Video Presentation: How the Sun Lit Up a Spot Next to the Moon
My friend Alex Clark and I recently had a series of discussions of a phenomena of a light shining besides the moon that I saw during the full lunar eclipse of January 2018.
On this video, I gave Alex a demonstration of how the sun lit up an area besides the Moon as it came around the Earth, so that the viewer can experience what we are talking about visually, and because it was fun!
Alex and I had a great discussion over what happened and I hope that you will enjoy it as well.
The Light Beside the Moon – What is it?
Ultimately, we do not know what caused the light at the side of the Moon. Over time, data will be collected by scientists that look at these things, and our cultural and scientific theories will be reviewed.
But it has to be brought up for us to know that there might be something more going on than we realize. When the evidence is something that we can perceive with our human senses, it gives power to the experience, and in turn powers our desire to know, ‘why?’.
Being Willing to Ask – What If?
I feel that it is interesting to take a look at something that we witness visually, and be willing to ask ‘what is that’, even when what we see differs from what we have always been told is true.
In this case, I do have a photograph that illustrates a large lighted area to the left of the Moon as the Moon un-eclipses, but my camera was not accurate enough to pick up the rays I saw emanating or the dark space between the light and the Moon.
Thankfully, the artist Nubia was able to recreate what I saw for this article. However, the photograph I do have does show there was an unusual light to the left of the moon, so this is some photographic evidence that we do have.
The Light Beside the Moon Series
I hope you have enjoyed four interesting stories of what the light may have been that I saw next to the moon.
Article and Video 1: What I Saw During the Full Lunar Eclipse January 31 2018
Article and Video 2: The Light Beside the Moon: 4 Interesting Stories
Article and Video 3: (you are reading) Video Presentation: How the Sun Lit Up a Spot Next to the Moon
Love, Solaris
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