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I woke up one morning with this message spoken to my heart: All is Well. Be Well.

This is a message of Trust and Faith.

Often, one or both of these has been broken inside of us. Especially in childhood, maybe through our lifetimes.

Trust or faith can be particularly challenging to restore, within. We either redeem our trust, or we resurrect our faith.

At first it appears that the factors for all of this is outside of ourselves, until we get to a core truth and an answer:

The ability to heal is within.

The ability to know is within.

The ability to act is within.

The ability to love again, is within.

Dark to Light: A Movement Within

Ultimately, the movement of dark to light comes from within.

Does that sound funny to you? When there is so much darkness swirling about in the world?

There is only so much one simple human being can do through action about what is outside themselves.

And there is so much one simple human being can do.

For some this motivation comes from intuition; from inspiration. From some this spark to act comes from an inner drive that cannot be explained.

For some it’s a knowing of what to do.

I’d sum all these up as saying they represent the human being accessing and relying on inner guidance, straight from your own personal connection with the Divine, that tells us uniquely and individually, what to put the focus on.

Shifting Dark to Light Begins Within

Looking at the darkness within, at the hurt we don’t want to face, at that which scares us personally; this is where the juice is, this is where we have the opportunity to change the world by changing our own selves, by becoming our best version of what we hope to see in the world, of what we believe is possible to be.

When we shift the darkness within from dark to light, we clear our energy field, our thoughts and emotions, and we enable a closer connection with the highest Light we have access to as a human being; God’s pure unconditional love for us through our connection with our own Soul.

All is Well: Every Moment Reflects Divine Perfection in Human Form

And yet, in every moment we are perfect.

We are the perfect version of a child of the Creator, keeping it real on planet Earth.

Some days that doesn’t look too pretty. It doesn’t mean that it isn’t perfect. The tiniest spark of faith, trust, hope or love gets us through. That’s the divine perfection within reassuring us, reaffirming us.

Some days that may mean keeping my head down, keeping going. Just. One. Step.

And some days, we have access to the most amazing feelings, the most incredible experiences. These are the days when even the most simple gaze at unexpected beauty opens the heart and allows the love inside to flow.

All is Well. Be Well.

It is a message that describes an inner knowing. A settled, inner sense of calm. It is a starting point. It is the true state of our lives and of the world when trust and faith in God is restored within the essence of our being.

When we observe the human activity of our lives and of all that is going on around us, questions arise and we wonder…. how…. why. What does it all mean?

The lack of meaning, or the scariness of what the inner workings might reveal; the ways we might be hurt again, can keep us from pursuing the answers any farther.

In the midst of everything, can you still feel that place of security and loving nature within your heart?

It’s okay if you don’t feel it; you can reconnect and your heart will open when you ask for reconnection from  God, Jesus, Mary the Divine Mother or whichever spiritual being with whom you feel most comfortable.

This inner point of sustenance is always there, because it is imbued with Divine love for us. If you can feel this, if you can imagine this might be possible for you, if you long for Love and have a vision of a peaceful world, know this:

All is Well.  Be Well.

Once connected with the reality that you are loved unconditionally by a Divine force greater than you can ever know, once you open to the possibility that this might be possible, we begin to understand the worth of our precious lives as human being.

You are here in God’s form.

You are the temple of your Soul.

The spirit of God lives within you.

You are not your own.

Darkness shift to Light when we accept this is possible, even more so as we bring this acceptance into our daily thoughts, words, feelings and actions.

As access to this knowing flows through you, the darkness cannot stand and flows out.

This phrase is a key to centering for me, to centering and being within the heart… our hearts where our Soul connection is alive in every moment.

From this, all else flows.

Love, Solaris


Notes: About the Photo of Today’s Sun:

This sun photograph was taken midday pacific time at Mt. Shasta in California in the United States on July 4, 2015.

The photo was taken during a G1 (Kp5) geomagnetic storm.

An M class solar flare occured about 40 hours (a day and a half) prior to this photo being taken.

I love the “galactic blue” color around the sun in this image. 💙

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© 2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated; color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. First published July 17, 2015. Updated October 5, 2019. This article was originally published at

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.