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How to Have Communications with a Higher Dimensional Presence

By October 8, 2019September 17th, 2020Human Energy Field, Starseed Journey

Higher Dimensional Communications Are Possible Using the Human Energy Field

Communications with higher dimensional beings, and with galactic visitors, comes through something like an impulse. It takes some time to understand and learn the subtleties of this kind of communication.

Its about communicating using your human energy field, by understanding how to level up the energy of the field. In other words, how to shift dimensionally to a state where you can receive such communications.

This dimensional state is fifth dimensional, a state of wholeness whereby there is no duality, but there is a connection by your human self with your own inner divinity. From this state I can perceive duality, but I don’t have to live it – I am ‘in the world but not of it’.

Connection With Your Own Divine Source is Key to These Communications

This inner divinity and the quality of it’s energy assists you in leveling up the frequency of your energy field, because in truth it is who you are.

The learning is about trusting yourself. And the training is about getting clear inside of yourself, specifically too clearing the human energy field of energies that are not in your highest good. This develops an inner clarity from which you can receive and perceive the impulses.

If you are a starseed, a person with a connection to the stars, to galactic civilizations, or with memories of lifetimes in the stars, these concepts may come easier to you, because you may remember doing these techniques, before.

Communications Field to Field

This kind of communication isn’t hackable by any human technologies. It’s not reachable by mind control apparatus. It’s a pure way of communicating, essentially, field to field. There is no invasion of the field. Rather the energy presents at your field and you can make a conscious choice whether or not to engage with it.

By your free will choice you can decide to receive the communications, or you can decide not to. When we are actively consciously engaging from our inner divine source as a human being, this assists us in setting a parameter that these communications will be in my highest good. If we are all one, what is in my highest good will be in the highest good of all.

Only the field that receives the impulse can recognize the message. One has to be resonant frequentially to know that the communication is going on at all…

…unless you are standing laughing out loud at the antics of moving stars as I was last night. There’s a clue there, lol, because I could be seen visually communicating with the stars. Because I was laughing!

Hacking by Telepathy

This is different than mental telepathy, which can be hacked by human technological equipment and likely will be hackable by AI (artificial intelligence) if it isn’t already. This is a key reason why I do not practice telepathy, and I decline entreaties done with telepathy.

Hacking can also attempt to enter the mind and hack it. The rider wave is the telepathy. If you are practicing telepathy, at the best, the true intent of the signal approaching you is to play around with an interesting phenomena. At worst, the true intent of the signal approaching you is to hack the mind. I highly recommend setting up clear energy parameters about what you are doing and how you are doing it.

If you really want to learn non-physical communication, in my view it’s worth the time and effort to determine the difference between telepathy and communicating with light packets; information that are light based and which are sent in a way that makes them feel somewhat like impulses by the human energy field.

Some people just want to learn telepathy and that’s fine. If you practice this, you will learn there is a quality of frequency you are engaging with doing telepathy based on who you are communicating with. If another quality comes in, simply assert your free will choice not to engage and say no if that is your choice to do so. By the laws of physics of energy, and by divine law, the rider frequency cannot continue to invade your energy field, although it may try to convince you otherwise.

The key here is your knowing of your own energetic human personal sovereignty. You have a birthright to this as the incarnation of your Divine Soul. You operate the temple of your Soul, the human body and it’s human energy field, and as your Soul’s representative. You can assert divinely backed authority over the territory of your Soul, the human body and the human energy field.

Dark to Light: Keys to Freedom

This is a key reason why I’ve begun my Dark to Light series on Solaris Modalis. Becoming aware of the forces of dark and light and how they effect us as human beings, how we can take back our own personal energy sovereignty, and how we can manage our own personal energy and human energy field, are key to freedom for humanity.

Clarity Within Facilitates Interactions and Communication

One may wonder why I’ve been writing about an essentially spiritual topic on this blog. But getting clarity within, and understanding how to manage your own energy, be this your thoughts, emotions, feelings, and so on, is key to having higher level galactic communications, or having communications with higher dimensional beings or interdimensional beings. In my opinion, key to making contact.

Would You Invite a Galactic Visitor Over to Socialize?

I was inspired to this understanding after thinking about what it would be like to meet a galactic being or a group of these visitors; to meet with them and even invite them over for social drinks or even for dinner!

In general, these sorts of beings are basically telepathic. They are at least energetically sensitive. I know this from my memories of many other lifetimes.

One of the issues I experienced at this time, years ago, was a racing mind. I couldn’t stop my thoughts or control my thinking, and my mind would zoom this way and that constantly. This included thinking about what I thought about a particular person and random assessments and judgements about them.

As I pondered the issue of meeting a telepathic being while having this quality of loud and haphazard thinking, lol, the issue that I had a lack of control over my own self became clear.

To effectively communicate in this hypothetical scenario, it seemed that I would need to have a clear field and a clear mind. Otherwise, I’d be sharing a soup of thoughts and information, rather than effective communications.

Learning to Quiet the Emotions and the Mind

Around this time, I became aware that I was living 10 minutes from one of the original three centers of meditation and Buddhism established when these concepts were purposely brought to the United States decades ago. I went to several general teaching sessions and learned the basic concepts.

Over a time of dedicated practice, I trained myself to actually quiet both my emotions and my mind. I combined my knowledge of energy work with information I was learning about the human energy field and quantum mechanics.

I learned to shift my dimensional state of awareness. If one’s awareness is focused in a polarized point in the duality of the third dimension, it’s pretty challenging to quiet your mind.

Shifting to Zero Point

When your focus shifts to what I term zero point, in my view a natural state of being for us as humans, one can operate the mind from a higher state of awareness. In this state, constant thoughts and roiling emotions are not compatible.

It’s like this: It’s like you tuck your thinking mind in to a cozy bedtime, sing it a beautiful calming lullaby, and allow it to rest while you stay present and aware in a state of observation and knowing. The mind can actually rest and quiet in this state because it feels safe with you.

At the same time, at zero point, you can feel your emotions, but they do not take hold of you. You feel and acknowledge them, transmute them, and carry on. This feels a lot like holding a ball of love around yourself that loves you, and it is you who is both the lover and the holder of this energy.

At zero point, you’re aware of everything your attention is on, in a state of love for yourself no matter what happens.

From within this state, perceiving impulses of the sort mentioned above, is not just possible, it feels like a natural form of communications.

It’s a form of communications based in love and joy, and in honoring and respect for the sovereignty of yourself as a powerful and divinely incarnated Human Being.

Love, Solaris


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© 2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated; color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. This article was originally published at

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.