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A Higher Dimensional Phenomenon is Observed in the Sky

Advanced Human Technology and Higher Dimensional Lightship Interact in the Sky, Solaris Modalis, SolarisModalis

I’d like to point out a higher dimensional lightship phenomenon that was in a recent photograph I published.

Let’s take a look!

Notes on the above photograph: Two Ships in the Sky. Round lightship – saucer shape at the base of the cloud, and cloaked triangle-type aircraft hidden in cloud with trail. Color edited to reveal phenomena.

A Hidden or Cloaked Human Advanced Technology Craft Appears to Be Observing Higher Dimensional Phenomena

Here’s the large photograph, including what may be a cloaked triangle craft – along with a trail – sitting in a cloud. In the article Evidence of Cloaking Technology is Right Above You, I discuss why I feel that this appears to be an advanced human technology.

In that post, I mentioned that this hidden human craft appears to be observing more advanced higher dimensional technology.

Let’s get into the higher dimensional aspects of this photograph, now.

A Circular Higher Dimensional ‘Craft’ Is Present in the Sky

Here are two versions of the photograph. In the first I have graphically outlined the phenomena, in the second you see the pure sky and clouds.

See if you can find the phenomena yourself, and maybe see what you think about it.

Advanced Human Technology and Higher Dimensional Lightship Interact in the Sky, Solaris Modalis, SolarisModalis

Round higher dimensional lightship – saucer shape hidden at base of cloud; Color edited to reveal phenomena.

Advanced Human Technology and Higher Dimensional Lightship Interact in the Sky, Solaris Modalis, SolarisModalis

Round higher dimensional lightship – saucer shape hidden at base of cloud; Color edited to reveal phenomena.

Some Thoughts on this Phenomena – Why is it ‘Higher Dimensional’?

Let’s discuss what ‘higher dimensional’ means and what the qualities and perception of such a phenomena in the sky entails.

Essentially, these phenomena both exist outside the range of elements that make up the Earth plane, and they exist as one with the Earth plane.

In the case of the phenomenon in this photograph, it exists both outside of the consciousness of humanity and this Earth, and it exists perfectly in sync and is made out of the elements of the Earth’s sky.

The reason that these opposing concepts can all be true at the same time, is that the higher dimensions are non-dual, meaning, not polarized.

Qualities of a Higher Dimensional Phenomenon:

  • Has a specific shape – circular and potentially saucer like,
  • Is ‘see through’ – it is not perceived as a mechanical object,
  • Seems to be not made of metal,
  • Appears potentially to be simply made of ‘light’,
  • Is effecting the cloud bank above it in some way (the striations of cloud are different than the cloud in which the triangle-square object is hiding),
  • Is creating a pattern in the cloud in which it is hiding,
  • More information comes forth by perceiving the phenomenon with intuitive sensing.
Advanced Human Technology and Higher Dimensional Lightship Interact in the Sky, Solaris Modalis, SolarisModalis

Round higher dimensional lightship – saucer shape hidden at base of cloud; Color edited to reveal phenomena.

Perceiving This Higher Dimensional Phenomenon With Intuitive Senses

Now for those who are empaths, intuitives, sensitive and so on here are other factors.

Extra Sensory Qualities of a Higher Dimensional Phenomenon:

  • Is one-to-one with the elements,
  • Seems to be working with the planetary energies,
  • Will communicate with you if your energies are in alignment,
  • Can be seen better by ‘lifting the vision’, allowing the physical perception by the eyes to go soft so that energies are better perceived,
  • Is in a cloud filled with images of nature spirits, some of which show as faces and animal energies.

Hand Drawing of Higher Dimensional Lightship

Because these phenomena appear to be both made of light and a craft, many of us use the term ‘lightship’ to describe these phenomena.

Here’s a hand drawing of the one that presents in the photograph, with some commentary.

This is the type of ship that would present with changing colors under certain conditions, such as during night.

Advanced Human Technology and Higher Dimensional Lightship Interact in the Sky, Solaris Modalis, SolarisModalis

Hand drawing of higher dimensional lightship by Solaris Modalis.

Both Phenomena Can Be Seen in the Original, Unretouched Photograph

If you’d like to compare – here is the original unretouched photograph:

Secret space program evidence, cloaked ships, cloaked UFO, cloaking technology, trail in cloud bank, secret space program ships, Solaris Modalis, SolarisModalis

Love, Solaris

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© 2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated; color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. This article was originally published at

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.