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About the Blog and the Energies, May 30 2018

By May 30, 2018June 19th, 2018About the Blog, Solaris Essay

Dear Friends,

This is my first post this week. My attention was focused on energy work from the end of last week through the weekend.

What I noticed was the dark forces making notable approaches where specific actions were required. The situations ranged from requiring firm boundary setting, to benefiting from the active application of unconditional love, to pouring in voluminous quantities of light with assistance from Archangel Michael, Gaia, and our Sun.

Souls chose new pathways, old rifts were healed, human beings claimed their personal sovereignty, darkness was given a ‘times up’ and removed from the planet, and unyielding darkness was turned to dust.

I have noticed a few trends recently.

Being called to stay true to essence, however one interprets that: A key trend has been that visible players have stepped forward who were trusted before, with a slight variation off their usual message. The opportunity here has been to see and acknowledge the essence of who they are or have been to us personally, or to call them out and condemn them based on one incident or ‘transgression’.

There seems to be a ‘testing’ going on here, and I find it is spiritual and personal. Very notable and obvious changes in patterns cause us to notice, check in how we feel, and make choices – affirming choices or new choices, it matters not as the process is individual.

Themes that have come up are: Giving the benefit of the doubt, sticking with someone/something for the long term, choosing where one’s individual sovereignty lays relative to an outside person or phenomenon, cutting bait, staying one’s course and righting one’s course after making an apparent mistake, failures or mistakes leading to extraordinary truth telling beyond expectation, failures or mistakes leading to a step up in one’s life that celebrates the true essence of the person, cause or phenomenon.

The Sagittarius Full Moon: I awoke this morning after the full moon and the key energy I noticed was calm. Not calm in the outside external world of media, or course, but calm in the natural system. No solar flares after some recent activity, no geomagnetic storms, and all aspects of the Schumann Resonance quite calm and uneventful. It was almost like a gift of respite, and of stillness, to us from the natural world.

A Sense of Getting Oriented, Within: And this corresponds with what I have felt, within. What I have felt on a personal level, for the week coming in to the full moon, is Quiet.  I don’t feel like talking, and I don’t feel like discussing or engaging. I haven’t been writing and I completed a video that was too long and I felt I didn’t get my point across as I wanted. So that’s going to need a second take after pausing, refocusing, and getting some clarity.

What I do feel is that I am getting clearer inside, and I don’t know if I can put words around how I’m feeling. A little bit, it is like resting and gathering power. But it has more to do with focus, and where I plan to put my intention and the focus of my energies moving forward. Some big decisions and big moves are coming. Of this I am certain.

Whether they look big from the outside is of no concern. This is about building, and about having an inner well that draws from and is connected with the perfect frequency for creation that which I Am; for pursuing my inner mission. And there are no words that I can put around that.

Clear Skies – Higher Frequencies: I realize that storms are brewing or are at full force in many parts of the country. What I have noticed here in Northern California is clear skies. No chemtrails, no whited out skies. Just pure blue and clear. The air feels fresh, too. With storms going strong in the east and a volcano going strong in Hawaii to the west, we are in the unusual position of a clear weather respite.

The biggest thing I notice here the last 2-3 days is the complete lack of chemtrailing. Since the spring solstice here, this has actually gone on for days or weeks at a time. What seems to bring the chemtrails back is drops in frequency for the community.  We had no chemtrails for days and days and days awhile back and a completely unusual local shooting happened; helicopters overhead, schools in lockdown. That night – chemtrails. Next day – chemtrails.

My conclusion: paying attention to my inner attitude and my inner state of being matters.  One by one, we build the frequency of the community.

Sunshine Happens: The sun today was amazing. The rays were strong and the wind picked up. I caught another sun flash on camera, and I just knew from the signs that it was a good possibility that was happening today. If you are in a place or location where you cannot see the sunshine, I hope today’s photograph will help brighten your day too.

Love, Solaris

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© 2018 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated:  color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented.

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.