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Lightship UFO Flashes Me!!

By May 3, 2018June 29th, 2018Solaris Galactic

While Sky Watching, A Galactic Lightship Flashed Me!

As usual I was watching the sky one morning and noticed an unusual patch of blue in a cloud bank. It almost seemed to be glowing and I immediately grabbed my camera.

As I zoomed in on this spot in the sky, the object flashed me. It was exciting and was confirmation of what I felt – that there was a galactic presence up there in the sky.

Galactic lightships and UFOs often flash me when I am looking up! I have talked with others who have this experience, also.

Would You Like to Have This Experience?

If you are drawn to these energies, and are open to being flashed (lol) by them, simply set your intentions that you would like to experience this.

Galactic presences respect our free will. We make it clear to them, by getting clear inside ourselves, that we are willing to have this experience which would be a confirmation of their presence in the skies.

That is the process I went through before they started to flash me. The flash is usually ‘in the blink of an eye’. So I’m grateful that I was able to capture this on camera.

Solaris Modalis Video Summary: Lightship UFO Flashes Me!

Here’s a summary of what happens in this 13 minute video.

I stopped to photograph the sky and caught a spot of ‘galactic blue’ where it seemed that a lightship – UFO was hiding.

In this video, first we look at the raw footage. I didn’t have my microphone and there was traffic so I apologize that my voice was low and the background noise was high. I’ll be honest. I’m a bit shy standing on the sidewalk talking about UFOs to myself while filming. Ha Ha!! I promise to talk louder next time.

Then, I review the flash in slow motion.

I also took a screen shot and light-edited it to pop the phenomenon in the sky. We check out what the lighting edits reveal. Hint: there are many spectrums of frequencies surrounding this particular spot in the sky. To me, these represent emissions from the lightship.

I would like to thank each of you who watches my videos. I really appreciate that you spend the time to check out my work. Thank you from my heart.

Love, Solaris


This article is one of a Secret Space Program – Cloaking Technology Series

There are 8 other videos and 9 other articles in this series that tell the story about a Lightship UFO that flashed me, and the apparent cloaked Secret Space Program UFO that appears to monitor the area.

Articles contain photographs often at higher pixelation than the videos.

Video 1: Lightship UFO Flashes Me!

YouTube link –
Blog article –

Video 2: Found Another UFO (Secret Space Program) While Deep Diving Into the Lightship UFO Flash

YouTube video –
Blog Article –

Video 3: Secret Space Program Craft Shows Up in My Photo! – Reviews evidence and postulates that this is an SSP craft.

YouTube video –
Blog article –

Video 4 – Locating Bright Orb Lights and a Sky Portal
– The flash may have been a portal opening. The lightship looks like two orbs.

YouTube Video –
Blog article –

Video 5 – Further Evidence of Secret Space Program Ship

video –
article –

Video 6 – Stunning Evidence of Cloaking Technology

video –
article –

Video 7 – Solaris Modalis: Cloak, Cloaking Field – Review of Potential Secret Space Program Technology. Discussion of the cloak and comparison of photos that show a geometry around the SSP UFO.

video –
article –

Video 8 – Interdimensional Physics in Photographs of Secret Space Program UFO

video –
article –

this is Video 9 – Solaris Modalis: The Atmospheric Effects of Cloaking Technology

video –
article –

segment 10 – article only – How Cloaking Technology Might Work on a Secret Space Program UFO

video – n/a
article –

© 2018 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this video as an embed on other blogs and websites as long as a live link to this video on the Solaris Modalis YouTube channel is included as well as the author’s credit, copyright and live website link of are included in the article or posting.

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© 2018 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated:  color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented.

Check out the blog and more photographs at

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.