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Why Has This Cloud Not Moved?

By October 3, 2018August 27th, 2019Sky Phenomena, Solaris Galactic, Solaris Guest, UFO

I was cruising Facebook a little while ago and came across a photograph of a beautiful saucer shaped cloud.

It was stunning and I had a clear intuitive hit on it as soon as I saw it.

Combined with that was the title over the image: “Why has this cloud not moved in three days”.

Yes, it was a photograph by James Gilliland of Read about his organization here.  You can also view the original Facebook post here. This photograph is posted at Solaris Modalis with gracious permission.

The energy of this cloud resonated with me so clearly, and so did his humorous question.

That’s because I have had similar interesting questions over the years, as I track the clouds and formations moving up above me.

I have seen many interesting clouds that have raised questions in me such as:

  • Why is that cloud the exact same shape I’ve seen before?
  • Why is one cloud sitting still when the rest are moving?
  • Why do a couple of clouds sit in the same position in the sky all day, while clouds float by, and then the sky clears except for them?
  • Why does one or two clouds move into the wind, rather than with the wind?

In my view, these are all evidence of galactic energies, and a higher frequency, higher dimensional presence in our skies. In my heart, I often feel that they are amused by my amusement, that they are joyful in my joy at seeing them.

Want Proof of UFOs? Check Out ECETI

I saw James Gilliland speak at Contact in the Desert this summer, and received a healing from him when he did a group healing for everyone in the audience.

Having only been to two UFO conferences, I can only say this: Every one is debating and wanting proof of an extraterrestrial presence. And this is a man who has dozens and dozens of confirmed sitings over his ranch, by noted visitors and every day people.

I have talked with several people who have visited his ranch and who had fascinating experiences viewing UFOs there. To me, this kind of disclosure changes lives. Up close and personal human experience. There’s nothing like it in this world.

I often will do lighting edits to photographs of sky phenomena to ‘pop’ certain features of them. This doesn’t change the objects in the photos, but effects our ability to see what is there, and to reveal what may be hidden.

I was so excited to see what would be revealed if I made lighting adjustments to this photograph, and I think you may enjoy the results, also. The saucer shape became very emphasized, with the ‘ship’ glowing and appearing to have levels.

A very exciting and beautiful phenomenon and presence.

Photograph of saucer cloud by James Gilliland of Used with gracious permission. 

Love, Solaris

Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article.  Original publish date October 3, 2018. This article was originally published at

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.