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Solaris Modalis Commentary: Being Willing to Talk About Interesting Stories

interesting story, inspiration, interesting stories, spirituality, encouragement, courage, bravery, creativityBeing Willing to Talk About Interesting Stories Can Change Our World

For the advancement of ourselves personally and of our culture and society, I feel it is important to look at what we are experiencing that may be different, or unusual, and then brainstorm and intuit about what could be possible from our knowing and our experience.

It’s so important to do this even when what we are experiencing is very different from those around us, or when our experiences seem quite out of the ordinary.

When we are talking about what is new and theoretical, then it takes pioneers and people willing to think outside of the box to do this.

When we have personal experience with the matter at hand, that’s when we are closer to the action, and that is when a part of ourselves becomes invested in knowing the answers to ‘what was that?’ or ‘why did I see it that way?’.

Resonating Through Shared Experience

This is one of the reason I use photographs so much in my blog, and why when possible I do videos to communicate stories and experiences. It is to share a personal experience with you, so that you can see if these experiences of mine feel ‘real’ for you, or if they feel possible for you.

And then we can dream, together.

Or maybe, they feel resonant with personal experiences that you have had, also. Maybe you feel less alone, and more confident, knowing there is someone else out there, having experiences like you do.

For me, seeing the similarities in others’ stories leaves me feeling inspired.

We can dream of the possibilities. We can dream of what might be.

Look at how those willing to dream of what might be have effected our society and have moved us forward to new understandings.

Role Models For Bravery and Courage

The obvious thinkers that we can name in the cosmic area are Gallileo and Copernicus. These are very famous examples from a very long time ago. But together, they created a major shift in thinking shifting the view that the Earth was at the center of the universe, to an understanding that the Earth rotated around the Sun.

Think about what these individuals faced when creating and promoting their theories. Their ideas shook the structure of their society. Their ideas shook the power centers of society. Their ideas changed our world.

The Old Is About to Give Way… It’s a Perfect Time to Imagine the New

When I look at what those pursuing independent investigative journalism today are encountering in terms of challenges, I think back to these two individuals from centuries ago. It seems that today’s environment is just that intense.

It is that intense, right now, because the old thinking and the old ways of being are about to give way. This is when the tension is the greatest. New thinking and ways of looking at concepts and situations is sweeping our societies because of how this resonates as truth for so many. For many, there is a strong feeling of knowing or a feeling resonance in their hearts.

Right now, during these times of intense stretching when we are in the throes of a shift, is when keeping on with what resonates with your heart, and holding the knowing you personally have of what is possible, is so important to us all.

It makes a difference that you energetically know, that you intend, that you are inspired, that you trust, that you have faith and that you love. These are the energies of creation, and focusing on what these are for you creates energetic fuel to create the New all around us, at first in subtle ways, and then, manifesting into the physical, little by little, until the momentum becomes unstoppable and the change is upon us.

Until one day, our world has changed.

I believe that our world is changing for the better.

Role Models Applying Their Creativity in Ways That Inspire

Einstein himself was far ahead of where science was at, during his time, and yet he was willing to believe in and trust his ‘thought experiments’. He had these visions and assumptions about reality long before he was able to pen them into mathematical equations proving his theories. Lucky for him, he married a woman who was a brilliant mathematician.

Examples abound of individuals with these qualities of bravery, courage, creativity and the ability to inspire in popular culture, and likely, in your everyday life.

Perhaps this also describes you. Someone willing to think differently. Someone willing to consider the ‘interesting stories’. Someone wanting to create the new in our world.

Did you know that you do this best, just by being your most authentic You?

Thank you for listening to my interesting stories. And thank you for sharing your interesting stories with me.

Love, Solaris

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© 2018 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated:  color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented.

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.