an accurate description if we are talking about third and fourth dimensional realities, and yes we are talking of this type of reality when referencing chemtrails in the sky on Earth at the moment the photo of the V-shaped craft was taken.

From the crew’s perspective, I was visiting, or bi-locating, from a point in a specific space – time in the fabric of the third and fourth dimensions of the physical planet from a specific reality. This is the essence of quantum based interdimensional movement or ‘travel’; this principle applies to intradimensional travel as well when quantum forces are at play.

Because everything both is and is not true at the same time at this level of experience, my consciousness was and was not bi-located, my body was and was not bi-located, and my awareness was and was not bi-located, the action of my body was and was not bi-located.

So yes it’s local and non-local at the same time.

Pretty cool, right?

Links: See Interdimensional: What Does This Term Mean?

Meeting the Crew – Getting a Tour

So, I am in the center of a circle of beings on the lightship. There was a feeling of acceptance – and even a cheer! There was a welcoming energy. Now, I had essentially asked permission to go aboard before I began the meditation process, and therefore knew that I was welcome to visit.

One being was designated to come forward, meet me and ‘talk’ with me. From my perspective, this was the Captain. I perceived the Captain’s energies as male. The captain was also cat-like in appearance, and humanoid in appearance. He was excited to interact and meet me, and he offered to show me around the vessel. The experience was happy and delightful.

He seemed to know what I had been thinking about before I came aboard his vessel. Thus, he took me to an area where technology was happening. It was the technology with which they were transmuting the chemtrails. I asked him how it worked.

The Captain had a twinkle in his eye as he said, “That is not my area. But you can ask this being (crew member) about the technology.” Smiling, as if there was a private joke he was sharing with me that I did not yet understand, he swept his arm to the left, and as I turned my focus that way, I saw the large beautiful purple violet round of energy that was a very large and very advanced being originating from a much higher dimensional state than what the Captain and I were at, right now.

Slowly turning my attention and my intention towards this being, I checked in, and then moved forward towards it. I knew almost immediately that this was an Arcturian.

I also immediately knew that my analysis of the ship in the article I had written was correct, that my analysis of the technology was right on, and that I was not on the ship to ask any questions.

I was here to meet the Arcturian.

Love, Solaris


Links: See A Star At Night 1 – Arcturian Energies and A Star At Night 2 – The Arcturians.

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© 2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated; color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. This article was originally published at

Featured image free license from Unsplash by Dominik Scythe.

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.