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Starseed Journey: Why I’m Doing This

By November 17, 2018June 5th, 2019Human Energy Field, Solaris Essay, Starseed Journey

It’s About Passion and Purpose

Connecting with the stars and with my past lifetimes among the stars was always a way for me to find hope, and explore cutting edge experiences and theories.

The situation for humanity on Earth appears deeply tenuous. We all know that. But when you do the research, really do the research, mentally, it can be hard to see what our answers could be.

After doing the research, I concluded that humanity, based on the trends in sperm counts alone, had two generations of productivity left. I mean, of being able to birth the next generations.

That is, unless a miracle occurred to assist humanity in changing things.

I came to believe that miracles and divine intervention is exactly what is needed.

But I believe in the kind of divine intervention that my grandfather believed in, that is, the ‘God helps those that help themselves’ kind of thinking, and ‘charity begins at home’ kind of acting…

…the kind that empowers self-responsibility.

Taking Personal Responsibility

For a long time, I pursued a career that was simply fun and challenging. I wasn’t benefitting other human beings. I focused in on benefiting me.

However I was an excellent researcher. And because life transpired to present me with the time to start researching, well, anything I chose to focus on, I began learning more deeply about the financial systems. I was shocked by what I found about what was behind it all.

One thing led to another and I went down rabbit hole after rabbit hole. I came to one conclusion: Everything seemed to be trying to kill humanity, and somehow we kept loving and we kept hope alive.

My conclusion was simple: The whole situation was created to cause us to turn to God for solutions, and for miraculous healing.

It just so happened that I had been dreaming of and thinking about the uses of personal energy for a lifetime, and as I focused on developing my personal relationship with the Divine, at the same time I began to receive information about patterns and images, all about aspects of energy.

I met inventors and operators of unusual energy machines, also. And I saw how the patterns represented energy flows, and how their devices were using these energies to promote healing… or to do damage… to human beings.

And things came full circle. My childhood passions of energy devices and machines were appearing before me, in the present day, on Earth, alive and working on this planet.

Most of those using the devices were not aware of exactly how they worked, but I could see it and assess these machines properly.

This is the key thread through my work in the UFO area that fascinates me: The creation and application of highly advanced physics and scientific theories, that explain the workings of energy.

The key that I learned throughout this process was the following: These devices which actually provide miracles in healing work best in co-creation with our inner divinity.

Our inner divinity also protects us from their misuse when that comes up too, as I have seen repeatedly.

The miracles are based in a scientific understanding of the universe that we just haven’t quite opened up to, yet.

As I was thinking through these quantum theories, I could imagine these in the clouds I was seeing. I found that clouds would move and shift into patterns that represented my thinking. It is like the sky was a canvas both reflecting my thinking, and teaching me.

A higher dimensional operation was at play, catching my attention, giving me new purpose, teaching me and bringing me love and joy in the doing.

I shifted from purely analytical research based solely on factual evidence to a heart centered, divinely inspired approach combining the spiritual and a quantum understanding. I like to call this galactic science because I feel it is a physics that is understood and practiced elsewhere in the galaxy.

Even in my career of doing highly detailed analytics, watching out for the lies was critical. When I began doing the research about how life is in our society, I quickly came to the conclusion that a purely mental approach wouldn’t change things.

The mind is an excellent vehicle and we can find relaxation and solace in knowing that all of our facts, all of our ducks, are in a row. Yet sending my sight down the path of mental solutions, projecting into the future, I could see that mental solutions couldn’t solve our problems quick enough or with enough tenacity to take hold and spread at the rate of speed change is needed on our planet and among our people.

Truly, only God can do this if we allow it. The inspiration of the Divine within results in unexpected discovery after discovery. We don’t do this by following a savior. We do it by taking personal responsibility.

This is why I am doing this. It’s what is in my heart and it’s deeply part of my purpose. This field of study allows us to think outside the box of what might be possible, of what we could be doing.

I’m not interested in leaving Earth, in going to Mars (God no), or the moon or anywhere else, even. I’m interested in how these advanced technologies can further each one of us, individually, and I’m interested in enhancing inner connectivity – not with artificial intelligence and entities, no.

I’m interested in sharing and teaching about that inner connection with our own Divinity, with other humans on this planet, because this is what has held the answers for me.

UFOs and the starseed experience are important to me, because they are a vehicle by which I can vividly express my Soul’s passion and journey.

Love, Solaris


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Love, Solaris

© 2018 Solaris Modalis. All Rights Reserved.  Permission is given to share this article on other blogs and websites as long as the text is posted in its entirety without alteration and with the accompanying photos, and with the author’s credit, copyright and live website links included in the article. All photographs and videos created by Solaris Modalis are not retouched or manipulated:  color edits to images are specifically indicated if presented. This article was originally published at .

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Solaris Modalis photographs the skies and watches the happenings there. From the changes in the sun, to communing with lightships, these are her passions. Her memories of a galactic life among the stars informs her work. Solaris shares her love of life and her wisdom, inspired by artistic photographs. After years of chasing people down to show them what was in her camera, she started this blog.