Finding Inspiration Looking at the Evening Sky
This evening I thought
I thought I would go down
down to the beach
and look at the sky.
I stood at the edge of the water
I stood at the beginning of the ocean
I stood at the great wondrous expanse
and set my heart upon the water.
As if I could be
as if I could lie with my love
across the entire surface
of the water before my eyes.
My love is that big.
The love of the water matches me.
My love is that strong.
I looked to the sky.
I prayed for an answer.
I asked for assistance,
from my Soul, from my Higher Self
that was complete, 100%, aligned.
A flash to my left
moved towards me.
Help arrived
from the skies.
My love flowed forth on the ocean
I let my angels of the skies help me
Working diligently
to repair my energy.
A big team
came forward
for little ole’
I shifted my attention
to the clouds from the water.
To the great expanse of sky,
to the patterns and ripples of cloud bank.
The geometric patterns,
the empty rectangle
the fleeting triangles
the open sky.
The changing colors
at the evening sunset
shapes moving
across the sky.
I looked up from the edge of the water
I looked up from the beginning of the ocean
in awe at the great wondrous expanse above me
I set my heart upon the sky.
As if I could be
as if I could rise with my love
across the entire expanse
of the open sky before my eyes.
My love is that big.
The love of the sky matches me.
My love is that strong.
He and I.
I breathed in and outward,
I looked out and inward,
I saw the repairs within me
I saw the deconstruction and the healing.
Little ole’ I,
working with the heart of Gaia,
she loves me that much,
she loves her humanity.
The sky’s colors brightened
as if behind the cloud puffs shown
a greater light just beyond my perception
just beyond my reality.
Galactic blues,
neon orange.
The perfectly symmetrical
outlined pattern.
As if it is the flat bottom of a ship above me,
and to it’s right another with
the windows of consciousness pointed towards me,
a playful rush of breeze races towards me across the water.
I feel at home here, in the heart of me,
I want to be, right where I am.
Love, Solaris
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Love, Solaris
© 2019 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated: color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. This article was originally published at