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When I work with people, I can see interdimensional aspects of who they are, with their permission of course. This weekend was so fun, as I was working with many people at the San Francisco Crystal Fair. These experiences leave me feeling pretty inspired. It’s a joy to share others’ experiences and stories, to see what life is like from a broader perspective.

Doing What You Love Brings Inspiration

I see the world around me and my own experience interdimensionally.

I feel so inspired after working at the Crystal Fair. It was wonderful to interact with so many people. We chatted about energy fields, the polarized environment of Earth, how to connect with your Soul and inner divinity, how to integrate starseed and past life experiences. It is so wonderful to discuss these topics that I know and love so well with others.

I meet many people who are ‘regular folks’ who have a secret longing or knowing, a secret experience. I meet people who have a full connection with their inner mastery. Many times, these experiences are in other dimensions or planes of existence.

I meet people I call ‘characters’. They represent a particular energy line. They are sometimes visitors to this plane having a human experiences, they are sometimes people who have incarnated many times in old Earth lineages. Some remember and some just have the results of the experiences in their energy field, but these effects of lifetimes and experiences, essentially from other dimensions, are still with them today.

Sometimes we are just two human beings working on the nitty gritty, the basic concepts. For example, we discuss the understanding that human beings have an energy field, talking about how it works and moves in this dimension.

Then I share tools for how to manage one’s own energy.

When You Are Authentic, You Attract Your Tribe

I’ve been getting really clear and desiring to clearly express what I’m about; this is the essence of authenticity. You can see the changes in my blog around bringing clarity to what information is here, and the ease of accessing information, in the blog’s new front page.

It’s meant getting braver about being clear, being authentic, and being okay with whatever happens after that. Whatever happens after that in many ways isn’t my business.

I put my creation out into the world, and usually, I don’t know what happens after that. An inner alignment and spiritual connection guided me to do it, and the joy of acting on and following this guidance is my reward.

When You Take the Risk to Show Who You Are, Those Who Resonate Can Then Find You

With the energies of being clear and authentic really strongly flowing, I had a surprising meeting this weekend. I met someone who can talk interdimensional physics and awakening consciousness as easily as I can, the way that I do, and that is something special.

I always joke that I’m a star girl, and the fact is this is true. I often write about galactic science or galactic physics, and that I feel that this is in use or known beyond Earth, so to speak, in the galaxy, and in the higher dimensions that can be accessed from Earth, that in a sense can represent our future.

This type of science and physics is interdimensional.

What is Interdimensional?

It is what is known and used by those who are from other places than the space time that we currently experience on Earth, and by those who are interdimensional, from the more expanded dimensional realms.

Many of our human advanced technologies are interdimensional.

And, so is our human energy field. If we know this and properly use this information, we can create deep change in our lives in our highest good and the highest good of all.

Be the Love You Are, Living in this World

That’s my love. This is my passion.

Since childhood these ideas have lived in me, dancing in my dreams.

Bringing these concepts and ideas out to the world is what inspires me.

This is who I am.

Love, Solaris


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© 2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated; color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. This article was originally published at

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.